'John Brennan, The Russia Lie Ringleader?'

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Brennan is a useful idiot... Couldn’t be the ringleader of anything. IMHO, he was directed by Valerie Jarrett and Obama which will come out in Trumps second term when he will be able to get to the bottom of RUSSIA, RUSSIA!


The best defense, the saying goes, is a good offense.

The key orchestrators of the Big Trump-Russia Collusion Lie seem to have hewed tightly to that tactical advice.

Over the past two years, one of their biggest “tells” has been their hyper-aggressive and gratuitous attacks on the president. Given that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no collusion or obstruction of justice, their constant broadsides now look, in retrospect, like calculated pre-emptive strikes to deflect attention and culpability away from themselves.

By accusing Mr. Trump of what they themselves were guilty of, they created a masterful distraction through projection.

We now know that former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe, are hip-deep in the conspiracy. Both wrote supposed “tell-all” books and carpet-bombed the media with interviews in which they regularly flung criminal accusations against the president. Whenever asked about their own roles, they reverted to denouncing Mr. Trump.

With Mr. Mueller’s findings, Mr. Comey’s and Mr. McCabe’s media benders look increasingly suspicious.

As do those of their comrades in the Obama national security apparatus, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and his partner in possible crime, former CIA Director John Brennan, who, apart from former President Barack Obama himself, may be the biggest player of them all.

Any investigation into the origins and execution of the Big Lie must focus on Mr. Brennan, whose job as the nation’s chief spook would have prohibited him, by law, from engaging in any domestic political spy games.

Of course, the law didn’t stop him from illegally spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee by hacking into its computers and lying repeatedly about it, prompting Democratic senators to call for his resignation.


(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...
Sock puppet alert.

You KNOW Putin hates our intel folks
The fact that John Brennan is involved in the 'false narrative' / conspiracy against President Trump is enough evidence that this has all been a coup attempt. Brennan being associated with any part of this investigation of the President taints it, eliminating any credibility it has.

By direction of the president in Executive Order 12333 of 1981, and in accordance with procedures approved by the Attorney General, the CIA is restricted in the collection of intelligence information directed against US citizens.

That being said...

Brennan is the man, after all who swore to Congress under oath, that his CIA was NOT illegally spying on American citizens, only to have it exposed that the CIA and NSA (Clapper) were 'farming' American citizens' metadata and storing it.

Brennan is the man who swore under oath before Congress that he was NOT illegally spying on the US Senate...only to be exposed a short time later as having committed Felony Perjury by lying to Congress because he and his CIA WERE illegally caught spying on the US Senate. As his 'punishment', after a deal was cut to protect him from indictment / prison, Brennan was forced to apologize before Congress for committing Felony Perjury but more importantly for illegally spying on the US Senate.


*** Obama WH Press Secretary Josh Earnest declared that despite Brennan being caught committing Felony Perjury, violating an Executive Order, violating the US Constitution, violating US law....again....this scandal did nothing to undermine / Brennan's credibility!


So now he has been caught committing Felony Perjury under oath before Congress again by falsely claiming he didn't know anything about the Dossier despite Congressional Logs showing he briefed Congress on the Dossier. Not only did he brief the Dossier, he intentionally falsely pushed the Dossier findings as 'Legitimate Intel' while leaving out that it was from a Trump-hating foreign spy who was working for the FBI, working with the Russians, and being paid by Hillary Clinton.

How's his credibility holding up now? :p

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Who would have a lot to gain by attacking Brennan?


Who would have a lot to gain by attacking Brennan? Putin?Oh...
Better questions:

Why was Brennan protected from indictment / prison after having been caught / proven to commit multiple crimes?

Wht have the Democrats / Obama's Justice Dept - Trump Co-Conspirators protected Brennan from his newly exposed crimes...

The answers are obvious, as is the fact that Brennan has repeatedly violated the Constitution, repeatedly illegally spied on US citizens and the US Senate, has committed an act of Treason through perjury and attempting to defraud Congress in his part of the exposed coup against the President.

The fact is, based on his past history - supported by overwhelming evidence, Brennan is a criminal, a proven threat to our Constitution / laws / President/Govt / American people / Democracy.

