Little known fact - The Spanish Flu didn't originate in Spain


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
Trump isn't aware of this of course - He's ignorant, doesn't read, and doesn't even have a rudimentary knowledge of US history.

So racists buttholes should be careful calling COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu or Kung Flu.

In fact, many historians and pandemic experts believe that the Spanish Flu started in *drumroll* KANSAS :)

While it’s unlikely that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918. Researchers have also conducted extensive studies on the remains of victims of the pandemic, but they have yet to discover why the strain that ravaged the world in 1918 was so lethal.​

Trump isn't aware of this of course - He's ignorant, doesn't read, and doesn't even have a rudimentary knowledge of US history.

So racists buttholes should be careful calling COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu or Kung Flu.

In fact, many historians and pandemic experts believe that the Spanish Flu started in *drumroll* KANSAS :)

While it’s unlikely that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918. Researchers have also conducted extensive studies on the remains of victims of the pandemic, but they have yet to discover why the strain that ravaged the world in 1918 was so lethal.​

Thought this info was kind of disseminated here already but yes absolutely. It was called "Spanish" because Spain was the affected country NOT lying about its numbers.

Here, our sterling gubmint kept people in the dark, not only didn't bother to broadcast the information, but didn't bother to lock anything down (except where some locals did), and even created its own Ministry of Information to lie about it and censor the news exactly so it wouldn't be known about. Seems a running pandemic is bad for the business of war. President Wilson even contracted it himself (though survived) and the White House lied about that too.

Interestingly when Rump visited the CDC he expressed amazement that "people die from the flu" professing to never have known that. Even though his own grandfather, while walking with Rump's future father Fred, collapsed and died from that so-called "Spanish" flu in 1918 at the ripe old age of 49.
Trump isn't aware of this of course - He's ignorant, doesn't read, and doesn't even have a rudimentary knowledge of US history.

So racists buttholes should be careful calling COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu or Kung Flu.

In fact, many historians and pandemic experts believe that the Spanish Flu started in *drumroll* KANSAS :)

While it’s unlikely that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918. Researchers have also conducted extensive studies on the remains of victims of the pandemic, but they have yet to discover why the strain that ravaged the world in 1918 was so lethal.​

Thought this info was kind of disseminated here already but yes absolutely. It was called "Spanish" because Spain was the affected country NOT lying about its numbers.

Here, our sterling gubmint kept people in the dark, not only didn't bother to broadcast the information, but didn't bother to lock anything down (except where some locals did), and even created its own Ministry of Information to lie about it and censor the news exactly so it wouldn't be known about. Seems a running pandemic is bad for the business of war. President Wilson even contracted it himself (though survived) and the White House lied about that too.

Interestingly when Rump visited the CDC he expressed amazement that "people die from the flu" professing to never have known that. Even though his own grandfather, while walking with Rump's future father Fred, collapsed and died from that so-called "Spanish" flu in 1918 at the ripe old age of 49.

Interesting stuff - So Baghdad Don has taken a page out of the Wilson playbook with Disinformation and attacks on the media? Nice! :rolleyes:

It didn't start at Ft. Riley, Kansas, however, it actually started in tiny Lancaster county, Kansas, and some of the males from this part of Kansas were drafted and went to Ft. Riley for training, and within months there were around 500 cases of this flu. Researchers believe that the strain jumped from swine to humans in this remote and rural part of Kansas.
Trump isn't aware of this of course - He's ignorant, doesn't read, and doesn't even have a rudimentary knowledge of US history.

So racists buttholes should be careful calling COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu or Kung Flu.

In fact, many historians and pandemic experts believe that the Spanish Flu started in *drumroll* KANSAS :)

While it’s unlikely that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918. Researchers have also conducted extensive studies on the remains of victims of the pandemic, but they have yet to discover why the strain that ravaged the world in 1918 was so lethal.​

Thought this info was kind of disseminated here already but yes absolutely. It was called "Spanish" because Spain was the affected country NOT lying about its numbers.

Here, our sterling gubmint kept people in the dark, not only didn't bother to broadcast the information, but didn't bother to lock anything down (except where some locals did), and even created its own Ministry of Information to lie about it and censor the news exactly so it wouldn't be known about. Seems a running pandemic is bad for the business of war. President Wilson even contracted it himself (though survived) and the White House lied about that too.

Interestingly when Rump visited the CDC he expressed amazement that "people die from the flu" professing to never have known that. Even though his own grandfather, while walking with Rump's future father Fred, collapsed and died from that so-called "Spanish" flu in 1918 at the ripe old age of 49.
Since Spain was a "neutral" country, the Spanish press reported on the virus while other countries, like England, put the kabash on anyone writing about it. That is the reason for it being called the Spanish flu. Fucking wars.
Trump isn't aware of this of course - He's ignorant, doesn't read, and doesn't even have a rudimentary knowledge of US history.

So racists buttholes should be careful calling COVID-19 the Wuhan Flu or Kung Flu.

In fact, many historians and pandemic experts believe that the Spanish Flu started in *drumroll* KANSAS :)

While it’s unlikely that the “Spanish Flu” originated in Spain, scientists are still unsure of its source. France, China and Britain have all been suggested as the potential birthplace of the virus, as has the United States, where the first known case was reported at a military base in Kansas on March 11, 1918. Researchers have also conducted extensive studies on the remains of victims of the pandemic, but they have yet to discover why the strain that ravaged the world in 1918 was so lethal.​

your TDS has expanded to useless nonsense I see,,,
its OK they are working on a cure,,,its called the 2020 election,,,
It didn't start at Ft. Riley, Kansas, however, it actually started in tiny Lancaster county, Kansas, and some of the males from this part of Kansas were drafted and went to Ft. Riley for training, and within months there were around 500 cases of this flu. Researchers believe that the strain jumped from swine to humans in this remote and rural part of Kansas.
And the soldier who is believed to have transferred it was a cook.

"When the Spanish flu first appeared in early March 1918, it had all the hallmarks of a seasonal flu, albeit a highly contagious and virulent strain. One of the first registered cases was Albert Gitchell, a U.S. Army cook at Camp Funston in Kansas, who was hospitalized with a 104-degree fever. The virus spread quickly through the Army installation, home to 54,000 troops. By the end of the month, 1,100 troops had been hospitalized and 38 had died after developing pneumonia."

It didn't start at Ft. Riley, Kansas, however, it actually started in tiny Lancaster county, Kansas, and some of the males from this part of Kansas were drafted and went to Ft. Riley for training, and within months there were around 500 cases of this flu. Researchers believe that the strain jumped from swine to humans in this remote and rural part of Kansas.

Thanks Danny - is a pretty solid site, but your version sounds entirely plausible.
BTW - I had to enlarge your avatar to read it - NICE! :)


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