Khalil Pugh: Georgia teen who killed one, injured 3 others in Walmart car crash flashes middle finger at judge


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
Khalil Pugh: Georgia teen who killed one, injured 3 others in Walmart car crash flashes middle finger at judge

Khalil Pugh was seen holding up his middle fingers at a judge in the court after he was denied bail leaving the crowd in complete shock (WCTV video screengrab/Thomasville PD)

THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA: Khalil Pugh, 18, was involved in a car crash after he allegedly plowed his gray Toyota Camry through the parking lot of a Georgia Walmart and smashed it into the front doors on Wednesday, March 15. The fatal crash took the life of Florida veteran Kenneth Kennedy, 66, and injured at least three others. However, a clear count of the wounded victims is yet to be confirmed by officials.

Moreover, during a court hearing, the 18-year-old suspect allegedly flashed the judge two middle fingers after being denied bail for the callous crash as he was being carted out of court by bailiffs. Pugh's gesture sparked huge audible gasps from the appalled audiences, and one apparent family member even walked up to the suspect telling him to "get his act together," WCTV reported. "That's what you call having no remorse," an officer said after the outburst.
Khalil Pugh: Georgia teen who killed one, injured 3 others in Walmart car crash flashes middle finger at judge

Khalil Pugh was seen holding up his middle fingers at a judge in the court after he was denied bail leaving the crowd in complete shock (WCTV video screengrab/Thomasville PD)

THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA: Khalil Pugh, 18, was involved in a car crash after he allegedly plowed his gray Toyota Camry through the parking lot of a Georgia Walmart and smashed it into the front doors on Wednesday, March 15. The fatal crash took the life of Florida veteran Kenneth Kennedy, 66, and injured at least three others. However, a clear count of the wounded victims is yet to be confirmed by officials.

Moreover, during a court hearing, the 18-year-old suspect allegedly flashed the judge two middle fingers after being denied bail for the callous crash as he was being carted out of court by bailiffs. Pugh's gesture sparked huge audible gasps from the appalled audiences, and one apparent family member even walked up to the suspect telling him to "get his act together," WCTV reported. "That's what you call having no remorse," an officer said after the outburst.
Prison is no longer a deterrent. People who deliberately cause the deaths of others should be doused in gasoline and set on fire in public. Other violent crimes should have a lengthy hard labor prison sentence.
Mr. Pugh's alleged victim was a Honky, and this entire response by him doesn't indicate Love at all.

IMHO, he needs to be charged with a Hate Crime and expedited right to the electric chair.
I'm guessing he'll do some hard time.


FREE comfy cell.
FREE food.
FREE healthcare.
FREE clothes.
FREE internet.
FREE laptop.
FREE dental.

Of course he'd flip off the judge.........I would too!

Have you not realized yet.........the "system" in this country panders and cowers to the criminals by giving them exactly what they want........
Prison is no longer a deterrent. People who deliberately cause the deaths of others should be doused in gasoline and set on fire in public. Other violent crimes should have a lengthy hard labor prison sentence.

I've been preaching for decades, that the old Mideval ways of criminal punishment needs to be brought back.
Because it WORKS 99% of the time.

Chopping off body parts
Firing Squad

Keeps jails and prisons at low capacity.
Keeps local monies for local priorities instead of having to babysit criminals.
Helps law enforcement keep the peace.
I hope he dies a horrible death in prison

I'm surprised that none of our liberal friends are condemning Mr. Pugh's actions or suggesting that he be incarcerated in a unit with Gay Nazis like they were suggesting for Kyle Rittenhouse.

Mr. Pugh , of course, enjoys Black Privilege, so he is getting a pass.
Prison is no longer a deterrent. People who deliberately cause the deaths of others should be doused in gasoline and set on fire in public. Other violent crimes should have a lengthy hard labor prison sentence.
I agree, but only to a certain degree. I don't need to see someone being set on fire. Once the person is dead and the fire is put out, then I will turn around and take my hands away from my ears.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. If enough smoke accumulates from such an occurrence though, leaving may be the smart thing to do anyway because then the rest of us wouldn't have to worry about inhaling too much.
Khalil Pugh: Georgia teen who killed one, injured 3 others in Walmart car crash flashes middle finger at judge

Khalil Pugh was seen holding up his middle fingers at a judge in the court after he was denied bail leaving the crowd in complete shock (WCTV video screengrab/Thomasville PD)

THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA: Khalil Pugh, 18, was involved in a car crash after he allegedly plowed his gray Toyota Camry through the parking lot of a Georgia Walmart and smashed it into the front doors on Wednesday, March 15. The fatal crash took the life of Florida veteran Kenneth Kennedy, 66, and injured at least three others. However, a clear count of the wounded victims is yet to be confirmed by officials.

Moreover, during a court hearing, the 18-year-old suspect allegedly flashed the judge two middle fingers after being denied bail for the callous crash as he was being carted out of court by bailiffs. Pugh's gesture sparked huge audible gasps from the appalled audiences, and one apparent family member even walked up to the suspect telling him to "get his act together," WCTV reported. "That's what you call having no remorse," an officer said after the outburst.
No respect for the law. That's obviousl....Well, he'll find out.
I expect Kommie the Ho to raise bail and money for a defense. After all, he’s a victim of systemic racism, you know.
He was a school lunch recipient. If only the state removed him from his home. we need red flag laws to prevent irresponsible parents from creating these monsters

FREE comfy cell.
FREE food.
FREE healthcare.
FREE clothes.
FREE internet.
FREE laptop.
FREE dental.

Of course he'd flip off the judge.........I would too!

Have you not realized yet.........the "system" in this country panders and cowers to the criminals by giving them exactly what they want........
How much time have you spent in a State prison?
I expect Kommie the Ho to raise bail and money for a defense. After all, he’s a victim of systemic racism, you know.
Do you ever get tired of posting dumb shit, why in the hell would the VP raise bail for a murderer. See you don't remember dumb ass, Kamala was putting black men in prison not bailing them out.
It's amazing how you don't want to go to those extremes when the murderer is white.
Why can't you bring yourself to EVER condemn a murderer when he is black?

Nothing extreme in my comment you responded to

You are the reason there is no end to these crimes
I'm surprised that none of our liberal friends are condemning Mr. Pugh's actions or suggesting that he be incarcerated in a unit with Gay Nazis like they were suggesting for Kyle Rittenhouse.

Mr. Pugh , of course, enjoys Black Privilege, so he is getting a pass.
I don't see any praising or excusing him. I sure don't.

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