Left-wing university starts segregated fitness classes

It will ALWAYS be 1850 in the DemoKKKrat party.

Current fitness classes are, of course, open to everyone, but the racists at this university felt the need to segregate classes and exclude white people.

Civil rights violations like this need to be treated in the harshest manner possible to deter the racists from continuing to spread hate.

The University of Minnesota diversity center hosted multiple “student of color” fitness classes intended for students who want to “take up space in places historically known to be predominantly white.”

The University of Minnesota’s Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence hosted two fitness classes for nonwhite students in conjunction with the Recreation and Wellness Center.

There is also an upcoming event called “BIPOC Community Climb Day.” The adjective “BIPOC” stands for “black, indigenous, people of color.”
The fucking moron leftards think they have a "right" to take up space. lol :p

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