It's Not Just The NYTimes


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I believe that the Leftists/Liberals/Progressives/Democrats will, ultimately, be successful for the destruction of this great experiment in self-governance.
The control the sources of dissemination of information....the schools, the media, the entertainment industry, and will be able to hide and deny the truth of what is happening, and why.
They've been nearly 100% successful in marginalizing and silencing anything related to religion and morality.
And those of us who light the candle of rectitude

But of great interest is those who are of the Left who speak the truth, and this week, Leftist editor of the NYTimes, Bari Weiss, in her letter of resignation from same, said what many of us on the Right have bemoaned for decades.

[Italics mine]

2. "It is with sadness that I write to tell you that I am resigning from The New York Times.

I joined the paper with gratitude and optimism three years ago. I was hired with the goal of bringing in voices that would not otherwise appear in your pages: first-time writers, centrists, conservatives and others who would not naturally think of The Times as their home.

3. The paper’s failure to anticipate the outcome of the 2016 election meant that it didn’t have a firm grasp of the country it covers. Dean Baquet and others have admitted as much on various occasions. The priority in Opinion was to help redress that critical shortcoming.[Meaning, make certain that the Right winning doesn't happen again.]

4. But the lessons that ought to have followed the election—lessons about the importance of understanding other Americans, the necessity of resisting tribalism, and the centrality of the free exchange of ideas to a democratic society—have not been learned. Instead, a new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else. [The Liberal media sees its function as dictating what Americans must believe: neo-Marxism.]

Twitter [the Far Left] is not on the masthead of The New York Times. But Twitter has become its ultimate editor. As the ethics and mores of that platform have become those of the paper, the paper itself has increasingly become a kind of performance space. Stories are chosen and told in a way to satisfy the narrowest of audiences [the Far Left radicals], rather than to allow a curious public to read about the world and then draw their own conclusions. I was always taught that journalists were charged with writing the first rough draft of history. Now, history itself is one more ephemeral thing molded to fit the needs of a predetermined narrative. [Journalism should be to provide the truth, and allow readers to make up their own minds. No longer.]

[Ms Weiss states exactly what we on the Right have claimed about the behavior of the Fascist Democrat Liberal Left:]
My own forays into Wrongthink have made me the subject of constant bullying by colleagues who disagree with my views. They have called me a Nazi and a racist; I have learned to brush off comments about how I’m “writing about the Jews again.” Several colleagues perceived to be friendly with me were badgered by coworkers. My work and my character are openly demeaned on company-wide Slack channels where masthead editors regularly weigh in. There, some coworkers insist I need to be rooted out if this company is to be a truly “inclusive” one, while others post ax emojis next to my name. Still other New York Times employees publicly smear me as a liar and a bigot on Twitter with no fear that harassing me will be met with appropriate action. They never are.

There are terms for all of this: unlawful discrimination, hostile work environment, and constructive discharge. I’m no legal expert. But I know that this is wrong."

Any who continue to vote Democrat support and empower the behaviors and attitudes spot lit by Ms Weiss.....that of Fascists and totalitarians.
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Ms. Weiss continues revealing what the old gray rag has become:

7. "I do not understand how you have allowed this kind of behavior to go on inside your company in full view of the paper’s entire staff and the public. And I certainly can’t square how you and other Times leaders have stood by while simultaneously praising me in private for my courage. Showing up for work as a centrist at an American newspaper should not require bravery.

Part of me wishes I could say that my experience was unique. But the truth is that intellectual curiosity—let alone risk-taking—is now a liability at The Times. Why edit something challenging to our readers, or write something bold only to go through the numbing process of making it ideologically kosher, when we can assure ourselves of job security (and clicks) by publishing our 4000th op-ed arguing that Donald Trump is a unique danger to the country and the world? And so self-censorship has become the norm.

What rules that remain at The Times are applied with extreme selectivity. If a person’s ideology is in keeping with the new orthodoxy, they and their work remain unscrutinized. Everyone else lives in fear of the digital thunderdome. Online venom is excused so long as it is directed at the proper targets."

8. Nothing new about the neo-Marxist slant of the Times.

For insight...

"Where they stand?

Arthur Ochs Sulzberger, Jr. is Publisher ofThe New York Times, was asked by his father: “If an American soldier runs into a North Vietnamese soldier, which would you like to see get shot?”

