Journalist Attacked and Mugged by ANTIFA

The thug who attempted murder with a deadly weapon has been identified, Joseph Christian Evans.

He was previously arrested at anothe Portland Antifa riot for using a slingshot!

He deserves jail!


LOL.......that's just the type of fruitcake pussy that we are going to see have a faggy baton shoved up his ass on YouTube. Any conservative at one of those events would knock that fem-male out with one punch.

LOL.....a hysterical would it be to see that guys whole lower right leg need to be amputated after getting hit 50 times with a 2" pipe?!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. Its're going to see one of these faggots find out that when you fight ghey, you eventually end up permanently maimed.:deal:
If you aren’t familiar with Andy Ngo, he’s a journalist in Portland who has been covering ANTIFA’s rallies and very fascist attacks and bullying on the public for sometime

Andy Ngo on Twitter

The Law Abiding people of Portland are being pushed around by the Liberal Antifa Mobs who are being supported by the progressive political structure.

IMHO, its time for the Law Abiders to rally.

A non-partisan Presidential Rally would help raise the people's spirits and bring the people together. Liberal leaders are failing to keep their city in order, this is like a modern Little Rock in the 1950's.

Back in October 1921, President Harding was concerned about civil and racial relations in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. He held a massive Presidential rally there, even though he was schlonged the previous year by a 2-1 margin in that state.

Of course , southerners a hundred years ago were a lot more civilized than Modern Libs.
………..Trump Humpers are terrible folks, you definitely don't disappoint.

Says the person that is shocked we don't support violence against the media.

I am shocked that you are lying about it, wait that is what Trump Humpers do is lie.

You most certainly do disappoint... likely everyone, including those related to you.

Sounds like you are that son that didn't amount to shit, probably still lives at home with the parents.

Nope, own my own condo. Good try at insulting me, but I'd have to care what you thought first, to be really insulted.

Regardless, no one on the right wants reporters being attacked. No one. We hate violent people. We don't support them, which is why you don't see a violent right-wing version of Antifa being supported by the right-wing. We're the good people.

It's you on the left that are openly supporting a violent group like Antifa. That's all you need to know, to figure out which between the two of us, are the morally good.

First of all you need to know someone on the left that advocates violence against others, 2 both sides are to blame for the violence and lastly if you voted for Trump you have NO moral ground to stand on.
Dartmouth faculty supports professor's comments justifying Antifa violence

There's one. Actually that's a bunch. That's one guy saying it openly, and a bunch supporting him for saying it.

Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

There's two.

I can think of a few others, but I think I've made the point.

Damn, I've seen the National Guard called out and killing rioters for less.
Says the person that is shocked we don't support violence against the media.

I am shocked that you are lying about it, wait that is what Trump Humpers do is lie.

You most certainly do disappoint... likely everyone, including those related to you.

Sounds like you are that son that didn't amount to shit, probably still lives at home with the parents.

Nope, own my own condo. Good try at insulting me, but I'd have to care what you thought first, to be really insulted.

Regardless, no one on the right wants reporters being attacked. No one. We hate violent people. We don't support them, which is why you don't see a violent right-wing version of Antifa being supported by the right-wing. We're the good people.

It's you on the left that are openly supporting a violent group like Antifa. That's all you need to know, to figure out which between the two of us, are the morally good.

First of all you need to know someone on the left that advocates violence against others, 2 both sides are to blame for the violence and lastly if you voted for Trump you have NO moral ground to stand on.
Dartmouth faculty supports professor's comments justifying Antifa violence

There's one. Actually that's a bunch. That's one guy saying it openly, and a bunch supporting him for saying it.

Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

There's two.

I can think of a few others, but I think I've made the point.

Damn, I've seen the National Guard called out and killing rioters for less.

That's only if they are black or brown.
I am shocked that you are lying about it, wait that is what Trump Humpers do is lie.

Sounds like you are that son that didn't amount to shit, probably still lives at home with the parents.

Nope, own my own condo. Good try at insulting me, but I'd have to care what you thought first, to be really insulted.

Regardless, no one on the right wants reporters being attacked. No one. We hate violent people. We don't support them, which is why you don't see a violent right-wing version of Antifa being supported by the right-wing. We're the good people.

It's you on the left that are openly supporting a violent group like Antifa. That's all you need to know, to figure out which between the two of us, are the morally good.

First of all you need to know someone on the left that advocates violence against others, 2 both sides are to blame for the violence and lastly if you voted for Trump you have NO moral ground to stand on.
Dartmouth faculty supports professor's comments justifying Antifa violence

There's one. Actually that's a bunch. That's one guy saying it openly, and a bunch supporting him for saying it.

Portland mayor stands by decision to allow antifa to block traffic, hassle motorists

There's two.

I can think of a few others, but I think I've made the point.

Damn, I've seen the National Guard called out and killing rioters for less.

That's only if they are black or brown.

Punks like that warrant it moreso. I saw a bad man with a cocktail in hand get dropped by a black soldier.

They killed about 5-6 people that time.

That was a long time ago. They wrote "Fuck The Whites" on the side of the building they burned down. Where the National Guard shot looters was miles from there, though.
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If you aren’t familiar with Andy Ngo, he’s a journalist in Portland who has been covering ANTIFA’s rallies and very fascist attacks and bullying on the public for sometime

Andy Ngo on Twitter

The Law Abiding people of Portland are being pushed around by the Liberal Antifa Mobs who are being supported by the progressive political structure.

IMHO, its time for the Law Abiders to rally.

A non-partisan Presidential Rally would help raise the people's spirits and bring the people together. Liberal leaders are failing to keep their city in order, this is like a modern Little Rock in the 1950's.

