LOL she is BIG MAD at her campaign staff! Blaming them for her doing so bad!


I’d enjoy seeing her internal polling numbers today.

She is definitely gonna be unburdened of her past. She will be unburdened by today. And she will be unburdened by the Presidency.

Again: I always believe polling is unreliable. It might provide some clues however. If one takes a peek at Real Clear Politics, though, the swing states all seem to be moving more and more toward Trump.

A billion fucking dollar campaign and her donors must be pissed.
Democrats are approximately 30+% Christians.
She is de-energizing her own base.

Reality can be a tough thing.

Esp. when you're a sorry little losing commie.

It is what it is.

Take that check to the bank.


Get hookers and blow.


It's all good.

And so is AMERICA. ;)

If that truly is the case I will blame it on the dishonest bait and switch that disenfranchised the primaries. I think they are passing over that too lightly.
This is the type of confusion and mistakes that happen when the people running the campaign are incompetent.
The Biden Adm has been such a disaster that they feel their only chance is to lie about every destructive policy they created and blame it all on Trump.

This is how dictatorships stay in power.

They screw everything up, and because they control the media, they lie their asses off about everything.
Who is gonna miss HeelsUp when she’s out of office?


Hardly anybody .

But she is so badly qualified and unsuited that I have a couple of drops of sympathy for her .

Whom exactly got her into this position ?
She is as much a puppet as Piss Pot himself , but his pullers of the strings were/ are easy to see and identify .

But who was the incredible fool that got her picked and then found other Dumbo stooges to sell her to the party?
It obviously was not Obummer and both Bill Clinton and his alcoholic wife are now in La La Land .
So who was it ?
Schumer ?
A N Others?
I would love to know .

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