Linkin Park


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
So am I the only Linkin Park fan around? I bought their latest album, Meteora, a couple of weeks ago, and it has been in heavy rotation in my car's CD player.
I really like "Faint," though it's a pretty short song. I also like tracks 4 and 5 (can't remember what they are called). It's some excellent hard music, though I wish he would talk about something besides how he's about to break or going to snap or something.
I like them too, they have a great sound.

Haven't bought their CD's yet, only what I was able to get from Kaz.... Umm.... off the radio. :D
Hey, if we stop downloading from K@z@@ and M0rph3US, then the terrorists will have won!

Seriously, though, it took the radio play of two of the songs, plus listening to Launchcast to hear two or three more of the songs on the LP to actually go out and buy it. Even then, I found it at a local Wal-mart type store, NOT a music store like Wherehouse or Sam Goody.
I actually haven't even thought about them in awhile. I guess I'll have to search for some of the new songs and check them out. Thanks for the reminder!
Guess I will have to do the same!

BTW Jeff, that's a very interesting Avatar! hahahah! I don't know which one is scarier! :p
Believe it or not..I really dig them! Dont any albums yet..but they will definatley be purchased soon..that is if I cant d/l them off the net.
Hate to always be the outsider here, but i don't really care for them. I'm pretty much not into that whole rap-metal thing, anyway, so it's nothing against them personally. Most of my friends are into that sort of music, and they all love em. Also, from a guitarist's standpoint, I find that a lot of their choruses tend to use the same chord progressions. That's not really a reason I don't like them, I mean the Ramones only used like 3 chords on their first CD and I love it. Basically, it just sort of irks me is all. They're too predictable, I guess. Same thing with Creed, I can tell you exactly how their next single will sound without ever hearing it.

But, hey, to each his own, I'm sure you probably don't like the Moldy Peaches or the Flaming Lips like I do.
Originally posted by Dan
But, hey, to each his own, I'm sure you probably don't like the Moldy Peaches or the Flaming Lips like I do.

I like them! I usually start out with the Flaming Lips and as the night goes on I'll move onto Sex on the Beach.

Never cared for Moldy Peaches, I usually slipped them into Jackass's Bass Ale.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Never cared for Moldy Peaches, I usually slipped them into Jackass's Bass Ale.

I thought my Bass had a strange taste when I was with you!

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