Just Wondering, Do you Republicans Do the Blame Everybody else thing in your daily life/jobs???

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The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Its long been established that Republicans blame everybody else for their problems and have extreme issues with taking personal responsibility in life. There are 1000 examples of this, but some quick ones right here:

Trump can't admit he lost the election and there was no fraud even though he has no credible evidence of fraud at all
Bush started the war in Iraq, then totally mismanaged that war and it fell into total chaos, but somehow that is the dems fault
Bush blew up the economy 7 years into his presidency, but somehow that was the dems fault
Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and squandered that, but that is somehow the dems fault
Trump created 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, but that somehow is the dems fault
Trump incited a Riot at the Capitol based on lies, but somehow that was Pelosi's fault

The list goes on, we have all seen the 1000+ issues, but my question is this:

Do republicans do this same crap at their jobs or day to day life??? If you are doing that at your place of employment, that would be a serious issue and might be why you struggle to get ahead in life and are obviously miserable. If you fuck up at work and wrongly blame somebody else, like you do with everything politics, then that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Nobody respects people that can't admit when they lost or fuck up.

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Its long been established that Republicans blame everybody else for their problems and have extreme issues with taking personal responsibility in life. There are 1000 examples of this, but some quick ones right here:

Trump can't admit he lost the election and there was no fraud even though he has no credible evidence of fraud at all
Bush started the war in Iraq, then totally mismanaged that war and it fell into total chaos, but somehow that is the dems fault
Bush blew up the economy 7 years into his presidency, but somehow that was the dems fault
Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and squandered that, but that is somehow the dems fault
Trump created 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, but that somehow is the dems fault
Trump incited a Riot at the Capitol based on lies, but somehow that was Pelosi's fault

The list goes on, we have all seen the 1000+ issues, but my question is this:

Do republicans do this same crap at their jobs or day to day life??? If you are doing that at your place of employment, that would be a serious issue and might be why you struggle to get ahead in life and are obviously miserable. If you fuck up at work and wrongly blame somebody else, like you do with everything politics, then that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Just wondering: do you have a life?
I do think they think anyone who disagrees with them has some sort of character flaw. They do not have the intellectual gravitas to realize they might not always be right or a respectable person might disagree with them. It just could not be.
Its long been established that Republicans blame everybody else for their problems and have extreme issues with taking personal responsibility in life. There are 1000 examples of this, but some quick ones right here:

Trump can't admit he lost the election and there was no fraud even though he has no credible evidence of fraud at all
Bush started the war in Iraq, then totally mismanaged that war and it fell into total chaos, but somehow that is the dems fault
Bush blew up the economy 7 years into his presidency, but somehow that was the dems fault
Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and squandered that, but that is somehow the dems fault
Trump created 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, but that somehow is the dems fault
Trump incited a Riot at the Capitol based on lies, but somehow that was Pelosi's fault

The list goes on, we have all seen the 1000+ issues, but my question is this:

Do republicans do this same crap at their jobs or day to day life??? If you are doing that at your place of employment, that would be a serious issue and might be why you struggle to get ahead in life and are obviously miserable. If you fuck up at work and wrongly blame somebody else, like you do with everything politics, then that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

Trump can't admit he lost the election and there was no fraud even though he has no credible evidence of fraud at all
Neither can Abrams

Do you blame your mother for dropping you on your head so often as a baby?
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I do think they think anyone who disagrees with them has some sort of character flaw. They do not have the intellectual gravitas to realize they might not always be right or a respectable person might disagree with them. It just could not be.
Look at how the attacked and destroyed anybody that actually admitted Trump lost the election and incited a riot at the Capitol.
They "primaried" these people for telling the truth, and got rid of them.
Its like if you tell the truth or admit Trump or another republican made a mistake, you gotta go. Liars and scumbags only.
If they do this shit on their daily lives, then we know why they have so many problems.
Neither can Abrams

Do you blame your mother for dropping you on your head so often as a baby?
Abrams looks stupid and few people think her claim has merit, but at least she still conceded the election and went away.
Trump never conceded the election and then incited a riot at the Capitol based on lies of election frau dthat never happened.

If you are somehow trying to compare what Trump did to Abrams then this would be yet another time you people can't take personal responsibility for fuck up, which is a serious problem and pattern in your life.
The list goes on, we have all seen the 1000+ issues, but my question is this:

Do republicans do this same crap at their jobs or day to day life??? If you are doing that at your place of employment, that would be a serious issue and might be why you struggle to get ahead in life and are obviously miserable. If you fuck up at work and wrongly blame somebody else, like you do with everything politics, then that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Nobody respects people that can't admit when they lost or fuck up.
Oh, everyone does, I think. I was just thinking yesterday about my uncle, who said, "Whenever something goes wrong, everyone says, 'This must be someone's fault, and it sure as hell wasn't mine!!'"
Its long been established that Republicans blame everybody else for their problems and have extreme issues with taking personal responsibility in life. There are 1000 examples of this, but some quick ones right here:

Trump can't admit he lost the election and there was no fraud even though he has no credible evidence of fraud at all
Bush started the war in Iraq, then totally mismanaged that war and it fell into total chaos, but somehow that is the dems fault
Bush blew up the economy 7 years into his presidency, but somehow that was the dems fault
Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and squandered that, but that is somehow the dems fault
Trump created 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, but that somehow is the dems fault
Trump incited a Riot at the Capitol based on lies, but somehow that was Pelosi's fault

The list goes on, we have all seen the 1000+ issues, but my question is this:

Do republicans do this same crap at their jobs or day to day life??? If you are doing that at your place of employment, that would be a serious issue and might be why you struggle to get ahead in life and are obviously miserable. If you fuck up at work and wrongly blame somebody else, like you do with everything politics, then that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Nobody respects people that can't admit when they lost or fuck up.

I do have to point out you made your post and everyone of the conservative's replies were personal attacks. I think you have a point.
Dems are lying lawless thugs, sorry if we point that out and it embarrasses you.

No they are not, and you saying it endlessly just proves how unhinged right wingers have become. Please notice that not one person charged in your right wing conspiracy theory prosecutions, was found guilty. The juries they out the charges in less time than it takes to get a coffee and a nice lunch at taxpayers' expense, and the judges castigated Durham for bringing such baseless charges in the first place.

Democrats didn't storm the Capital and try to overthrow the government. That was the work of the lawless thugs in today's Republican Party, and they did it at the behest of the lawless thug you elected.
Its long been established that Republicans blame everybody else for their problems and have extreme issues with taking personal responsibility in life. There are 1000 examples of this, but some quick ones right here:

Trump can't admit he lost the election and there was no fraud even though he has no credible evidence of fraud at all
Bush started the war in Iraq, then totally mismanaged that war and it fell into total chaos, but somehow that is the dems fault
Bush blew up the economy 7 years into his presidency, but somehow that was the dems fault
Bush inherited a balanced budget and projected surplus and squandered that, but that is somehow the dems fault
Trump created 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, but that somehow is the dems fault
Trump incited a Riot at the Capitol based on lies, but somehow that was Pelosi's fault

The list goes on, we have all seen the 1000+ issues, but my question is this:

Do republicans do this same crap at their jobs or day to day life??? If you are doing that at your place of employment, that would be a serious issue and might be why you struggle to get ahead in life and are obviously miserable. If you fuck up at work and wrongly blame somebody else, like you do with everything politics, then that is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. Nobody respects people that can't admit when they lost or fuck up.


Yet again another snowflake accuses others of being who THEY / DEMOCRATS are and of doing what THEY / DEMOCRATS do.

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