Liberals turn the Ivy League into a cesspool which rivals that of OWS


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
These once proud institutions that represented everything which was right about America now represent everything that is wrong with liberalism (erosion of morals, class, integrity, rights, and dignity).

Yale holds "Sex Workshop" on bestiality (yeah - lets promote and celebrate disgusting sex with filthy animals! I'm sure God will have no problem with such a gross, despicable act of decadence):

Ivy League Campus Reportedly Hosts Workshop Encouraging ?Compassion? & ?Understanding? for Bestiality, Incest | Video |

Cornell wrestler rapes woman as she sleeps:

Cornell wrestler charged with raping woman as she slept; her partner's photo helped ID him | Fox News
Though not Ivy League in this case, more glaring evidence of how liberals are contaminating "higher" education:

In the new redaction the requirements were linked to a programmatic commitment to the ideal of “diversity,” which was in turn given a prominent place in the college’s new statement, “A Liberal Education at Bowdoin College.” Diversity serves an interesting function in the search for an underlying principle to give “coherence” to both the requirements and cohesion to the larger curriculum. It gives a warrant for politicization

The Stunning 355-Page Mega Report That Reveals the Radical Curriculum at One American College (And How a Golf Game Gone Awry Led to It All) |
Though not Ivy League in this case, more glaring evidence of how liberals are contaminating "higher" education:

In the new redaction the requirements were linked to a programmatic commitment to the ideal of “diversity,” which was in turn given a prominent place in the college’s new statement, “A Liberal Education at Bowdoin College.” Diversity serves an interesting function in the search for an underlying principle to give “coherence” to both the requirements and cohesion to the larger curriculum. It gives a warrant for politicization

The Stunning 355-Page Mega Report That Reveals the Radical Curriculum at One American College (And How a Golf Game Gone Awry Led to It All) |

Three observations:

  • Why do liberals feel they must indoctrinate and suffocate students with their ideology? Could it be they realize it simply doesn't stand up under scrutiny, thus they feel the need to brainwash before an unbiased comparison can be made?

    [*]Why do they have to hide the agenda behind red-herrings like "diversity" to give them the (and I quote) "warrant" they want/need? Why can't liberals ever be honest about their agenda? Could it be because even they recognize how nefarious their intentions are?

    [*]Their admission of using "diversity" further goes to show that liberals are the party of racism (as evidenced by their entire history of hatred and intolerance). They do not look at minorities as "equals" - they look at them as inferior subjects to exploit. Get them hooked on government table scraps and declare that voting for the opposition will get those table scraps pulled.
Though not Ivy League in this case, more glaring evidence of how liberals are contaminating "higher" education:

In the new redaction the requirements were linked to a programmatic commitment to the ideal of “diversity,” which was in turn given a prominent place in the college’s new statement, “A Liberal Education at Bowdoin College.” Diversity serves an interesting function in the search for an underlying principle to give “coherence” to both the requirements and cohesion to the larger curriculum. It gives a warrant for politicization

The Stunning 355-Page Mega Report That Reveals the Radical Curriculum at One American College (And How a Golf Game Gone Awry Led to It All) |

Three observations:

  • Why do liberals feel they must indoctrinate and suffocate students with their ideology? Could it be they realize it simply doesn't stand up under scrutiny, thus they feel the need to brainwash before an unbiased comparison can be made?

    [*]Why do they have to hide the agenda behind red-herrings like "diversity" to give them the (and I quote) "warrant" they want/need? Why can't liberals ever be honest about their agenda? Could it be because even they recognize how nefarious their intentions are?

    [*]Their admission of using "diversity" further goes to show that liberals are the party of racism (as evidenced by their entire history of hatred and intolerance). They do not look at minorities as "equals" - they look at them as inferior subjects to exploit. Get them hooked on government table scraps and declare that voting for the opposition will get those table scraps pulled.

Don't worry. Republicans are fighting back.

The Terrifying Texas GOP Platform - Forbes

About the Party :: TexasGOP - Republican Party of Texas

Let there be no mistake about it: the Texas Republican Party Platform is terrifying. Were its recommendations implemented, the US would resemble a third-world country with a cheap, uneducated workforce and a massive gap between rich and poor. Unemployment would be rampant, growth stagnant, and answers few and far between thanks to the systematic repression of higher order and critical thinking. I don’t know what happened to the Republicans of fifty years ago, who were willing to discuss, reason, and compromise and who respected logic and reason, but they are sorely missed.

By the way, don’t take my word for what the Texas Republican Party Platform says, read it for yourself:

Republicans are determined to keep their kids as stupid as possible. Seems to be working.

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