Justin Trudeau scolds US for not electing 2 different female candidates for President


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Canada - Justin Trudeau today condemned the male dominated Patriarchal society of the United States for failing to twice elect a female for President. "Women's rights in America are under attack by "regressive" and "reactionary" political forces led by Orange man", said Trudeau. "In fact, the said could be said of Canada until Canadians finally elected me as their first non-male Prime Minister. There were not even any female contenders like there was in the US until I came along in Canada. Male oppression is so bad here in Canada, which I blame on being so close to America, I had to grow a beard and continue to try and look like a male to win my election." Trudeau then began to cry as he continued. "But let's cut to the chase, shall we? This is really about abortion. Why is it America has a problem with killing their babies? It's not like that here in Canada, we don't think twice about killing our unborn babies. There is no moral hesitation whatsoever, just a few snips from the doctor followed by an orgy of legal cannabis to quinch all possible notions of regret. At least I can sleep at night knowing that if I ever get pregnant, that little bastard won't wreck my fabulous life!"

When asked why the democrat party, that has always championed abortion rights, chose Barak Obama instead of Hillary Clinton for their Presidential nominee despite her winning the popular vote within the DNC, and the fact that Kamala Harris was the first voted out of the DNC primary against Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau said, "No comment, but please from now on call me by my correct proper noun, which is Trudy".
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Canada - Justin Trudeau today condemned the male dominated Patriarchal society of the United States for failing to twice elect a female for President. "Women's rights in America are under attack by "regressive" and "reactionary" political forces led by Orange man", said Trudeau. "In fact, the said could be said of Canada until Canadians finally elected me as their first non-male Prime Minister. In fact, there were not even any female contenders like there was in the US until I came along. Male oppression is so bad, I had to grow a beard and continue to try and look like a male to win my election." Trudeau then began to cry as he continued. "But let's cut to the chase, shall we? This is really about abortion. Why is it America has a problem with killing their babies? It's not like that here in Canada, we don't think twice about killing our unborn babies. At least I can sleep at night knowing that if I ever get pregnant, that little bastard won't wreck my fabulous life!"

When asked why the democrat party, that has always championed abortion rights, chose Barak Obama instead of Hillary Clinton for their Presidential nominee despite her winning the popular vote within the DNC, and the fact that Kamala Harris was the first voted out of the DNC primary against Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau was unavailable for comment.
did they also ask when did canada have a female leader?...
did they also ask when did canada have a female leader?...
You have to understand, the media is Canada is a thousand times worse than the Legacy media in the US. At least in the US there are opposing media outlets, not so in Canada.

They would never ask Trudeau a question he did not want asked.

Canada has no freedom of speech after all. Comedians there even get arrested for their jokes if it offends Trudy.
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did they also ask when did canada have a female leader?...
The Queen

Queen Elizabeth II​

The Queen is sitting on a golden chair, wearing a golden dress with the Canadian diamond maple leaf brooch and triple string of pearls.

Her Majesty The Queen marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017 by wearing the Maple Leaf Brooch: Photo credit and copyright: © 2017 Ian Leslie Macdonald
Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926. She was the first child of King George VI (The Duke of York) and Queen Elizabeth.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was the first of Canada's sovereigns to be proclaimed separately as "Queen of Canada." It reaffirmed the Monarch's role as independent of that as Monarch of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. She dedicated her life to public service and served Canada and Canadians throughout her reign. On her 21st birthday (April 21, 1947), she addressed the Commonwealth and dedicated her life "whether it be long or short" to the service of others. In her 7 decades as Monarch, she was steadfast in keeping her promise, a promise valued by Canada and the Commonwealth.

The Queen

Queen Elizabeth II​

The Queen is sitting on a golden chair, wearing a golden dress with the Canadian diamond maple leaf brooch and triple string of pearls.

Her Majesty The Queen marks the 150th anniversary of Confederation in 2017 by wearing the Maple Leaf Brooch: Photo credit and copyright: © 2017 Ian Leslie Macdonald
Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926. She was the first child of King George VI (The Duke of York) and Queen Elizabeth.
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was the first of Canada's sovereigns to be proclaimed separately as "Queen of Canada." It reaffirmed the Monarch's role as independent of that as Monarch of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. She dedicated her life to public service and served Canada and Canadians throughout her reign. On her 21st birthday (April 21, 1947), she addressed the Commonwealth and dedicated her life "whether it be long or short" to the service of others. In her 7 decades as Monarch, she was steadfast in keeping her promise, a promise valued by Canada and the Commonwealth.

she is just a figure head.....

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