Jay walking to be legal?

Auld Phart

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 3, 2013

'A new California law allowing pedestrians to legally jaywalk “as long as it is safe to do so,” goes into effect Jan. 1."

and why is it becoming legal?

"Instead of enhancing pedestrian safety, jaywalking laws often ended up allowing cops to racially profile people and mired low-income residents in fines, backers of the new measure say."

when are they going to put the adults back in charge?

'A new California law allowing pedestrians to legally jaywalk “as long as it is safe to do so,” goes into effect Jan. 1."

and why is it becoming legal?

"Instead of enhancing pedestrian safety, jaywalking laws often ended up allowing cops to racially profile people and mired low-income residents in fines, backers of the new measure say."

when are they going to put the adults back in charge?

LOL. Are they still going to have police officers? I don't see the point, between the pro-crime governor, pro-crime DAs in all the shithole cities, and DemoKKKrat police chiefs, mayors, and city councils who are more interested in trafficking humans than deterring crime, it seems like just abolishing law enforcement altogether is their best option.
LOL. Are they still going to have police officers? I don't see the point, between the pro-crime governor, pro-crime DAs in all the shithole cities, and DemoKKKrat police chiefs, mayors, and city councils who are more interested in trafficking humans than deterring crime, it seems like just abolishing law enforcement altogether is their best option.

Yes, abolishing jaywalking as a crime is a sure indication that our country is plummeting into the very depths of anarchy...
Racism getting to epidemic levels that require special rules and regulations to deal with it's effects?
Cops have better things to do than write Jaywalking tickets

Sure, most officers would rather be flirting with the donut waitresses at the local Krispy Kreme than being the heavy and hassling the public.

But its their job after all.
Sure, most officers would rather be flirting with the donut waitresses at the local Krispy Kreme than being the heavy and hassling the public.

But its their job after all.

If some guy almost causes an accident by jumping out in traffic….give him a ticket

If somebody is cutting across in the middle of a block with no traffic….leave him alone
Next thing you know police will be told to quit arresting people for vagrancy or loitering as well, and those offenses will be going through the roof as well.

You don't see this kind of shit in well run towns.
Thats HYSTERICALLY HYPOCRITICAL, as they can't be bothered to clean up their corrupt "police" departments to go after VIOLENT, CRIMINALLY INSANE drivers SPEEDING through red lights, stop signs, and yield signs INCHES from school kids crossing streets, or any other pedestrian crossing the street LEAGALLY!!!

In fact, pedestrians in Hellifornia are used as TARGETS by psychotically murderous drivers, and NOBODY gives a rats ass! Not the cities, not the "police", not the politicians, not the state!!!
Next thing you know police will be told to quit arresting people for vagrancy or loitering as well, and those offenses will be going through the roof as well.

You don't see this kind of shit in well run towns.

That's common in the blue shitholes, hence the filth. They also don't prosecute shoplifting, vandalism, urinating/defecating in public, drug use, most assaults, rape, robbery, and homicides that are perpetrated by minorities and illegals. I say good for them. The quicker these shitholes implode and die, the better off Real America will be.

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