Jill Biden has COVID

Really trump developed the vaccine?
Not personally but he did throw millions of socialist money at big pharma and ignored Fauci's advice while at the same time bullying his own agencies to fast track the vaccine because he had an election to win.

Now many trumpers claim the vaccine is useless or even knowing killing people.

Don't you want to hold Trump accountable? We need to follow the money and see just what payouts Trump got from pharma and China regarding COVID and Trump's subsequent vaccine.
Trump is da man who does everything!!!
I'm sure your infatuation hero worship of Trump makes it seem that way sure but he did throw millions of socialist money at big pharma and ignored Fauci's advice while at the same time bullying his own agencies to fast track the vaccine because he had an election to win.
Se already was acting president for a few hours, but don’t let reality get in your way.

Joe Biden is every bit as bad as Harris would be. At this point it doesn't make any fucking difference, they're both the same.

I hope the whole fucking Biden family dies from COVID after being raped in the ass with a rusty COVID-infected garden rake.

And then if Harris Becomes president, I'll hope the same fucking thing happens to her and her family too.

I hope this clarifies your confusion.
Joe Biden is every bit as bad as Harris would be. At this point it doesn't make any difference.

I hope the whole fucking Biden family dies from COVID after being raped in the ass with a rusty COVID-infected garden rake.

And then if Harris Becomes president, I'll hope the same fucking thing happens to her and her family too.

I hope this clarifies your confusion.
No I wasn’t confused that you are an ass in the slightest.
Maybe some insidious Democrap insider concluded that the best way to take the Imbecile in chief off the playing board would be by misdirection. Off the First Lady.

It would be a twofer: Potato would quit in grief and the government could make use of the death of the first lady by re-imposing the COVID “Emergency” programs.

Can’t really trust the insidious Dim insiders.
Can you imagine how rotten her crotch must be after being fucked by Joe Potatohead and maybe even Hunter all these years?

The DOD probably uses what's in that nasty crotch to develop new biological weapons.
The DOD probably uses what's in that nasty crotch to develop new biological weapons.
Given the Biden family history of sexual scumbaggery I suspect she has screwed Hunter, Beau, James and Frances, in addition to Potatohead. I hope she wasn't involved in sexually molesting the daughter, but who knows?
Not personally but he did throw millions of socialist money at big pharma and ignored Fauci's advice while at the same time bullying his own agencies to fast track the vaccine because he had an election to win.

Now many trumpers claim the vaccine is useless or even knowing killing people.

Don't you want to hold Trump accountable? We need to follow the money and see just what payouts Trump got from pharma and China regarding COVID and Trump's subsequent vaccine.

Did you take the Trump vaccine?
Not personally but he did throw millions of socialist money at big pharma and ignored Fauci's advice while at the same time bullying his own agencies to fast track the vaccine because he had an election to win.

Now many trumpers claim the vaccine is useless or even knowing killing people.

Don't you want to hold Trump accountable? We need to follow the money and see just what payouts Trump got from pharma and China regarding COVID and Trump's subsequent vaccine.
You can't revise History, the only advice fauci was giving was don't worry about this it won't make it to America in the early days, and dem leaders were saying go to china town, do not stop doing anything normal. The vaccine is killing people, listen to something besides what the mainstream political media.
You can't revise History, the only advice fauci was giving was don't worry about this it won't make it to America in the early days,

Link please.

Here is link of Fauci recommending against EUA but trump.did it anyway.

“The one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA (emergency use authorization) before you have a signal of efficacy,” Fauci told Reuters in a phone interview.

“One of the potential dangers if you prematurely let a vaccine out is that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the other vaccines to enroll people in their trial,” Fauci said."

and dem leaders were saying go to china town, do not stop doing anything normal.

Of course they did. Why wouldn't they? Trump said the vaccine was no big deal and was praising China.

Of course it came out later that Trump lied to America and actually knew how dangerous COVID was when he told Woodward.

We also found out he had a bank account in China even though he said he didn't...hmmm, perhaps Gym Jordan should subpoena some bank records.

The vaccine is killing people, listen to something besides what the mainstream political media.
Ok. Then do you want to hold Trump responsible?
Link please.

Here is link of Fauci recommending against EUA but trump.did it anyway.

“The one thing that you would not want to see with a vaccine is getting an EUA (emergency use authorization) before you have a signal of efficacy,” Fauci told Reuters in a phone interview.

“One of the potential dangers if you prematurely let a vaccine out is that it would make it difficult, if not impossible, for the other vaccines to enroll people in their trial,” Fauci said."

Of course they did. Why wouldn't they? Trump said the vaccine was no big deal and was praising China.

Of course it came out later that Trump lied to America and actually knew how dangerous COVID was when he told Woodward.

We also found out he had a bank account in China even though he said he didn't...hmmm, perhaps Gym Jordan should subpoena some bank records.

Ok. Then do you want to hold Trump responsible?
Ya can't hide from History!
As far as trump goes he was pushed into making bad decisions because the left played politics, and blamed him for not doing enough fast enough, and even though masks don't work they left the storehouse bare of masks,
Ya can't hide from History!

I know. That is why history shows Trump lied to America when he said the virus was no big deal while telling Woodward how dangerous it was.

Your links are old nonsense.

Fauci already explained why he said that about masks and it is irrelevant to Trump creating the vaccine with our tax money.

Stop trying to move.thr goalposts.

As far as trump goes he was pushed into making bad decisions because the left played politics, and blamed him for not doing enough fast enough, and even though masks don't work they left the storehouse bare of masks,

And what did Trump do in the years before COVID? Did he restock supplies?


I know. That is why history shows Trump lied to America when he said the virus was no big deal while telling Woodward how dangerous it was.

Your links are old nonsense.

Fauci already explained why he said that about masks and it is irrelevant to Trump creating the vaccine with our tax money.

Stop trying to move.thr goalposts.

And what did Trump do in the years before COVID? Did he restock supplies?

So this is your answer in a nut shell Fauci explained :auiqs.jpg: which is funny as he is the one who predicted it, helped develop it, and release it. Trump did not develop the vaccine, tax payers did pay for the death jab though. Why were the stockpiles low let's start with that because that money was most likely wasted on some bleeding heart liberal cause.
Also, had Trump said how dangerous it was what do you suppose those who bought up all the toilet paper would have done?

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