Keep your heads.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
In America these are confusing times, and we need to remain calm. Reasonable people know that what we read and hear in the public forum cannot be trusted. The government itself is divided and is not functioning in the best interests of the people. While most realize that something sinister is going on, few know exactly what or who is behind it. Since the better part of the media is in the hip pocket of the government, little of what comes from it can be regarded as anything other than propaganda. One suspicious phenomenon can be seen in authority figures that appear and make conflicting statements. Trust no one and do not fall prey to emotions. We can get through this awful presidential administration if we just let it self-destruct.

Many of the weakest among us are going to die and that is sad but the rest of us cannot be tricked into the playing the game of those that want to take out democracy for the power of globalization.

In America these are confusing times, and we need to remain calm. Reasonable people know that what we read and hear in the public forum cannot be trusted. The government itself is divided and is not functioning in the best interests of the people. While most realize that something sinister is going on, few know exactly what or who is behind it. Since the better part of the media is in the hip pocket of the government, little of what comes from it can be regarded as anything other than propaganda. One suspicious phenomenon can be seen in authority figures that appear and make conflicting statements. Trust no one and do not fall prey to emotions. We can get through this awful presidential administration if we just let it self-destruct.

Many of the weakest among us are going to die and that is sad but the rest of us cannot be tricked into the playing the game of those that want to take out democracy for the power of globalization.

The fact that Fau Chi did a flip-flop on hcq attests to the contradictions, because the same parameters that applied to its efficacy has not changed in Homo sapiens. It took a fascist media, sabotage of clinical trials, etc. to accomplish adaptions to absurdities.
In America these are confusing times, and we need to remain calm. Reasonable people know that what we read and hear in the public forum cannot be trusted. The government itself is divided and is not functioning in the best interests of the people. While most realize that something sinister is going on, few know exactly what or who is behind it. Since the better part of the media is in the hip pocket of the government, little of what comes from it can be regarded as anything other than propaganda. One suspicious phenomenon can be seen in authority figures that appear and make conflicting statements. Trust no one and do not fall prey to emotions. We can get through this awful presidential administration if we just let it self-destruct.

Many of the weakest among us are going to die and that is sad but the rest of us cannot be tricked into the playing the game of those that want to take out democracy for the power of globalization.

I agree with your first sentence, these are confusing times but totally disagree with your statement that government is not functioning in the best interest of the people, at least no more so than in the past.

Recently a survey showed only 19% of Americans trust the government. Back in 1959, a similar survey showed 65% of Americans trusted the goverment. What has changed in government to cause this huge lost of faith?

The major changes have not been in government but in the media. News reporting and news analysis have merged in order to make "news" more entertaining; that is more profitable. Since our government has now become responsible for all national problems, social ills and personal failures it has become the target of the media. Everything government does is scrutinize to see if can be turned into a news story. Misquotes, lies, omission of facts are acceptable as long it produces a story that will fly. And when it flies, social media is there to echo it millions of times, twisting it and creating totally new stories filled with misinformation and lies. And as we all know, a lie that is repeated often enough will be believed.

Basically, what we have is 1st amendment rights on overdrive. At risk of being declared an enemy of the nation, I have to say there needs to be some effective controls. Our laws on slander and libel are worthless in dealing with problem. Government can not intercede without violating the Constitution. The Russians and Chinse are having a field day creating stories to weaken our government and destroy the democratic process.
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I agree with your first sentence, these are confusing times but totally disagree with your statement that government is not functioning in the best interest of the people, at least no more so than in the past.

Recently a survey showed only 19% of Americans trust the government. Back in 1959, a similar survey showed 65% of Americans trusted the goverment. What has changed in government to cause this huge lost of faith?

The major changes have not been in government but in the media. News reporting and news analysis have merged in order to make "news" more entertaining; that is more profitable. Since our government has now become responsible for all national problems, social ills and personal failures it has become the target of the media. Everything government does is scrutinize to see if can be turned into a news story. Misquotes, lies, omission of facts are acceptable as long it produces a story that will fly. And when it flies, social media is there to echo it millions of times, twisting it and creating totally new stories filled with misinformation and lies. And as we all know, a lie that is repeated often enough will be believed.

Basically, what we have is 1st amendment rights on overdrive. At risk of being declared an enemy of the nation, I have to say there needs to be some effective controls. Our laws on slander and libel are worthless in dealing with problem. Government can not intercede without violating the Constitution. The Russians and Chinse are having a field day creating stories to weaken our government and destroy the democratic process.

