Israel's travel ban on the BDS movement.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Amazing, isn't this a restriction of Democracy, and freedom of expression?

The very things Israel / Jews have called Poland as doing?

It seems Jews over, and over again just think they have impunity, and that we the Goyim have a different set of rights than they do.

New Israeli Travel Ban Is a Major Blow to Democracy, Empowers BDS Movement

January 8, 2018

With the announcement that members of twenty organizations will be banned from entering Israel because of their support for the BDS Movement, the Netanyahu government has struck another significant blow to the foundations of Israeli democracy.

Implementing legislation passed by the Knesset in March, this new ban is the work of a government that is increasingly obsessed with silencing criticism, dissent and non-violent political activism. The important question about the ban is not whether Israel has the sovereign right to implement this ban — it does. What matters is the damaging impact the move will have on the country’s future and core values.

J Street strongly opposes the Global BDS Movement. And we firmly believe that the only way for Israel to effectively confront and defeat it is by pursuing and reaching a two-state peace agreement that resolves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and brings an end to over fifty years of occupation. Banning BDS supporters from entering Israel will not counter their arguments or stem the global tide of concern over occupation and the treatment of Palestinians. On the contrary, the decision helps to empower the BDS Movement and validate some of its criticisms by making Israel less open, tolerant and democratic.

In the past several years, we have seen Israeli leaders pursue and embrace legislation and public campaigns designed to stigmatize and silence many of the most prominent critics and chroniclers of the occupation. Targets have included civil and human rights activists, former Israeli soldiers and some of the country’s leading writers and artists. Moving forward, no critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians — Israeli or foreign, Jewish or non-Jewish — can be certain that this government will not act to limit their engagement with Israeli society, or even to ban them from entering the country.

Shared democratic values have long been central to the US-Israel relationship — and they are increasingly under threat. American Jewish, pro-Israel leaders must not look away from what is happening. Instead of validating an approach to BDS defined by censorship and fear, they should recognize that the movement is a by-product of a much larger crisis that threatens Israel’s basic security, character and future.
Amazing, isn't this a restriction of Democracy, and freedom of expression?

The very things Israel / Jews have called Poland as doing?

It seems Jews over, and over again just think they have impunity, and that we the Goyim have a different set of rights than they do.

New Israeli Travel Ban Is a Major Blow to Democracy, Empowers BDS Movement

January 8, 2018

With the announcement that members of twenty organizations will be banned from entering Israel because of their support for the BDS Movement, the Netanyahu government has struck another significant blow to the foundations of Israeli democracy.

Implementing legislation passed by the Knesset in March, this new ban is the work of a government that is increasingly obsessed with silencing criticism, dissent and non-violent political activism. The important question about the ban is not whether Israel has the sovereign right to implement this ban — it does. What matters is the damaging impact the move will have on the country’s future and core values.

J Street strongly opposes the Global BDS Movement. And we firmly believe that the only way for Israel to effectively confront and defeat it is by pursuing and reaching a two-state peace agreement that resolves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and brings an end to over fifty years of occupation. Banning BDS supporters from entering Israel will not counter their arguments or stem the global tide of concern over occupation and the treatment of Palestinians. On the contrary, the decision helps to empower the BDS Movement and validate some of its criticisms by making Israel less open, tolerant and democratic.

In the past several years, we have seen Israeli leaders pursue and embrace legislation and public campaigns designed to stigmatize and silence many of the most prominent critics and chroniclers of the occupation. Targets have included civil and human rights activists, former Israeli soldiers and some of the country’s leading writers and artists. Moving forward, no critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians — Israeli or foreign, Jewish or non-Jewish — can be certain that this government will not act to limit their engagement with Israeli society, or even to ban them from entering the country.

Shared democratic values have long been central to the US-Israel relationship — and they are increasingly under threat. American Jewish, pro-Israel leaders must not look away from what is happening. Instead of validating an approach to BDS defined by censorship and fear, they should recognize that the movement is a by-product of a much larger crisis that threatens Israel’s basic security, character and future.

It does nothing to empower angry, self-loathing people like you.

I mean why let people who don't like you into your house?

We should adopt some similar policies here.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #5
Amazing, isn't this a restriction of Democracy, and freedom of expression?

The very things Israel / Jews have called Poland as doing?

It seems Jews over, and over again just think they have impunity, and that we the Goyim have a different set of rights than they do.

New Israeli Travel Ban Is a Major Blow to Democracy, Empowers BDS Movement

January 8, 2018

With the announcement that members of twenty organizations will be banned from entering Israel because of their support for the BDS Movement, the Netanyahu government has struck another significant blow to the foundations of Israeli democracy.

