Liberal cities/states crumbling; who are libs to comment on economic ANYTHING???

How about you list some conservative cities for us to compare ? You won't .

It's the typical move. But let's face it , red states are the shitholes in this country . They have more gun crime , less wealth , less education , less of anything good .

no cities are run by conservatives your compete moron. thus i cant be dishonest here. blue states are crumbling and red states are rising

it's a fact and you're too much of a pussy to handle it

the biggest shitholes in red states too however, are the bluest parts

ur a clown

go cry
jobs, people and wealth are leaving Blue states and heading to Red states

libs are losers who lie TO THEMSELVES

Because it's a lot cheaper living in loser red states .

good one idiot. people move to "shitholes" to save a few bucks?

why dont you give up now idiot????

Here's an economic lesson for you:

The reason why living in East Bumblefuck, Wherever is cheap is because no one wants to live there. The reason why living in New York is expensive is because everyone wants to live there.

It's simple supply and demand.
How about you list some conservative cities for us to compare ? You won't .

It's the typical move. But let's face it , red states are the shitholes in this country . They have more gun crime , less wealth , less education , less of anything good .

no cities are run by conservatives your compete moron. thus i cant be dishonest here. blue states are crumbling and red states are rising

it's a fact and you're too much of a pussy to handle it

the biggest shitholes in red states too however, are the bluest parts

ur a clown

go cry

Oh so low there are no conservative run cities ? Then why claim libs ruined city X?? You imply conservatives do a better job .

How convienent to your bogus argument
Democrats Run America's Ten Poorest Cities - Eagle Rising
Sep 25, 2013 - What do the ten poorest cities in America all have in common? They are all ... That is what democrats and liberals do; spread the poverty. Reply.

Almost ALL cities are run by Democrats. Richest, poorest, nicest, shittiest, fattest, thinnest, etc. That's got zero to do with "liberal" or "conservative".

A few are run by Republicans. One of those is Ferguson.

Try to put some what is called "thought" into it next time you want Thread Attention.
Especially if you're leaning on Dimbart.

How about you list some conservative cities for us to compare ? You won't .

It's the typical move. But let's face it , red states are the shitholes in this country . They have more gun crime , less wealth , less education , less of anything good .

no cities are run by conservatives your compete moron. thus i cant be dishonest here. blue states are crumbling and red states are rising

it's a fact and you're too much of a pussy to handle it

the biggest shitholes in red states too however, are the bluest parts

ur a clown

go cry

Give us an example of a red state that's "rising".
SERIOUSLY isnt it hilarious watchin left-wingnuts suddenly pretending to care bout debt, deficits and budgets??? or SPENDING???

ONE liberal CITY alone, obama's homebase of Chicago, has a MASSIVE $19.5 BILLION PENSION FUND SHORTAGE DISASTER going on. Compare that to the $300 MILLION budget shortfall for the WHOLE STATE OF KANSAS that left-wing nutjobs regurgitating talking points on these boards try to get mileage out of.

libs are losers who lie to themsleves

Minnesota is kicking ass and so are the twin cities, with thriving economies. Compare Minny to our neighbor, Scott Walker's Wisconsin. Then ask yourself, why are so many Wisconsinites moving to Minnesota? Answer: in Ninny, it has one of the best economies in the country, Wisconsin? Mediocre at best.
Another dumb ass thread by Bedowin, no surprise there.
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Hanson: Can California be saved?
Posted: Monday, October 26, 2015 10:30 pm
By Victor Davis Hanson


Good money in California along the affluent coast, for the most part, is not made the old-fashioned way — in mining, timber, ranching, farming and construction. Instead, California specializes in high-tech, social media, the Internet, government employment, academia, lawyering and acting.

Profits usually involve programming, investing, financing, hedging, talking, dealing, suing, instructing and regulating. The money is better, the physical work less grubby, and utopia seems attainable in a way impossible when growing lettuce, mining granite, drilling gas wells, producing two-by-fours, building dams or shipping steel.

Could California change?

Only when voters of all persuasions decide to return to the old give-and-take politics that keeps politicians honest.

Or when water taps in the suburbs go dry.

Or perhaps when the state’s growing poor populations connect their exorbitant gas, power and housing costs with an elite agenda of rich coastal liberals, who do not seem to care about the people working hard to glimpse what the elites take for granted.

Hanson: Can California be saved?

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