“I would want to see the American get shot,” replied the young man. “It's the other guy's country.” (This statement ignores the fact that most of those fighting against Americans in then-South Vietnam were soldiers invading from another country, Communist North Vietnam.)"

It not easy being the Unforgiven.




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9. "Op-eds that would have easily been published just two years ago would now get an editor or a writer in serious trouble, if not fired. If a piece is perceived as likely to inspire backlash internally or on social media, the editor or writer avoids pitching it. If she feels strongly enough to suggest it, she is quickly steered to safer ground. And if, every now and then, she succeeds in getting a piece published that does not explicitly promote progressive causes, it happens only after every line is carefully massaged, negotiated and caveated.

It took the paper two days and two jobs to say that the Tom Cotton op-ed “fell short of our standards.” We attached an editor’s note on a travel story about Jaffa shortly after it was published because it “failed to touch on important aspects of Jaffa’s makeup and its history.” But there is still none appended to Cheryl Strayed’s fawning interview with the writer Alice Walker, a proud anti-Semite who believes in lizard Illuminati.

The paper of record is, more and more, the record of those living in a distant galaxy, one whose concerns are profoundly removed from the lives of most people."'s no longer the paper of is the paper of Democrat Party press releases.
10."...I am confident that most people at The Times do not hold these views. Yet they are cowed by those who do. Why? Perhaps because they believe the ultimate goal is righteous. Perhaps because they believe that they will be granted protection if they nod along as the coin of our realm—language—is degraded in service to an ever-shifting laundry list of right causes. Perhaps because there are millions of unemployed people in this country and they feel lucky to have a job in a contracting industry.

Or perhaps it is because they know that, nowadays, standing up for principle at the paper does not win plaudits. It puts a target on your back. Too wise to post on Slack, they write to me privately about the “new McCarthyism” that has taken root at the paper of record.

All this bodes ill, especially for independent-minded young writers and editors paying close attention to what they’ll have to do to advance in their careers. Rule One: Speak your mind at your own peril. Rule Two: Never risk commissioning a story that goes against the narrative. Rule Three: Never believe an editor or publisher who urges you to go against the grain. Eventually, the publisher will cave to the mob, the editor will get fired or reassigned, and you’ll be hung out to dry."

Not just the NYTimes.

Sadly, it's the story of our society.

It's the society of Democrats in power.
" Unfamiliar With Career Moves Or Editorials Of Privileged Audiences In Need Of Functional Diction *

* Aspiring Towards Informed Consent *

The control the sources of dissemination of information....the schools, the media, the entertainment industry, and will be able to hide and deny the truth of what is happening, and why.
They've been nearly 100% successful in marginalizing and silencing anything related to religion and morality.
And those of us who light the candle of rectitude

There is not a difference between religion and creed and there is not an exception allowed within us first amendment for a creed with edicts or tenets espousing a religion that violates non violence principles .

By definition , illegitimate aggression is violence , while self defense against violence is legitimate aggression .

A definition of illegitimate aggression is proposed as threats for , or acts of , physical aggression that deprive an other individual ( s ) of self ownership ( free roam , free association , progeny ) or self determination ( private property , willful intents - contracts ) elements for individualism .

* Reiteration Repertoire Refresh Rational Radicalism *

A negative wright relates to a manner for phrasing an article of law for public policy that describes a proscription against authoritarian actions of government , by which citizen individuals receive a negative liberty , as an independence from government to act freely and without interference from it .

A positive wright relates to any manner of phrasing an article of law for public policy that describes a prescription for authoritarian actions of government .

Some positive wrights are phrased as an article of law for public policy that prescribes authoritarian actions of government to enforce orders to cease and desist that forbid acts by some individual ( s ) so that other individuals receive a negative liberty , as an independence from other individuals to act freely and without interference from them .

Some positive wrights are phrased as an article of law for public policy that prescribe authoritarian actions of government to enforce orders for writs of execution that require acts of some individual ( s ) so that other individuals receive a positive liberty , as a dependence upon other individuals to not act freely and with interference from them .

