Just nuke the Gaza strip and be done with this insanity.

I might become a persona non grata around here, but....the more I look into all of this stuff, the more I'm realizing that so much of what we've been told (not just about this war but most wars) is flat out lies. I've been learning a lot in the last few days.

Unfortunately people react in such an immediate knee-jerk way when you say anything that goes against the mainstream narrative that people have been spoonfed by the idiot box.

So if you say something controversial, even if it's a documented fact... if it goes against people's emotionally-invested position, then all of a sudden heads begin to explode. At least on a site like this that is so mainstream and where many people still trust the MSM.

I've always been pro-Israel, and I still love Israel and the people... but that doesn't mean that the government is 100% innocent. I mean, in the US we know that there are some bad subversive people in government, and saying that doesn't make one anti-American. (In fact, it's just the opposite, true patriots speak out against traitors and liars in government) But it seems that when it comes to Israel, one cannot even remotely suggest that their government (or alphabet agencies) might not be as pure as the driven snow....without people biting your head off and immediately personally attacking you as an 'antisemite' for merely suggesting that maybe things are not as we have been told.

I mean, it is becoming absolutely ridiculous how emotional and binary-minded people are on this topic. Instead of having an actual discussion in a civil way, it's just knee-jerk labeling and nastiness, and it's like "you're either on one side or the other".... which, as some of us have been saying, is precisely what the Establishment wants you all to do. They want everyone to pick a side, because then it keeps all of us fighting amongst ourselves instead of thinking critically and getting to the actual truth and what is truly going on in bigger picture.

I'm going to continue to look into all of this and try to get to the truth. But I already know we've been lied to numerous times in the past, in fact most major wars were based on lies. And until people turn off the damn idiot box and begin looking into the truth, not in an emotional partisan way but in an objective way.... then we will never learn from history.
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You got that ass backwards! It's the Israeli's that constantly attack the Palestinians. The occupation has been going on now for 56 years. That is the cause of ALL the violence in the area.
Can you name a single example of Israel attacking Gaza out of nowhere and not in response to rocket attacks or other violence coming from Gaza? I dont think that has ever happened once. Its always the Palestinians who attack first, yet youre saying the exact opposite of the truth. Are you uninformed or are you intentionally trying to deceive people?
Can you name a single example of Israel attacking Gaza out of nowhere and not in response to rocket attacks or other violence coming from Gaza? I dont think that has ever happened once. Its always the Palestinians who attack first, yet youre saying the exact opposite of the truth. Are you uninformed or are you intentionally trying to deceive people?
He just has a very simplistic way of looking at things. A lot of this is above his pay grade.
I might become a persona non grata around here, but....the more I look into all of this stuff, the more I'm realizing that so much of what we've been told (not just about this war but most wars) is flat out lies. I've been learning a lot in the last few days.

Unfortunately people react in such an immediate knee-jerk way when you say anything that goes against the mainstream narrative that people have been spoonfed by the idiot box.

So if you say something controversial, even if it's a documented fact... if it goes against people's emotionally-invested position, then all of a sudden heads begin to explode. At least on a site like this that is so mainstream and where many people still trust the MSM.

I've always been pro-Israel, and I still love Israel and the people... but that doesn't mean that the government is 100% innocent. I mean, in the US we know that there are some bad subversive people in government, and saying that doesn't make one anti-American. (In fact, it's just the opposite, true patriots speak out against traitors and liars in government) But it seems that when it comes to Israel, one cannot even remotely suggest that their government (or alphabet agencies) might not be as pure as the driven snow....without people biting your head off and immediately personally attacking you as an 'antisemite' for merely suggesting that maybe things are not as we have been told.

I mean, it is becoming absolutely ridiculous how emotional and binary-minded people are on this topic. Instead of having an actual discussion in a civil way, it's just knee-jerk labeling and nastiness, and it's like "you're either on one side or the other".... which, as some of us have been saying, is precisely what the Establishment wants you all to do. They want everyone to pick a side, because then it keeps all of us fighting amongst ourselves instead of thinking critically and getting to the actual truth and what is truly going on in bigger picture.

I'm going to continue to look into all of this and try to get to the truth. But I already know we've been lied to numerous times in the past, in fact most major wars were based on lies. And until people turn off the damn idiot box and begin looking into the truth, not in an emotional partisan way but in an objective way.... then we will never learn from history.
The problem is you think you see things and the rest of us don't. You might consider the possibility that you don't see the bigger picture (you don't). We aren't as stupid as you're suggesting we are. What I'm seeing is you insisting on hijacking every thread for you off topic spiel about trusting government, which is always irrelevant to the topic you're posting in.
Rocks, dirt and sand.

Beyond stupid
You don’t understand the attachment Jews have to their homeland…..where Abraham and Sarah lived, to where Moses led the Jews out of Egypt, to where a long line of Jewish kings reigned, to where Jews built two temples - both destroyed - to the Wall surrounding what remains, to Masada where brave Jews held off the Roman’s for two years, to the long and shared history of Jews.

The Arabs drove the Jews out of every Arab country, and now has ownership of 99% of the entire region. Why can’t they leave the 1% to the Jews - the only country that doesn’t have oil and which was an arid wasteland until the Jews took over?

Answer: they want Jews dead.
The problem is you think you see things and the rest of us don't. You might consider the possibility that you don't see the bigger picture (you don't). We aren't as stupid as you're suggesting we are. What I'm seeing is you insisting on hijacking every thread for you off topic spiel about trusting government, which is always irrelevant to the topic you're posting in.

Continue to believe everything the talking heads tell you. I will continue to think for myself and learn from history. You know what they say about those who don't learn from history. (That's actually one of the reasons the world is in the mess it's in today.)
Continue to believe everything the talking heads tell you
Now you're lying about me. I don't appreciate that

And you keep trying to steer every conversation to this.

Maybe discuss the actual TOPIC for once.

And it would be nice to see a little concern for the innocent hostages from you
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Now you're lying about me. I don't appreciate that

And you keep trying to steer every conversation to this.

Maybe discuss the actual TOPIC for once.

And it would be nice to see a little concern for the innocent hostages from you

Well look at the post I was replying to. (post #270) You tried to tell me what * I * think, and in addition to that most of your posts to me on this topic have been filled with strawmen. As for what I said, you don't have to take my words so literally, the basic point was that you (correct me if i'm wrong) believe the official story, and I am reserving judgement on that. And for some reason that seems to really piss you off.
you don't have to take my words so literally, the basic point was that you (correct me if i'm wrong) believe the official story
You're wrong

"I believe whatever 'the government' tells me"

Yeah that's a lie. And you're lashing out because I'm trying to keep you on topic.

What is the "official story" that I'm not supposed to believe?

Hamas didn't attack these villages?

Whole families weren't wiped out?

Innocent hostages weren't taken?

Good grief why don't you just stop
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