Larry Correia on biden, Afghanistan, the vaccine nazis.....good read....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Larry Correia, best selling author, communicates the mood of normal people really well....

As our elected leaders continue to suck and fail, I expect to see a lot more civil disobedience happen. This isnā€™t a shocker. The left has already made it very clear that the rules donā€™t apply to them. The left burns, loots, murders, whatever. It all gets a pass. The right gets slightly uppity and itā€™s a world ending crisis that requires the full might of the federal government to come crashing down on their heads and 24/7 news coverage for months and special commissions and anybody who tangentially agrees with those uppity types needs to be driven from society for their extremist ways.
Progs like to blather on about the ā€œsocial contractā€ but thatā€™s a one-way street. We owe them everything. They donā€™t owe us shit.

A black republican gets called ā€œboyā€ and gets eggs thrown at him by a lady in an actual fucking gorilla mask and thereā€™s crickets while a black liberal sees a garage tie and thereā€™s an emergency FBI special investigation into the racist hatemongery of NASCAR.

Thereā€™s one right wing protest and itā€™s an insurrection that requires 35,000 troops and endless fucking pearl clutching freak outs, but a Bernie Bro shoots republican congressmen at a baseball game and itā€™s like it never happened.

A republican senator gets beaten and bones broken and the late-night hosts crack jokes about it.

Itā€™s why you canā€™t have a job and your kids suffer with miserable masks and all this abnormal anxiety causing bullshit that might emotionally scar them for life, but Barack Obama can have a birthday bash with 500 of his closest friends.

This lop-sided shit canā€™t last. The government doesnā€™t have a monopoly on force. Force got delegated to it by the people because the people trusted the government to use that force fairly. Thatā€™s the real ā€œsocial contractā€, and when it breaks bad things happen.

And for the fools cheering this madness on, we have this system for a reason. We have laws for a reason. We create laws the way we do for a reason. The founding fathers werenā€™t stupid. They were smarter than you idiots. Quit trying to gut or destroy every protection they put in place. That shit is there to protect you. But these stupid motherfuckers are not going to quit pushing until a critical mass of Americans just says fuck it and go full on Rwandan machete party.

Larry Correia, best selling author, communicates the mood of normal people really well....

As our elected leaders continue to suck and fail, I expect to see a lot more civil disobedience happen. This isnā€™t a shocker. The left has already made it very clear that the rules donā€™t apply to them. The left burns, loots, murders, whatever. It all gets a pass. The right gets slightly uppity and itā€™s a world ending crisis that requires the full might of the federal government to come crashing down on their heads and 24/7 news coverage for months and special commissions and anybody who tangentially agrees with those uppity types needs to be driven from society for their extremist ways.
Progs like to blather on about the ā€œsocial contractā€ but thatā€™s a one-way street. We owe them everything. They donā€™t owe us shit.

A black republican gets called ā€œboyā€ and gets eggs thrown at him by a lady in an actual fucking gorilla mask and thereā€™s crickets while a black liberal sees a garage tie and thereā€™s an emergency FBI special investigation into the racist hatemongery of NASCAR.

Thereā€™s one right wing protest and itā€™s an insurrection that requires 35,000 troops and endless fucking pearl clutching freak outs, but a Bernie Bro shoots republican congressmen at a baseball game and itā€™s like it never happened.

A republican senator gets beaten and bones broken and the late-night hosts crack jokes about it.

Itā€™s why you canā€™t have a job and your kids suffer with miserable masks and all this abnormal anxiety causing bullshit that might emotionally scar them for life, but Barack Obama can have a birthday bash with 500 of his closest friends.

This lop-sided shit canā€™t last. The government doesnā€™t have a monopoly on force. Force got delegated to it by the people because the people trusted the government to use that force fairly. Thatā€™s the real ā€œsocial contractā€, and when it breaks bad things happen.

And for the fools cheering this madness on, we have this system for a reason. We have laws for a reason. We create laws the way we do for a reason. The founding fathers werenā€™t stupid. They were smarter than you idiots. Quit trying to gut or destroy every protection they put in place. That shit is there to protect you. But these stupid motherfuckers are not going to quit pushing until a critical mass of Americans just says fuck it and go full on Rwandan machete party.

Larry correia writes crappy science fiction for people with a 10 year old mentality.

Why am I not surprised you're a fan?
The OP was just bad fiction, a butthurt beta writing for his whimpering eternal-victim audience.

And you liked it.

On your knees in the dark is no way for a human to live. Be like a liberal instead.
See comment #3

You doubling down on your lack of ability to address ANYTHING in the OP is a non-response.
You doubling down on your lack of ability to address ANYTHING in the OP is a non-response.
Says the guy who just parroted dumb propaganda and then went into weeping fits when it got laughed at.

If it's so brilliant, give us a summary in your own words. Or just keep crying.

I do see it ended with threat of mass murder. Was that what you found so wonderful about the piece? I bet it had you giggling.
Larry correia writes crappy science fiction for people with a 10 year old mentality.

Why am I not surprised you're a fan?
Heā€™s certainly right about one thing, laws are there to protect people like you, not people like me. I can defend myself quite well, Uncle Sam spent quite a lot of money teaching me how to kill people and break things.
Larry correia writes crappy science fiction for people with a 10 year old mentality.

Why am I not surprised you're a fan?

"Crappy," Science Fiction that has made him doofus. And if it was actually crappy, he wouldn't have the "rich," part to his bank account.

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