I've come to the opinion that Liberals are terrified of plastic.


Platinum Member
Dec 17, 2015
Reaction score
The only difference between an AR-15 and a .223 hunting rifle is cosmetics composed almost entirely of plastic, functionally they are the same weapon except the hunting rifle has more range and accuracy
A hunting rifle in my state is limited to a five round magazine. And, usually, they are bolt, lever, or pump guns, not semi-automatics. While you can do a lot of damage with a hunting rifle, you have to take time to reload. Where as you can replace a 30 shot magazine in about 2 seconds on an AR-15.

Very good for killing in grade schools, crowded night clubs, and movie theaters.
So a hunting rifle fires off enough rounds in a short time to kill 50 people in minutes? wow. Why not design it to kill the animal in a few shots?
The hunting rifle I'm referring to that fires the same round is a semi-automatic weapon same as an AR-15. The more you know.
And if it is a hunting rifle, it is limited to a five round magazine. And most hunters, myself included, do not use .223 rounds to hunt with.
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