Jobs Jobs Jobs are key to new economic growth & reasonable debt reduction - How?


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
Complete debt reduction is unthinkable and simply not necessary IF our tax dollars are being invested in the USA and NOT squandered on preferential tax breaks.

AS I stated Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs is the key to new economic growth,new wealth for the nation as a whole and to reasonable debt reduction.

A variety of avenues need to be put in place... YES!

1. Do like other nations that have our jobs = provide health insurance to all

2. Spend tax dollars to invest in the USA = new industry = new jobs = new economic growth

3. Stop using new housing starts as a measure of the economy

4. Invest in education absolutely!

5. Stop bailing out banks and mismanaged industrials

6. Throw politicians in jail for breaking laws = good for the economy

7. Terminate corporate funding of all our elections

8. Immediately begin work on the interstate highway infrastructure

9. Tighten home buying guidelines

10. Bring on all forms of new energy = new jobs and new manufacturing opportunities

The Plan:
Renewing America's Economy (2004) | Union of Concerned Scientists
If only middle class Americans got a bigger slice of the money pie. You know, like under that pinko commie Eisenhower, when he had the top tax rates on top earners above 90% and encouraged businesses to pay their PEOPLE more instead of horde it all at the top.
If only middle class Americans got a bigger slice of the money pie. You know, like under that pinko commie Eisenhower, when he had the top tax rates on top earners above 90% and encouraged businesses to pay their PEOPLE more instead of horde it all at the top.

Republicans screwing up the economy and keeping workers unemployed by the millions keeps wages low. Desperate unemployed do not demand more money because food on the table might be missing.
If only middle class Americans got a bigger slice of the money pie. You know, like under that pinko commie Eisenhower, when he had the top tax rates on top earners above 90% and encouraged businesses to pay their PEOPLE more instead of horde it all at the top.

Republicans screwing up the economy and keeping workers unemployed by the millions keeps wages low. Desperate unemployed do not demand more money because food on the table might be missing.


Too bad the best way to boost CONSUMER SPENDING, which powers the vast majority of our economy, is to boost wages, huh? Because we KNOW the rich leash holders of the RepubliCON party won't let THAT happen, will they?

Romney has already said he'll stand with the 1% over the 99.
Complete debt reduction is unthinkable and simply not necessary IF our tax dollars are being invested in the USA and NOT squandered on preferential tax breaks.

AS I stated Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs Jobs is the key to new economic growth,new wealth for the nation as a whole and to reasonable debt reduction.

A variety of avenues need to be put in place... YES!

1. Do like other nations that have our jobs = provide health insurance to all

2. Spend tax dollars to invest in the USA = new industry = new jobs = new economic growth

3. Stop using new housing starts as a measure of the economy

4. Invest in education absolutely!

5. Stop bailing out banks and mismanaged industrials

6. Throw politicians in jail for breaking laws = good for the economy

7. Terminate corporate funding of all our elections

8. Immediately begin work on the interstate highway infrastructure

9. Tighten home buying guidelines

10. Bring on all forms of new energy = new jobs and new manufacturing opportunities

The Plan:
Renewing America's Economy (2004) | Union of Concerned Scientists

WE don't hear any candidates with a plan of any substance as yet. The suggestions above would make for a strong economy = jobs.

Job talk matched with details is missing from this big spending primary.
If only middle class Americans got a bigger slice of the money pie. You know, like under that pinko commie Eisenhower, when he had the top tax rates on top earners above 90% and encouraged businesses to pay their PEOPLE more instead of horde it all at the top.

Republicans screwing up the economy and keeping workers unemployed by the millions keeps wages low. Desperate unemployed do not demand more money because food on the table might be missing.


Too bad the best way to boost CONSUMER SPENDING, which powers the vast majority of our economy, is to boost wages, huh? Because we KNOW the rich leash holders of the RepubliCON party won't let THAT happen, will they?

Romney has already said he'll stand with the 1% over the 99.

Boost wages through mandates and you also boost layoffs and the cost of goods and services.

A smarter thing to do would be to increase the value of the US dollar, thus returning purchasing power back to the middle class without hurting businesses profits.
These two factors are necessary to get the economy moving:

1. Do like other nations that have our jobs = provide health insurance to all

2. Spend tax dollars to invest in the USA = new industry = new jobs = new economic growth

Corporate america is too busy employing communist china while we americans have been forced to provide a tax code that makes such insane behavior profitable.

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