Joe Biden: Illegal aliens are already "citizens"

So, by your logic, it would be all right with you if illegal immigrants who - as you claim - put the roof on your house, installed your pool, built your parking garage came over and decided to change the roof from asphalt shingles to cedar shingles (or whatever), drained your pool on the hottest day of summer and told you in good Spanish (which you could not understand because you speak bad Spanish) that you have to park somewhere else, because more illegal immigrants are coming and they need the parking space.

Based on that, you just shouldn't try to post the views of others. You are truly clueless.

Translation,I got nothing to counter with but insults
If you can't see he's clueless, you are hopeless as well.
I root for people who work hard and want a better life, not those who come into Internet debates to bitch about them.

No, you root for people who invaded your country uninvited, unwelcome and illegally.

I root for LEGAL immigrants who work hard and want a better life, because I am one, myself.


1. I came LEGALLY, not sneaking over/under a fence.

2. I made an effort to learn the language of the country that gave me the chance to improve my life.

3. I never expected more than I honestly earned.

4. I taught my children English, while retaining their heritage at my own expense, without demanding funding by government.

5. I never needed any union or association speak for me, mainly because I made an effort to learn the language of my LEGALLY adopted country.

6. I never envied those who were more successful than I.
You weren't born here so you don't know, they weren't Uninvited. Far from it.

And your little reactionary nationalistic buddies won't say it but if they had their way most of them would toss you out as well. To them you aren't a Real American.

If I were a liberal/progressive/Democrat, your asinine post would prompt a hateful invective, laced with typical liberal vulgar profanities.

My "reactionary nationalistic buddies" are honest people who are not in the habit of saying one thing and mean an other. After all, none of them are like you.

Those same "buddies" worked along with me on Habitat for Humanity builds, Appalachian Service Project charity events, flood relief in Missouri and Albany, GE, and various places in Canada.

To the best of my recollection - SURPRISE - none of them were Democrats and none of them wanted to toss me out.

But you are right: None of them considered me a "Real" American, only an honorary one. Perhaps, because I am Canadian.
No, you root for people who invaded your country uninvited, unwelcome and illegally.

I root for LEGAL immigrants who work hard and want a better life, because I am one, myself.


1. I came LEGALLY, not sneaking over/under a fence.

2. I made an effort to learn the language of the country that gave me the chance to improve my life.

3. I never expected more than I honestly earned.

4. I taught my children English, while retaining their heritage at my own expense, without demanding funding by government.

5. I never needed any union or association speak for me, mainly because I made an effort to learn the language of my LEGALLY adopted country.

6. I never envied those who were more successful than I.
You weren't born here so you don't know, they weren't Uninvited. Far from it.

And your little reactionary nationalistic buddies won't say it but if they had their way most of them would toss you out as well. To them you aren't a Real American.

If I were a liberal/progressive/Democrat, your asinine post would prompt a hateful invective, laced with typical liberal vulgar profanities.

My "reactionary nationalistic buddies" are honest people who are not in the habit of saying one thing and mean an other. After all, none of them are like you.

Those same "buddies" worked along with me on Habitat for Humanity builds, Appalachian Service Project charity events, flood relief in Missouri and Albany, GE, and various places in Canada.

To the best of my recollection - SURPRISE - none of them were Democrats and none of them wanted to toss me out.

But you are right: None of them considered me a "Real" American, only an honorary one. Perhaps, because I am Canadian.
You're Canadian and you had to learn English? You must be from the part of Canada that doesn't consider it to be a part of Canada.

As for what people say versus what they think, you weren't born here so you don't know.
They don't come to my home uninvited but I live under the roof they put on, and swim in a pool they installed, not to mention parking in a garage they built. Where I am, they do the real work and we just speak bad Spanish and write checks.

So, by your logic, it would be all right with you if illegal immigrants who - as you claim - put the roof on your house, installed your pool, built your parking garage came over and decided to change the roof from asphalt shingles to cedar shingles (or whatever), drained your pool on the hottest day of summer and told you in good Spanish (which you could not understand because you speak bad Spanish) that you have to park somewhere else, because more illegal immigrants are coming and they need the parking space.

Based on that, you just shouldn't try to post the views of others. You are truly clueless.

I never do. I only post my own views.

And you are calling ME clueless??
I root for people who work hard and want a better life, not those who come into Internet debates to bitch about them.

No, you root for people who invaded your country uninvited, unwelcome and illegally.