He has no more credibility.
Brennan is a useful idiot... Couldn’t be the ringleader of anything. IMHO, he was directed by Valerie Jarrett and Obama which will come out in Trumps second term when he will be able to get to the bottom of RUSSIA, RUSSIA!


The best defense, the saying goes, is a good offense.

The key orchestrators of the Big Trump-Russia Collusion Lie seem to have hewed tightly to that tactical advice.

Over the past two years, one of their biggest “tells” has been their hyper-aggressive and gratuitous attacks on the president. Given that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no collusion or obstruction of justice, their constant broadsides now look, in retrospect, like calculated pre-emptive strikes to deflect attention and culpability away from themselves.

By accusing Mr. Trump of what they themselves were guilty of, they created a masterful distraction through projection.

We now know that former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe, are hip-deep in the conspiracy. Both wrote supposed “tell-all” books and carpet-bombed the media with interviews in which they regularly flung criminal accusations against the president. Whenever asked about their own roles, they reverted to denouncing Mr. Trump.

With Mr. Mueller’s findings, Mr. Comey’s and Mr. McCabe’s media benders look increasingly suspicious.

As do those of their comrades in the Obama national security apparatus, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and his partner in possible crime, former CIA Director John Brennan, who, apart from former President Barack Obama himself, may be the biggest player of them all.

Any investigation into the origins and execution of the Big Lie must focus on Mr. Brennan, whose job as the nation’s chief spook would have prohibited him, by law, from engaging in any domestic political spy games.

Of course, the law didn’t stop him from illegally spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee by hacking into its computers and lying repeatedly about it, prompting Democratic senators to call for his resignation.


(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...
God, I hate that tea-sippin' burnt orange longhorn motherfucker. He is the personification of the fucking sips.

I am so glad we left those insufferable twats in the shitty big 12 dumpster fire they created for themselves.

Brennan is a useful idiot... Couldn’t be the ringleader of anything. IMHO, he was directed by Valerie Jarrett and Obama which will come out in Trumps second term when he will be able to get to the bottom of RUSSIA, RUSSIA!


The best defense, the saying goes, is a good offense.

The key orchestrators of the Big Trump-Russia Collusion Lie seem to have hewed tightly to that tactical advice.

Over the past two years, one of their biggest “tells” has been their hyper-aggressive and gratuitous attacks on the president. Given that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found no collusion or obstruction of justice, their constant broadsides now look, in retrospect, like calculated pre-emptive strikes to deflect attention and culpability away from themselves.

By accusing Mr. Trump of what they themselves were guilty of, they created a masterful distraction through projection.

We now know that former FBI Director James Comey and his deputy, Andrew McCabe, are hip-deep in the conspiracy. Both wrote supposed “tell-all” books and carpet-bombed the media with interviews in which they regularly flung criminal accusations against the president. Whenever asked about their own roles, they reverted to denouncing Mr. Trump.

With Mr. Mueller’s findings, Mr. Comey’s and Mr. McCabe’s media benders look increasingly suspicious.

As do those of their comrades in the Obama national security apparatus, including former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and his partner in possible crime, former CIA Director John Brennan, who, apart from former President Barack Obama himself, may be the biggest player of them all.

Any investigation into the origins and execution of the Big Lie must focus on Mr. Brennan, whose job as the nation’s chief spook would have prohibited him, by law, from engaging in any domestic political spy games.

Of course, the law didn’t stop him from illegally spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee by hacking into its computers and lying repeatedly about it, prompting Democratic senators to call for his resignation.


(Excerpt) Read more at washingtontimes.com ...
It looks Brennan claims he had a "secret source" of someone "close to Putin" that has been been leading him around like a chick bombed on molly at a rave party.

  • John Brennan and other intelligence community operatives are circling the wagons against President Donald Trump’s declassification directive, claiming that it could expose top-secret sources and methods used in the Trump-Russia probe.
  • But Brennan’s complaint may be misplaced given that virtually all of the significant leaks about sources and methods used in the investigation have been given to left-leaning news outlets.
  • In one case, FBI official Peter Strzok expressed concerns that the CIA was leaking inaccurate information about the intelligence gathered on Trump associates.
Ex-CIA Officials Fume About Declassification Order, Ignoring Previous Leaks Of Secret Sources And Methods

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