Kerry Problems Going Stronger, Again


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003


Meanwhile, ABC's The Note is looking to the future:

The new joke in Washington -- told by all gallows, quasi-panicked Democrats -- goes like this:

"John Kerry read in The Note that this was his race to lose, and he's giving it his best shot."

Someday, Karl Rove's precocious grandchildren will say to him, "Grandpapa, what's it like to run a presidential campaign against an opponent who has had his own background thoroughly researched well before the general election; who is broadly personable and possessed of great campaign skills; and who projects an image of constancy?"

To which Grandpapa Rove will reply, "I haven't the slightest idea."

(Via Power Line.) Somehow, though, "Grandpa Rove" makes me think of Grandpa Munster, but they're in different parties.
In theatrical circles, it's known as "flop sweat". The few remaining Democrats who have not succumbed completely to self-delusion are starting to smell it. When they hear the words "land" and "slide" in the same sentence, they instinctively duck for cover.
We have witnessed a summer of complete dementia from the likes of Richard Clarke, Michael Moore, Bill Clinton,, and every lame-ass has-been in music and the movies. For all that, John Kerry's showing in the wake of the Democrat convention was dismal. That's when the rumblings began.

Now that $250,000 worth of truth from the Swiftboat Vets has trumped George Soros" $50 million (I'll credit Merlin with that observation), the writing is on the wall. Only a disaster of epic proportions can save Kerry now - and you know the bastard is praying for it.

Keep one thing in mind, though, my friends. The access to unbiased information - unique in our lifetimes - which has been created by the internet, poses an intolerable dilemna for the liberal camp. Clearly, their ideology cannot withstand the light of day. Just as clearly, tyrants do not enjoy giving up their power. This leaves liberalism with two options:

1.) Grow out of liberalism (not likely).
2.) Abolish daylight.

Watch them closely in the next few years. While some of their tried-and-true weapons (money, their crumbling monopoly on the dissemination of information, their mindless lackeys in the artistic community) may have - for the moment - failed them, remember that they possess other formidable weapons as well.

I predict some kind of legal assault on the internet.
musicman said:
I predict some kind of legal assault on the internet.

Didn't that get shot down when the Supreme Court ruled that porn was free speech? Kinda set a precedent for future attempts. While I am not a proponent of porn, I do think the Net is the best thing that has happened to politics and spreading information.
Didn't that get shot down when the Supreme Court ruled that porn was free speech? Kinda set a precedent for future attempts. While I am not a proponent of porn, I do think the Net is the best thing that has happened to politics and spreading information.

I couldn't agree more. Also, I'd a hell of a lot rather that you were right and I was wrong, concerning the inviolability of the internet. But, I really don't trust the bastards. It's the agenda - right or wrong, by hook or by crook, screw the Constitution, and to hell with the will of the people. The continuing freedom of the exchange of ideas is the sound of liberalism passing into irrelevance, and the liberals aren't going to take that lying down. Nothing they try in the next few years will surprise me, and, the biggest hammer they've got is the courts.

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