Jimmy Carter and Donald Trump

They sure didn't the last time he was in office. 1.2 million dead and the economy crashed.

The trade wars cost the USA 200,000 manufacturing jobs, and the US trade deficit reached over a trillion dollars. Trump is still adding to the national debt because of his tax cuts!!!

Trump is still adding to the national debt because of his tax cuts!!!

Biden had 4 years to reverse them.
You need to be tough or other world leaders don’t respect you, which is why Russia annexed territory under both Obama and Biden but not Trump and why Iran kidnapped Americans under Carter. Reagan ended the Cold War with Russia by a massive arms buildup and we are now on the cusp of a hostage release by Hamas because Trump gave them an inauguration deadline to do it or all hell would break loose. Nice doesn’t work.
Tough is required for us all.
After toughness and intelligence are two styles.
Rule through respect or rule by fear.
We can pick many tough world leaders who ruled with repect; George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, Matin Luther King, Lincoln, Gandi, Reagan, Churchill etc
Those who ruled through fear
Putin, Kim Jong Un, Stalin, Lennon, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini etc.

Trump uses fear.
I think that we were just a different people back then. Carter was appropriate at the time.

Evidently Trump is appropriate now, sadly. Anything good in us has been replaced by rage.
Unfortunately. I hope the rage will decipate. Rage never generates good decisions
Jimmy Carter
Honest, decent, trusted, loyal, selfless and compassionate

Donald Trump
Dishonest, indecent, not trust worthy, not loyal, selfish and has no compassion.

In our world, today, will the characteristics of Donald Trump result in a more productive President than one who has the characteristics of Jimmy Carter?
Nope. :dunno: Populistic narcissists will do what they want. :dunno:
Joe Biden
Shits his pants, gets 10% of everything, family man

Donald Duck
Team player, easier to understand, doesn't screw things up too bad usually
We have very different views of Trump. Everything you described is the opposite of who Trump is. He says he is different, but his action speak loudly to who he is.
Tough is required for us all.
After toughness and intelligence are two styles.
Rule through respect or rule by fear.
We can pick many tough world leaders who ruled with repect; George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, Matin Luther King, Lincoln, Gandi, Reagan, Churchill etc
Those who ruled through fear
Putin, Kim Jong Un, Stalin, Lennon, Hitler, Mao, Mussolini etc.

Trump uses fear.
I don’t give a shit that the left do not respect Trump.
If the IRS took everything that everyone made Congress would spend that and 15% more.

What a stupid comment that is. Stop believing the party that has crashed the US economy 4 times in the past 100 years. Democrats have NEVER crashed the US economy.

You just elected the worst businessman in world history AGAIN! 7 bankruptcies is a world record and not in a good way. Trump made money by fraud, deception and lies. His businesses have lost more money than anyone in history.

Last time in office, your trade deficit went up by over 30%, 1.2 million people died of covid, and the US economy was crashed. What would ever lead anyone to vote for him again, other than rank stupidity????

"the watcher". What the fuck are you watching???? Your dick?

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