Those hoping for a Bush victory might want to start promoting Badnarik to their antiwar freinds that are planning on voting Kerry. Taking away votes from Kerry helps Bush get elected.
travisAlbuquerque, NM - It's hard to pin John Kerry down. He might add troops. Or he might bring troops out. Or maybe he'd put together a bigger alliance to keep the troop level steady. John Kerry might do a lot of things about Iraq, but on Monday he made his one unequivocal statement on the issue: Had he been president, he'd have taken the US to war in Iraq too.
"When John Kerry takes a firm position, I'm willing to take him at his word," says Libertarian presidential candidate Michael Badnarik. "Such a rare occurrence commands that much respect.
"So here's another question for John Kerry," Badnarik continues. "Why should the majority of Americans who now believe that the war was a tragic mistake vote for him?"