It is demeaning to nation for Mrs. Obama to discuss slavery


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
and the Decatur House.

Michelle Obama visits slave quarters

We're long past that time. It's over. Whitey's paid his due. Bringing up the fact that slaves served presidents is just rubbing the nation's nose it what "some people" (fill that in yourselves) consider shameful. Just look at her. It makes my skin crawl to see such a person being first lady.
When the walls are caving in one has to find something to justify their existence. The Civil War was the price this country paid for the transgressions and hypocrisy of the founders. I wonder how she views indentured servants?
We're long past that time. It's over. Whitey's paid his due. Bringing up the fact that slaves served presidents is just rubbing the nation's nose it what "some people" (fill that in yourselves) consider shameful. Just look at her. It makes my skin crawl to see such a person being first lady.

Right. We're clearly too insecure as a nation to own up to our mistakes.

I definitely think we should 'move on'. No one alive today is personally responsible for the institution of slavery. No one should be punished for the sins of their ancestors. But our nation still suffers from the impact of those sins. To ostrich up, and ignore that would be folly.
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Moving on from slavery is like moving on from the holocaust. NEVER should we forget. Bravo to Michelle.
Don't you see those poor white children in the photo? She's TERRIFYING them by imposing some transferrence of Guilt. They've done NOTHING. They're innoncense if being torn from their SOULS for cheap, partisan gain. They'll remember that moment for the rest of their lives. I weep.
Don't you see those poor white children in the photo? She's TERRIFYING them by imposing some transferrence of Guilt. They've done NOTHING. They're innoncense if being torn from their SOULS for cheap, partisan gain. They'll remember that moment for the rest of their lives. I weep.

Wait til they find out that it used to be okay for men to rape women. They'll never ever get over it.
Slavery is the best thing that ever happened to the Africans...otherwise they would still be Africans, living in huts like obabbles brother...
Moving on from slavery is like moving on from the holocaust. NEVER should we forget. Bravo to Michelle.

Yep, better condition those young kids from the get go, furthermore never embrace MLK's Dream Speech of judging a person based on the content of their character.... it has no relevance to the now generation.
Slavery was a time of antibellum charm, singing, dancing and merriment

Too bad the Yankees had to come and ruin it
I do not think slavery should be forgotten
It should stop being used against people
Whites do not owe blacks anything
They should hate their ancestors the most
Considering they sold them, from their OWN slave quarters
Whites aren't screaming at todays Muslims for enslaving them!
Use the popular slogan
Hey......slavery was mostly fun and games and it got those jungle bunnies out of the jungle where we taught them how to pick cotton

Also, no watermelon or fried chicken in Africa
No, we shouldn't forget about it

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

No sense in constantly picking the scab, either.
It'll never heal that way

I love it boiled, and very slimy
You do not like it fried, either?
That's pretty racist

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