"Let freedom Read!" Banned Books Week (October 1st - 7th, 2023) Almost Over

Haha thank you for confirming you can’t find a single passage supporting your lie
Standing by to link you to the Bible and its repeated glorification of child rape, torture and murder.

Whenever you're ready to stop playing games - if you ever are.
Standing by to link you to the Bible and its repeated glorification of child rape, torture and murder.

Whenever you're ready to stop playing games - if you ever are.
Your white flag is noted
The Bible does not glorify such things. Perhaps you are thinking of the Quran.

found quote(s):

It's not the cruelty and violence per se that bothers me; it's the biblical god's role in the cruel and violent acts. The God of the Bible ordered Saul to kill "man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass" in 1 Samuel 15.2-3. And the Bible contains hundreds of other cruel acts of God, any one of which, if true, would be enough for me to reject the Bible and its vicious Go

So a list of books some people want banned that aren’t banned? Really?

I’m willing to bet 90 percent of the people that organized this week haven’t read 2 books on the list.
If people want a book banned, it's obvious the book has not been banned yet.

The organizers? Most likely read more of the books than you could name -- on your best day. They're librarians.

Does the MAGA Cult-of-Personality demand you throw the hate at Librarians now?

good gawd, you people are 'deplorable!'
More bullshit about books that are not banned. so you cry babies understand that it is you leftists banning actual books, like Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mocking Bird while you are going through old classics and editing them to remove things you don't like, like the works of Roald Dahl?

Meanwhile, your pathetic bitching about books that are not actually banned is being used by people trying to keep actual child porn, books showing minor children having sex with each other and adults, in public and school libraries? You are the useful idiots of actual sexual grooming of children...
please, try and be honest, even if you can't keep up.
1 Samuel 15:2-3 "This is what the Lord Almighty says: ‘I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys."
That's not glorifying anything of the sort. That's a NATION being given orders to punish another nation for the evil it inflicted. Tell us, was the US glorifying violence in WWII when it destroyed Germany and Japan?
If people want a book banned, it's obvious the book has not been banned yet.

The organizers? Most likely read more of the books than you could name -- on your best day. They're librarians.

Does the MAGA Cult-of-Personality demand you throw the hate at Librarians now?

good gawd, you people are 'deplorable!'
Can you make a plausible argument that parents not wanting their young children exposed to pron in schools is the same as adults literally making it impossible for other adults to read them?
Standing by to link you to the Bible and its repeated glorification of child rape, torture and murder.

Whenever you're ready to stop playing games - if you ever are.
Oh, please do link to where child rape, torture and murder are "glorified", as in something that every God follower needs to do because it pleases God. Please, please do link to where you think it says that. Then be ready to get an education in understanding basic English.
Can you make a plausible argument that parents not wanting their young children exposed to pron in schools is the same as adults literally making it impossible for other adults to read them?

Its about controlling people, just as the woman's choice issue is. No one is advocating porn in libraries or schools for children.

Of course parents should be concerned what children are exposed to, but the banning shit is about ideas. Uncomfortable ideas. and when these new generations of children become adults, there will be hell to pay when they get exposed to the world outside the rightwing bubbles.
Oh, please do link to where child rape, torture and murder are "glorified", as in something that every God follower needs to do because it pleases God. Please, please do link to where you think it says that. Then be ready to get an education in understanding basic English.
You mean a Limited Education, don't you? When all is said and done, the book bannings you people propose do not help educate people. They keep people in ignorance.
Its about controlling people, just as the woman's choice issue is. No one is advocating porn in libraries or schools for children.

Of course parents should be concerned what children are exposed to, but the banning shit is about ideas. Uncomfortable ideas. and when these new generations of children become adults, there will be hell to pay when they get exposed to the world outside the rightwing bubbles.

Wrong....leftists are putting child porn in public and school libraries and you are either ignorant about what is happening or lying.

We have addressed you idiots and shown these books and their kiddie porn everytime you idiots lie about it.
Its about controlling people, just as the woman's choice issue is. No one is advocating porn in libraries or schools for children.

Of course parents should be concerned what children are exposed to, but the banning shit is about ideas. Uncomfortable ideas. and when these new generations of children become adults, there will be hell to pay when they get exposed to the world outside the rightwing bubbles.
Apparently you are advocating it as you get angry at the thought it is not allowed to be shared with children in public schools. Trying to make it appear the mere restriction to children is equal to a ban is perverse.
Apparently you are advocating it as you get angry at the thought it is not allowed to be shared with children in public schools. Trying to make it appear the mere restriction to children is equal to a ban is perverse.

Enough with the wingnut fall back position: "accuse others of being as angry as we are"
You mean a Limited Education, don't you? When all is said and done, the book bannings you people propose do not help educate people. They keep people in ignorance.

The only ones actually banning books are the democrats and they a rewriting classic books and wditing out the things they dont like just ask Roald Dahl..

Conservatives are teying to get actual kiddie porn out of the libraries..

How about you wxplain to us why Gender Queer, Lawn Boy and All Boys Arent Blue should be in childrens libraries...

Dipshit....this isn't the first thread lying about book bans in order to defend kiddie porn in school libraries...you guys are committed to exposing children to this filth......and everytime you post about it, we show you the books...

You now defend that book being in our school libraries......you dope.
The only ones actually banning books are the democrats and they a rewriting classic books and wditing out the things they dont like just ask Roald Dahl..

Conservatives are teying to get actual kiddie porn out of the libraries..

How about you wxplain to us why Gender Queer, Lawn Boy and All Boys Arent Blue should be in childrens libraries...
Conspiracy Theory Alert!

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