I root for LEGAL immigrants who work hard and want a better life, because I am one, myself.


1. I came LEGALLY, not sneaking over/under a fence.

2. I made an effort to learn the language of the country that gave me the chance to improve my life.

3. I never expected more than I honestly earned.

4. I taught my children English, while retaining their heritage at my own expense, without demanding funding by government.

5. I never needed any union or association speak for me, mainly because I made an effort to learn the language of my LEGALLY adopted country.

6. I never envied those who were more successful than I.
You weren't born here so you don't know, they weren't Uninvited. Far from it.

And your little reactionary nationalistic buddies won't say it but if they had their way most of them would toss you out as well. To them you aren't a Real American.

Hey "Paint My House".....why don't you make yourself useful and paint my house? I'll pay you $50!!
No, you root for people who invaded your country uninvited, unwelcome and illegally.

I root for LEGAL immigrants who work hard and want a better life, because I am one, myself.


1. I came LEGALLY, not sneaking over/under a fence.

2. I made an effort to learn the language of the country that gave me the chance to improve my life.

3. I never expected more than I honestly earned.

4. I taught my children English, while retaining their heritage at my own expense, without demanding funding by government.

5. I never needed any union or association speak for me, mainly because I made an effort to learn the language of my LEGALLY adopted country.

6. I never envied those who were more successful than I.
You weren't born here so you don't know, they weren't Uninvited. Far from it.

And your little reactionary nationalistic buddies won't say it but if they had their way most of them would toss you out as well. To them you aren't a Real American.

Hey "Paint My House".....why don't you make yourself useful and paint my house? I'll pay you $50!!
That will get you five hours of labor here, if they're illegal. Want me to get you one?
You weren't born here so you don't know, they weren't Uninvited. Far from it.

And your little reactionary nationalistic buddies won't say it but if they had their way most of them would toss you out as well. To them you aren't a Real American.

Hey "Paint My House".....why don't you make yourself useful and paint my house? I'll pay you $50!!
That will get you five hours of labor here, if they're illegal. Want me to get you one?

Why do Democrats Hate America? Why do they support people who violate our laws?
We have a lot of laws. Capitalism doesn't like them, like the one that says your workers must be legal. It's why "those people" are here.

You think Capitalists are in favor of a massive influx of people violating our most basic laws, not paying taxes, voting Democrat and living off the public dole?

You confused Democrats with Capitalists
You weren't born here so you don't know, they weren't Uninvited. Far from it.

And your little reactionary nationalistic buddies won't say it but if they had their way most of them would toss you out as well. To them you aren't a Real American.

If I were a liberal/progressive/Democrat, your asinine post would prompt a hateful invective, laced with typical liberal vulgar profanities.

My "reactionary nationalistic buddies" are honest people who are not in the habit of saying one thing and mean an other. After all, none of them are like you.

Those same "buddies" worked along with me on Habitat for Humanity builds, Appalachian Service Project charity events, flood relief in Missouri and Albany, GE, and various places in Canada.

To the best of my recollection - SURPRISE - none of them were Democrats and none of them wanted to toss me out.

But you are right: None of them considered me a "Real" American, only an honorary one. Perhaps, because I am Canadian.
You're Canadian and you had to learn English? You must be from the part of Canada that doesn't consider it to be a part of Canada.

As for what people say versus what they think, you weren't born here so you don't know.

PaintMyHouse, you should call yourself "painting myself in a corner".

I am a Canadian by naturalization. You know, that is a legal procedure whereby an immigrant, after fulfilling the requirement of the host country becomes a citizen, thereof. I am sure there are similar procedures in the United States, but if I had to learn about America from the likes of you, I would forever remain as - WAIT! let's use your own word: CLUELESS - you.

Your claim that a person has to have been born in America to know how Americans think would disqualify such dunces as Albert Einstein or Toqueville, who, no doubt, fade in the light of your brilliance.

Now, as an immigrant, I had a choice of learning either English or French, or both. If I had been as smart as you claim to be, I would be fluent in both, but, knowing my limitations, I chose to learn English.

Whether I succeeded or not is not for me to decide, but the least I can and DO expect from immigrants (legal or otherwise) to have the decency of learning and speaking the language of the host country that (as in my case), welcomed you or in the case of your love subjects, tolerate you.

I give you credit that your ignorance about your own country is PERHAPS not as great as your stupendous ignorance about Canada.
Why do Democrats Hate America? Why do they support people who violate our laws?
We have a lot of laws. Capitalism doesn't like them, like the one that says your workers must be legal. It's why "those people" are here.

