Jackson v. Deen et al, Complaint

I try to picture this scenario in my mind, and I just can't get my head around it. I don't believe it. The totality of it is far fetched. This woman has got to have someone to corroborate her story. Waiting with bated breath.
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II mean, if she hasn't expressly noted she wanted her slaves black, maybe that would've been less ... inciting. Coupling that with her admitted use of racist slurs and her husband's legacy of telling "jokes", and this becomes most unflattering for a towering figure in America culture.
II mean, if she hasn't expressly noted she wanted her slaves black, maybe that would've been less ... inciting. Coupling that with her admitted use of racist slurs and her husband's legacy of telling "jokes", and this becomes most unflattering for a towering figure in America culture.

You heard this yourself? I didn't think so.

Her husband is a river boat pilot. He is not in the restaurant business.
She holds the final card. Stupid people don't get that.
She has talked openly about her mental illness that kept her housebound for 10 years. And about the day she decided to stop lying in bed crying, but rather to get up and take control. So few people ever do that with an illness as severe as hers was.

She talked of her parents both dying when she and her brother were very young and how, at 23 she had to assume the responsibility of raising him. She became fearful to leave the house after the death of her parents. Her first venture was a business called 'The Bag Lady.' She would make homemade lunches and her, then, little boys would go peddle them to the working people in Savannah. Only someone like me can come close to imagining what her life was like. She was left with nothing and on her how got everything.

She still copes with her fear, and the fact that she has a body guard is mentioned often. I think now she needs a soul guard. I have often felt that I needed one myself and current posts on other threads indicate what I mean and the level of resistance there is out there for someone who would dare to succeed at a larger level than most.
I'm trying to figure out what all that has to do with the lawsuit levied against her by a former employee that claims she was subjected to sexist and racist environments for years.
Well, much of this is legal mumbo-jumbo - painting a picture bigger than it is in order to pray for vast amounts of damages. Sounds like Bubba is the real culprit in all of this, but I don't see how conduct as egregious as what Jackson claims could have gone on for so long without notice by anyone else or action by the State employment commission, EEOC or OSHA. If Jackson tolerated this kind of crap for five or six years before bringing suit, then she's a fool no matter how much money she was making. But this lawyer is doing the thing that most lawyers would do - instead of going after Bubba alone, he's going after anybody and everybody even remotely connected with Bubba. The worst damage can come to Paula Deen - nobody except locals have ever heard of Bubba.
Well, much of this is legal mumbo-jumbo - painting a picture bigger than it is in order to pray for vast amounts of damages. Sounds like Bubba is the real culprit in all of this, but I don't see how conduct as egregious as what Jackson claims could have gone on for so long without notice by anyone else or action by the State employment commission, EEOC or OSHA. If Jackson tolerated this kind of crap for five or six years before bringing suit, then she's a fool no matter how much money she was making. But this lawyer is doing the thing that most lawyers would do - instead of going after Bubba alone, he's going after anybody and everybody even remotely connected with Bubba. The worst damage can come to Paula Deen - nobody except locals have ever heard of Bubba.

I agree. I don't see how it could have happened either. It looks to me that t his lawsuit is by a person who didn't have the management skills she needed to do the job.

As to the part in the complaint about Paula bringing disgruntled employees to her home to emotionally 'massage' them, WTF? Employers know the power their employees hold, and are obsequious to them without shame. They are always 'massaging' nurses, and I reference nurses day, etc. There was one place I worked that gave us things all the time. Nice distraction from their inequitable pay practices. Just after high school when I was a secretary every other year my employer would say 'Secretaries are Important.' And they would take us all to a local resort from lunch and some kind of training. I remember the video something about 'when an elephant answers.' I thought all was very condescending.

In regard to the thing about her wanting a wedding to look like slave days. Well, next time you are in Nashville there is a restaurant there where dining room looks like one in a southern mansion, and all the waiters are black. And they are dressed for the world like the 'house' servants would have dressed in that day. I'm pretty sure it is a 'theme'. But they don't say so. The sin is always in saying so.

In the end Paula holds the last card. The woman is going to have to have someone to verify her claims. There may be some willing to do that. But in then end all Paula has to do is shut her businesses down and they will all be out of jobs.

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