Back in October 1921, President Harding was concerned about civil and racial relations in the city of Birmingham, Alabama. He held a massive Presidential rally there, even though he was schlonged the previous year by a 2-1 margin in that state.

Of course , southerners a hundred years ago were a lot more civilized than Modern Libs.

No watch. The Law Abiders are going to rally between now and the fall of 2020 and for shit sure its going to get ugly for the pajama-boys. Actually, its going to get hysterical if one is a conservative. What will be most funny is scores of antifa are going to be thwarted by a handful of highly violent mofu's on the right. Its going to be a fucking slaughter.......I just hope there is some good video afterwards on YouTube of it happening and some hospital photos from the media of the fubar'd antifa fags..:113::113:
He's not a journalist, he's a rwnj blogger who regularly posts hate speech and bigotry.

And he got milkshake poured on him, not a beating.

Are you blind? The video clearly shows one of those Antifa people hitting him the head with a large rock.

In my book that is assault with a deadly weapon, and possibly attempted murder.
YouTube video? As proof? You must be joking.

You are such a Flucking Dip Shit.....
And yet still superior to you in every way.

Rave on you idiot.....

You're a Tard....

Case closed...
He's not a journalist, he's a rwnj blogger who regularly posts hate speech and bigotry.

And he got milkshake poured on him, not a beating.

Are you blind? The video clearly shows one of those Antifa people hitting him the head with a large rock.

In my book that is assault with a deadly weapon, and possibly attempted murder.
YouTube video? As proof? You must be joking.

You are such a Flucking Dip Shit.....
And yet still superior to you in every way.

Rave on you idiot.....

You're a Tard....

Case closed...
That all you got pussy? Go back to the kids table where you belong.
Are you blind? The video clearly shows one of those Antifa people hitting him the head with a large rock.

In my book that is assault with a deadly weapon, and possibly attempted murder.
YouTube video? As proof? You must be joking.

You are such a Flucking Dip Shit.....
And yet still superior to you in every way.

Rave on you idiot.....

You're a Tard....

Case closed...
That all you got pussy? Go back to the kids table where you belong.

Tard, I can tell I hit the mark with that one....

Go back to butt flucking yourself.
And that is Trump's fault how, exactly?????
It's his Justice Department!

Don't tell me you are a personality cultist too?

Fuck off, dipshit...leftards would claim that he was obstructing (snicker) "justice" and here we go all over again. BTW, dumb ass, I didn't vote for Trump because our country has become an unmitigated joke but I am grateful that I have been spared of that luciferian witch aka the Hildebeast...after eight years of the commie clown obamamonkey? I don't know how I would have fared. Frankly, I have enjoyed the respite and have taken great pleasure in the angst of the leftard clown posse of sniveling commies. If Trump accomplishes nothing else? He has validated what I have saying about a deep state and a shadow "gubermint" that pulls the strings along with a compliant media.

I know more than you.....I have a PHD in how things really work. You are on the other end of the spectrum.....a short bus riding, shit smearing Down's Syndrome victim....don't get pissed at me. I didn't raise ya.
You need to get a new shtick, bro. That one is stale.

The fact remains that the Trump administration is conducting a war on journalism via his assault on Assange and you are silently consenting to it. Trump is handing the deep state a huge victory in their efforts to remain in the shadows dumbass. Wake the fuck up, moron. Fucking cultists!
I guess you don't remember Obama's attacks on the press. Well, the press that wasn't kissing his ass, that is.
Of course I remember. He used the espionage act to prosecute more whistle blowers than all previous Presidents combined. And then came Trump, who has upped the anti.

I spoke out against Obama, and it fell on deaf ears. I am speaking up against Trump and getting the same reaction. There ain't a lick of difference between a left wing partisan shill and a right wing partisan shill. You're all personality cultists.
Uh huh.
"Andy Ngo is an actual journalist. i dont have to put up air quotes when i say journalist, unlike other people" - Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report
"folks dont know antifa has a very coherent ideology. they are anarchists and commies calling for political revolution" - Wacky Andy Ngo
"some of the most dangerous people are those who think they are doing it for righteous causes" - Andy Ngo
"Andy Ngo is an actual journalist. i dont have to put up air quotes when i say journalist, unlike other people" - Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report
"folks dont know antifa has a very coherent ideology. they are anarchists and commies calling for political revolution" - Wacky Andy Ngo
"some of the most dangerous people are those who think they are doing it for righteous causes" - Andy Ngo
These posts are made without context or comment. How about providing some.
"Andy Ngo is an actual journalist. i dont have to put up air quotes when i say journalist, unlike other people" - Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report
"folks dont know antifa has a very coherent ideology. they are anarchists and commies calling for political revolution" - Wacky Andy Ngo
"some of the most dangerous people are those who think they are doing it for righteous causes" - Andy Ngo
These posts are made without context or comment. How about providing some.
What context do you think would make it okay to assault an unarmed man?
Why is this still in current events it is no longer a current event lmfao ( me pretending to be a mod I will now move this article) bahhaha sorry couldn't resist .

antifa got scared so they didn't go off like the big mouths claimed another event though it's in August .... Hmm
What context do you think would make it okay to assault an unarmed man?
One of the main things authoritarian fascists do when seizing a nation is to attack and eliminate journalists and the press. In China, Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy...wherever.
In Portland, Oregon, where you have a mayor who has shackled the police and is afraid of Antifa, we see the same pattern and Andy Ngo isn't the only journalist who has been singled out and attacked. He's just the most conspicuous example.

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