Jackie Evancho's Two Hearts released on CD a few days ago ...


Gold Member
Oct 31, 2010
... for fans of genuine vocal talent. She does a lot more pop and less classical and traditional, covers an Enya song from Lord of the Rings soundtrack, a Celine Dion standard, and a Taylor Swift song as well as a second CD of 5 of her own collaborations of pop songs with Heather Holly and Dina Fanai. It's another excellent buy for the money, not a bad song on it, just start at # 1 and let them play to the end on both CD's. I favor the classical covers of course, Caruso and Atressa, and I'm not a big pop fan but the production and vocals quality on this 2 CD set is great, actually better than I expected, and she's most definitely a cut above most of the current crop of pop singers as a singer. I still like her Awakening CD better, merely because of of the song choices are more to my tastes, but unlike most CDs and albums since the 1970's any album/CD where all of the songs are musically excellent are extremely rare, outside of Classical and Jazz genres, this 2 CD set is probably going to be the best music buy for the bucks this year, as was her Awakening CD the year it came out.
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