Liberals, what has Trump lied about?

What you said:
Look show me something he talked about doing, but hasn't done anything on
Then I showed how Trump specifically promised to label China a currency manipulator in the first 100 days in office- and didn't do it.- I specifically showed you exactly what you asked for
Your response?
his term isn't over, but lets see how the trade negotiations turn out
ok, he didn't do it in his first 100 days

Obama never closed Gitmo

he's done a ton of things I wanted and will do many more.
The problem is you guy concentrate on a lot of stupid shit.
Yes the first 100 days went and no currency manipulation. Was it a lie? technically yes, but maybe he learned something about the situation he didn't know, or maybe he's using it as a stick in current trade negotiations.
but if you think I'm gonna say Fuck Trump because of this, considering the great shit he has done, you're crazy. What is your point with this?
Actually, you asked for what Trump didn’t do or didn’t try to do. Obama tried to close Gitmo.

As far as what Trump said he would do, but had neither done nor tried to do — is to release is tax returns. He lied when he said he would.

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
He tried to close Gitmo? So what happened, it's a military base, he can close it if he wants.

Obama said, “I think I would have closed Guantánamo on the first day.” But the politics had got tough, he said, and “the path of least resistance was just to leave it open.”

So he did it the easy way. Trump didn't agree to close Gitmo, which is good, but had he, he would have done it. He has balls.
If he had balls he’d build his wall.
He needs the funding....but he'll get it.....
From Mexico?
I think we need to get this more current.

How about we each share a Trump lie of the week? The volume of any extended period of time is just too vast- counting Trump's lies over a year is like trying to count raindrops in a rainstorm- but a week should be manageable shouldn't it?

Trump Wrong About Wisconsin Election Results -

Trump, July 5: But think of Wisconsin. Reagan had his big win. He won every state except one, the great state of Wisconsin. I won Wisconsin. First time — first time since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952.

Trump is forgetting that President Eisenhower won Wisconsin again in 1956, and that Richard Nixon was the winner there in 1960, 1968 and 1972. They were followed by Reagan, who won the state in 1980 and 1984

'forgetting' is a very polite term- since he made the same claim a week before

Trump, June 28: You know, I just realized the other day, they told me — when we won the state of Wisconsin, it hadn’t been won by a Republican since Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1952. Did you know that? And I won Wisconsin. And I like Wisconsin a lot, but we won Wisconsin. And Ronald Reagan — remember, Wisconsin was the state that Ronald Reagan did not win.
I guess the point of the thread is that in the eyes of the trump worshipers, it’s impossible for him to tell a lie because if he does….

He is either exaggerating or if the lie is about something he says will happen….it just hasn’t happened yet.
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