* Knew Terminology Four Refresh *

1. I believe that the Leftists/Liberals/Progressives/Democrats will, ultimately, be successful for the destruction of this great experiment in self-governance.
The term populism is being embraced by individuals vying for socialist policies defined as an implementation of positive wrights to establish positive liberties for some individuals .

Although left-wing populists who combine populist ideas with forms of socialism most commonly present "the elite" in economic terms, the same strategy is also employed by some right-wing populists.[92] In the United States during the late 2000s, the Tea Party movement—which presented itself as a defender of the capitalist free market—argued that big business, and its allies in Congress, seeks to undermine the free market and kill competition by stifling small business.[92] Among some 21st century right-wing populists, "the elite" are presented as being political progressives committed to political correctness.[94] The Dutch right-wing populist leader Pim Fortuyn referred to this as the "Church of the Left".[94]
In various instances, populists claim that "the elite" is working against the interests of the country.[92] In the European Union (EU), for instance, various populist groups allege that their national political elites put the interests of the EU itself over those of their own nation-states.[92] Similarly, in Latin America populists often charge political elites with championing the interests of the United States over those of their own countries.[103]
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Nobody heard about Bari Weiss before this, but now she's famous, I guess.
Nobody heard about Bari Weiss before this, but now she's famous, I guess.
Trump wasn't the cause of any of this but the target. China hates Trump, and their influence can be seen. BLM founder, P. Cullors is a communist and Chinese pawn, and this disruption to the American culture in the last 10 months by useful idiots on the left, WHO is that benefiting?
" Estoppel Of Free Speech In The Name Of Almighty Dollar Sell Outs To Totalitarians "

* Chinese Communist Party Colluding With Owners Of The Negro Basketball Association *

Trump wasn't the cause of any of this but the target. China hates Trump, and their influence can be seen. BLM founder, P. Cullors is a communist and Chinese pawn, and this disruption to the American culture in the last 10 months by useful idiots on the left, WHO is that benefiting?
As first pointed out by Twitter users, the NBA store is blocking any fans from making jerseys with popular protester slogan “FreeHongKong.” This happens despite the site allowing numerous antisemitic and anti-police slogans. Right now, you can make a custom NBA jersey with “KillCops,””‘F-ck Police,” and “Burn Jews” among many other objectionable phrases.
Trump wasn't the cause of any of this but the target. China hates Trump, and their influence can be seen. BLM founder, P. Cullors is a communist and Chinese pawn, and this disruption to the American culture in the last 10 months by useful idiots on the left, WHO is that benefiting?

Okay, the Chinese are not hiding under your bed.

This disruption has happened because Trump has decided he's only president of 40% of the country.

When he's gone, there will be changes in the law to make sure it never happens again.
" Democracy Versus Republic "

* They Would Be If The Left Had Anything To Do With It *

Okay, the Chinese are not hiding under your bed.

* Idiocracy Popularity Contest *
This disruption has happened because Trump has decided he's only president of 40% of the country.
What percentage of the public support vapid stupidity of public policies proposed by the left ?

Forget donald trump , fuck the left !

* Pinky Finger Volunteering Americans To Abdicate And Whimper *
When he's gone, there will be changes in the law to make sure it never happens again.
"Bari Weiss’ Resignation Shows That the Left Is Frankenstein and Cancel Culture Is Their Monster

Bari Weiss’ resignation last week raised eyebrows, ruffled feathers, and furthered speculation about the existence of an internal war being waged between the traditional Left and radical Leftists within modern liberalism.

This “civil war” isn’t new.

What has been emerging from a series of high-profile defections and protests over the past decade, is evidence of an unstable hegemonic power purging itself of the rational in order to exalt the radical."

If you are still voting Democrat, you are not smart enough to see what it has become.
Bari Weiss rips cancel culture as 'social murder'

"Criticism is great. What cancel culture is about is not criticism. It is about punishment. It is about making a person radioactive. It is about taking away their job," Weiss told Maher. "The writer Jonathan Rauch [of The Atlantic] called it social murder. And I think that's right."

"It's not just about punishing the sinner. It's not just about punishing the person for being insufficiently pure. It's about this sort of secondary boycott of people who would deign to speak to that person or appear on a platform with that person," she added. "And we see just very obviously where that kind of politics gets us. If conversation with people that we disagree with becomes impossible, what is the way that we solve conflict? It's violence."

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