In one sense Ray 9 is describing Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Obama cabinet handlers. Their messages to the public are often confusing and the opposite of what is truly taking place.
Take for instance that since Joey Xi took the oath of Office Illegal alien entrance to America has exploded to crises proportions. Along with that has been the crisis of massive smuggling of Narcotics of every type but mainly Fentanyl that's a killer of American teenagers. Then there's the increase of Covid-19 in states that have had low incidence primarily because Joey Xi and Baghdad Bob Mayorkas have made it a prime order to distribute unvaccinated and Covid positive illegal aliens shipped to cities within Red States.
Yet, Ray9 is accusing the wrong group. He should be accusing the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party.
What I am telling people is not to play into the hands of others who are planning on you doing that. You saw what they did with the Capitol incident. An unarmed person was killed, yet the propaganda labeled it an attack. All this while violent attacks and destruction had been going on for a year called peaceful protests. The FBI had direct involvement in fomenting the capitol episode.

They are working to wreck society for some agenda that is above the pay grade of the average person. Do not make it easier for them by losing your cool. Let their own constituents take them down. Then when they try to declare Martial Law the entire country will be against them. Even the fooled that put them in office will eventually wake up.
What I am telling people is not to play into the hands of others who are planning on you doing that. You saw what they did with the Capitol incident. An unarmed person was killed, yet the propaganda labeled it an attack. All this while violent attacks and destruction had been going on for a year called peaceful protests. The FBI had direct involvement in fomenting the capitol episode.

They are working to wreck society for some agenda that is above the pay grade of the average person. Do not make it easier for them by losing your cool. Let their own constituents take them down. Then when they try to declare Martial Law the entire country will be against them. Even the fooled that put them in office will eventually wake up.

It is however the job of every American citizen to ensure our country is safe and secure. If that means defending our streets from gangs and terrorists that include the FBI so be it.
It is however the job of every American citizen to ensure our country is safe and secure. If that means defending our streets from gangs and terrorists that include the FBI so be it.
No need to intervene when the enemy is signing its own death warrant. The sinking economy will be our greatest ally. Universal Basic Income? Well, that has never worked anywhere. When the people cannot feed their children the minds and hearts will follow the stomach. It is as old as history itself.
It is however the job of every American citizen to ensure our country is safe and secure. If that means defending our streets from gangs and terrorists that include the FBI so be it.
What is your definition of safe and secure? From what I read from your posts, anybody who disagrees with your POV will never be safe and secure from the likes of you.
The advice during the previous administration was to get angry and throw the bum out. Today it seems that lefties who suffer from buyers remorse merely advise each other to do nothing and hope for the best. Note to lefties: Biden ain't likely to get any better.
In America these are confusing times, and we need to remain calm. Reasonable people know that what we read and hear in the public forum cannot be trusted. The government itself is divided and is not functioning in the best interests of the people. While most realize that something sinister is going on, few know exactly what or who is behind it. Since the better part of the media is in the hip pocket of the government, little of what comes from it can be regarded as anything other than propaganda. One suspicious phenomenon can be seen in authority figures that appear and make conflicting statements. Trust no one and do not fall prey to emotions. We can get through this awful presidential administration if we just let it self-destruct.

Many of the weakest among us are going to die and that is sad but the rest of us cannot be tricked into the playing the game of those that want to take out democracy for the power of globalization.

What a load of crap. You have just come out of four years with one of the worst leaders in human democratic history, and NOW you think things are getting 'sinister'.
And like globalisation is a bad thing. 500 years from now I'd be surprised if there are any countries. Or differing races for that matter...
What a load of crap. You have just come out of four years with one of the worst leaders in human democratic history, and NOW you think things are getting 'sinister'.
And like globalisation is a bad thing. 500 years from now I'd be surprised if there are any countries. Or differing races for that matter...

This monument was erected not to destroy humanity, but to survive after humanity destroys itself. If you cannot see what what is happening, that is on you.

My own interpretation of what is happening is that a world vaccine is being dispersed to sterilize humanity and get the population down to manageable levels. I could be wrong but it is the only thing that makes sense. You could be right about the five-hundred thing, but not for the reason you think.

This monument was erected not to destroy humanity, but to survive after humanity destroys itself. If you cannot see what what is happening, that is on you.

My own interpretation of what is happening is that a world vaccine is being dispersed to sterilize humanity and get the population down to manageable levels. I could be wrong but it is the only thing that makes sense. You could be right about the five-hundred thing, but not for the reason you think.
Oh, you're a conspiracy theorist. Should have said that from the outset. Wouldn't have bothered engaging.

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