leader of Bankster cartel FINALLY fined for global fraud

Dot Com

Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
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you people do realize that you were paying higher interest rates on everything from a car note to a mortgage due to this global fraud right?
you people do realize that you were paying higher interest rates on everything from a car note to a mortgage due to this global fraud right?
Hopefully, you did not expect much comment on this news, on this board. Many more neo-cons than anyone else here. And they do not want anyone to see this news.

Because, of course, they want to believe that deregulation of banks was and is a great plan. Because, well, they are dipshits.
you people do realize that you were paying higher interest rates on everything from a car note to a mortgage due to this global fraud right?
Hopefully, you did not expect much comment on this news, on this board. Many more neo-cons than anyone else here. And they do not want anyone to see this news.

Because, of course, they want to believe that deregulation of banks was and is a great plan. Because, well, they are dipshits.

good point. You might be thinking about Randians (like Ryan (R-WS) though. Laissez faire capitalism (legalized theft) is the foundation of their belief system.
you people do realize that you were paying higher interest rates on everything from a car note to a mortgage due to this global fraud right?
Hopefully, you did not expect much comment on this news, on this board. Many more neo-cons than anyone else here. And they do not want anyone to see this news.

Because, of course, they want to believe that deregulation of banks was and is a great plan. Because, well, they are dipshits.

good point. You might be thinking about Randians (like Ryan (R-WS) though. Laissez faire capitalism (legalized theft) is the foundation of their belief system.
He be one, But then, there are many. And many who are not politicians but simply cons who follow these politicians and spend their time believing what they most want to believe, which is coincidentally what is posted by the bat shit crazy con sites. Which, oddly enough aligns perfectly with what the rich contributors who finance the bat shit crazy con web sites, and rent the bat shit crazy con politicians.

Those who are nut case con web site devotees can be most easily identified by the nose ring that they wear, which allows them to be easily led. And, of course, by their posts on this board which are always free of impartial backing. But which do come from the far, far, far right sources of dogma. They are the sad people who think that they are part of the con army. The "fiscal conservatives" and the admitted Libertarians. Laissez faire capitalism or Libertarianism, both based on the same beliefs, both simply are names for economic systems that do not and never have existed. Which makes anyone believing in such economic systems either delusional, or more likely, puppets to the powers that want out current economic systems to be bent further in that direction because they benefit financially NOT from getting to the end goal, but from the trip in that direction.

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