John Allen Muhammad is due to die by lethal injection today

I hope he flails in terror stricken agony as the juice flows into his veins. I hope he convulses and chokes on his own foaming vomit for hours before he dies. The more pain for him the better.
Rot in Hell John
The shooter's name should be forgotten. You could remember:

James Martin
James Buchanan
Premkumar Walekar
Sarah Ramos
Lori Lewis-Rivera
Pascal Charlot
Dean Harold
Kenneth Bridges
Linda Franklin
Conrad Johnson
Good. I have no problem with this.

Not sure why anyone else would.

I have family in the DC area who were under siege during these attacks. One of my family members was actually at the site of a sniping when it happened. We're damned lucky it wasn't *him*.

My condolences to those who lost loved ones in these senseless racist terrorist attacks.

Kill the sons of bitches who did it. TODAY.

Works for me. :clap2:
The shooter's name should be forgotten. You could remember:

James Martin
James Buchanan
Premkumar Walekar
Sarah Ramos
Lori Lewis-Rivera
Pascal Charlot
Dean Harold
Kenneth Bridges
Linda Franklin
Conrad Johnson

AMEN! :clap2:

The victims of murder are *always* forgotten, while their killers names (often) go on to become infamous household names.

Why is that?? THAT is SO fucked up!
He is a piece of shit. I am against the death penalty. On that latter view of mine, that's as far as I will discuss it in this case.

Having lived under siege of these two Moslem terrorist pieces of filth, I don't know how you could do anything *but* support the death penalty for these pigs.

They should waterboard him first...just for fun.

Then execute him.
You're a doc. Maybe you could work some Mengela magic on him. :evil:

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