You think Capitalists are in favor of a massive influx of people violating our most basic laws, not paying taxes, voting Democrat and living off the public dole?

You confused Democrats with Capitalists
Capitalism is why they are here. We aren't nearly socialist enough for anything else. Jobs are why they came, and the capitalists were happy have the cheap labor that kept wages down. They aren't the Dole, they work for Dole.
If I were a liberal/progressive/Democrat, your asinine post would prompt a hateful invective, laced with typical liberal vulgar profanities.

My "reactionary nationalistic buddies" are honest people who are not in the habit of saying one thing and mean an other. After all, none of them are like you.

Those same "buddies" worked along with me on Habitat for Humanity builds, Appalachian Service Project charity events, flood relief in Missouri and Albany, GE, and various places in Canada.

To the best of my recollection - SURPRISE - none of them were Democrats and none of them wanted to toss me out.

But you are right: None of them considered me a "Real" American, only an honorary one. Perhaps, because I am Canadian.
You're Canadian and you had to learn English? You must be from the part of Canada that doesn't consider it to be a part of Canada.

As for what people say versus what they think, you weren't born here so you don't know.

PaintMyHouse, you should call yourself "painting myself in a corner".

I am a Canadian by naturalization. You know, that is a legal procedure whereby an immigrant, after fulfilling the requirement of the host country becomes a citizen, thereof. I am sure there are similar procedures in the United States, but if I had to learn about America from the likes of you, I would forever remain as - WAIT! let's use your own word: CLUELESS - you.

Your claim that a person has to have been born in America to know how Americans think would disqualify such dunces as Albert Einstein or Toqueville, who, no doubt, fade in the light of your brilliance.

Now, as an immigrant, I had a choice of learning either English or French, or both. If I had been as smart as you claim to be, I would be fluent in both, but, knowing my limitations, I chose to learn English.

Whether I succeeded or not is not for me to decide, but the least I can and DO expect from immigrants (legal or otherwise) to have the decency of learning and speaking the language of the host country that (as in my case), welcomed you or in the case of your love subjects, tolerate you.

I give you credit that your ignorance about your own country is PERHAPS not as great as your stupendous ignorance about Canada.
Okay, so you're not from Canada, and you're not in America, so exactly what the hell are you worried about? Are the wetbacks sneaking across your border for gin and 222's?
You're Canadian and you had to learn English? You must be from the part of Canada that doesn't consider it to be a part of Canada.

As for what people say versus what they think, you weren't born here so you don't know.

PaintMyHouse, you should call yourself "painting myself in a corner".

I am a Canadian by naturalization. You know, that is a legal procedure whereby an immigrant, after fulfilling the requirement of the host country becomes a citizen, thereof. I am sure there are similar procedures in the United States, but if I had to learn about America from the likes of you, I would forever remain as - WAIT! let's use your own word: CLUELESS - you.

Your claim that a person has to have been born in America to know how Americans think would disqualify such dunces as Albert Einstein or Toqueville, who, no doubt, fade in the light of your brilliance.

Now, as an immigrant, I had a choice of learning either English or French, or both. If I had been as smart as you claim to be, I would be fluent in both, but, knowing my limitations, I chose to learn English.

Whether I succeeded or not is not for me to decide, but the least I can and DO expect from immigrants (legal or otherwise) to have the decency of learning and speaking the language of the host country that (as in my case), welcomed you or in the case of your love subjects, tolerate you.

I give you credit that your ignorance about your own country is PERHAPS not as great as your stupendous ignorance about Canada.
Okay, so you're not from Canada, and you're not in America, so exactly what the hell are you worried about? Are the wetbacks sneaking across your border for gin and 222's?

Well, actually, I am IN Canada, I am a citizen of Canada, proud to be, and I daresay I know a Hell of a lot more about America than you do.

For those, like you, who are basically empty inside and the only slight trace of patriotism is that they desperately try to diminish the importance and significance of naturalization, being a legal immigrant is stealing from your perceived superiority, but, at the same time giving legitimacy to the illegals.

I concede, as a Canadian, I should be polite about America and Americans. I also concede that I should not call anyone derogatory names as you just have called those you allegedly speak for. You know, "wetbacks"?

I usually am, but you and the likes of you make me go off the rail from time to time.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the opportunity given to me on this board to sound off.
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We have a lot of laws. Capitalism doesn't like them, like the one that says your workers must be legal. It's why "those people" are here.

You think Capitalists are in favor of a massive influx of people violating our most basic laws, not paying taxes, voting Democrat and living off the public dole?

You confused Democrats with Capitalists
Capitalism is why they are here. We aren't nearly socialist enough for anything else. Jobs are why they came, and the capitalists were happy have the cheap labor that kept wages down. They aren't the Dole, they work for Dole.

If we want dumb, cheap labor, we'd hire Democrats right out of High School
We have a lot of laws. Capitalism doesn't like them, like the one that says your workers must be legal. It's why "those people" are here.

You think Capitalists are in favor of a massive influx of people violating our most basic laws, not paying taxes, voting Democrat and living off the public dole?

You confused Democrats with Capitalists
Capitalism is why they are here. We aren't nearly socialist enough for anything else. Jobs are why they came, and the capitalists were happy have the cheap labor that kept wages down. They aren't the Dole, they work for Dole.

So how come time after time, post after post liberals such as yourself bash capitalism?
So, in other words, you are rooting for non-Americans taking over America?

One baby at a time, or otherwise?
I root for people who work hard and want a better life, not those who come into Internet debates to bitch about them.

No, you root for people who invaded your country uninvited, unwelcome and illegally.

I root for LEGAL immigrants who work hard and want a better life, because I am one, myself.


1. I came LEGALLY, not sneaking over/under a fence.

2. I made an effort to learn the language of the country that gave me the chance to improve my life.

3. I never expected more than I honestly earned.

4. I taught my children English, while retaining their heritage at my own expense, without demanding funding by government.

5. I never needed any union or association speak for me, mainly because I made an effort to learn the language of my LEGALLY adopted country.

6. I never envied those who were more successful than I.

Totally agree with you... It's not that I think immigrants should be deported, just the illegal ones.
You weren't born here so you don't know, they weren't Uninvited. Far from it.

And your little reactionary nationalistic buddies won't say it but if they had their way most of them would toss you out as well. To them you aren't a Real American.

If I were a liberal/progressive/Democrat, your asinine post would prompt a hateful invective, laced with typical liberal vulgar profanities.

My "reactionary nationalistic buddies" are honest people who are not in the habit of saying one thing and mean an other. After all, none of them are like you.

Those same "buddies" worked along with me on Habitat for Humanity builds, Appalachian Service Project charity events, flood relief in Missouri and Albany, GE, and various places in Canada.

To the best of my recollection - SURPRISE - none of them were Democrats and none of them wanted to toss me out.

But you are right: None of them considered me a "Real" American, only an honorary one. Perhaps, because I am Canadian.
You're Canadian and you had to learn English? You must be from the part of Canada that doesn't consider it to be a part of Canada.

As for what people say versus what they think, you weren't born here so you don't know.

You must be from part of America that don't consider themselves or feel ashamed to be American.

In your case, justifiably so.
You think Capitalists are in favor of a massive influx of people violating our most basic laws, not paying taxes, voting Democrat and living off the public dole?

You confused Democrats with Capitalists
Capitalism is why they are here. We aren't nearly socialist enough for anything else. Jobs are why they came, and the capitalists were happy have the cheap labor that kept wages down. They aren't the Dole, they work for Dole.

So how come time after time, post after post liberals such as yourself bash capitalism?
Because you don't.

It's amazing but it has issues, which your side pretends don't exist.
If I were a liberal/progressive/Democrat, your asinine post would prompt a hateful invective, laced with typical liberal vulgar profanities.

My "reactionary nationalistic buddies" are honest people who are not in the habit of saying one thing and mean an other. After all, none of them are like you.

Those same "buddies" worked along with me on Habitat for Humanity builds, Appalachian Service Project charity events, flood relief in Missouri and Albany, GE, and various places in Canada.

To the best of my recollection - SURPRISE - none of them were Democrats and none of them wanted to toss me out.

But you are right: None of them considered me a "Real" American, only an honorary one. Perhaps, because I am Canadian.
You're Canadian and you had to learn English? You must be from the part of Canada that doesn't consider it to be a part of Canada.

As for what people say versus what they think, you weren't born here so you don't know.

You must be from part of America that don't consider themselves or feel ashamed to be American.

In your case, justifiably so.
I'm from parts of America that can still tell the truth about Americans, some of whom still want to send the "*******" back to Africa so sending the "wetbacks" back to Mexico is hardly a stretch. America, btw, is just one nation among many, and should be treated as such.

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