Implementing legislation passed by the Knesset in March, this new ban is the work of a government that is increasingly obsessed with silencing criticism, dissent and non-violent political activism. The important question about the ban is not whether Israel has the sovereign right to implement this ban — it does. What matters is the damaging impact the move will have on the country’s future and core values.

J Street strongly opposes the Global BDS Movement. And we firmly believe that the only way for Israel to effectively confront and defeat it is by pursuing and reaching a two-state peace agreement that resolves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and brings an end to over fifty years of occupation. Banning BDS supporters from entering Israel will not counter their arguments or stem the global tide of concern over occupation and the treatment of Palestinians. On the contrary, the decision helps to empower the BDS Movement and validate some of its criticisms by making Israel less open, tolerant and democratic.

In the past several years, we have seen Israeli leaders pursue and embrace legislation and public campaigns designed to stigmatize and silence many of the most prominent critics and chroniclers of the occupation. Targets have included civil and human rights activists, former Israeli soldiers and some of the country’s leading writers and artists. Moving forward, no critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians — Israeli or foreign, Jewish or non-Jewish — can be certain that this government will not act to limit their engagement with Israeli society, or even to ban them from entering the country.

Shared democratic values have long been central to the US-Israel relationship — and they are increasingly under threat. American Jewish, pro-Israel leaders must not look away from what is happening. Instead of validating an approach to BDS defined by censorship and fear, they should recognize that the movement is a by-product of a much larger crisis that threatens Israel’s basic security, character and future.

It does nothing to empower angry, self-loathing people like you.

So, does Israel support freedom, and democracy, or not?
Amazing, isn't this a restriction of Democracy, and freedom of expression?

The very things Israel / Jews have called Poland as doing?

It seems Jews over, and over again just think they have impunity, and that we the Goyim have a different set of rights than they do.

New Israeli Travel Ban Is a Major Blow to Democracy, Empowers BDS Movement

January 8, 2018

With the announcement that members of twenty organizations will be banned from entering Israel because of their support for the BDS Movement, the Netanyahu government has struck another significant blow to the foundations of Israeli democracy.

Implementing legislation passed by the Knesset in March, this new ban is the work of a government that is increasingly obsessed with silencing criticism, dissent and non-violent political activism. The important question about the ban is not whether Israel has the sovereign right to implement this ban — it does. What matters is the damaging impact the move will have on the country’s future and core values.

J Street strongly opposes the Global BDS Movement. And we firmly believe that the only way for Israel to effectively confront and defeat it is by pursuing and reaching a two-state peace agreement that resolves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and brings an end to over fifty years of occupation. Banning BDS supporters from entering Israel will not counter their arguments or stem the global tide of concern over occupation and the treatment of Palestinians. On the contrary, the decision helps to empower the BDS Movement and validate some of its criticisms by making Israel less open, tolerant and democratic.

In the past several years, we have seen Israeli leaders pursue and embrace legislation and public campaigns designed to stigmatize and silence many of the most prominent critics and chroniclers of the occupation. Targets have included civil and human rights activists, former Israeli soldiers and some of the country’s leading writers and artists. Moving forward, no critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians — Israeli or foreign, Jewish or non-Jewish — can be certain that this government will not act to limit their engagement with Israeli society, or even to ban them from entering the country.

Shared democratic values have long been central to the US-Israel relationship — and they are increasingly under threat. American Jewish, pro-Israel leaders must not look away from what is happening. Instead of validating an approach to BDS defined by censorship and fear, they should recognize that the movement is a by-product of a much larger crisis that threatens Israel’s basic security, character and future.

It does nothing to empower angry, self-loathing people like you.

So, does Israel support freedom, and democracy, or not?
The answer should be self evident.
Stupid antisemitic piece of shit wonders why Israel doesn't welcome stupid antisemitic pieces of shit with open arms.

What a revelation!

I mean why let people who don't like you into your house?

We should adopt some similar policies here.

Some Hasidim Jews are for boycotting Israel, how come?

You mean the "evil associates of our enemies"?

Umbrella Group of Orthodox Condemn Hareidi PLO-Sympathizers
Condemnation of Hareidi PLO Sympathizers
April 28, 2002

"It is with shame, sadness and outrage that we publicly condemn the irresponsible and dangerous actions of a small group of individuals [known generally as Neturei Karta] who have taken upon themselves to endanger the interests of the Jewish Nation, and especially our brethren in Zion, by their reprehensible actions in joining the enemies of our people at the rally held last Saturday in Washington." So begins a statement issued last week by an umbrella organization of mostly-hareidi groups in condemnation of several hareidi-appearing individuals who recently demonstrated together with Arabs against Israel.

The umbrella group, comprised of Satmar, Bobov, Belz, Vizhnitz, Munkacz, Kiryas Joel, Monroe, and other communities - many of them openly and sharply critical of Zionism - termed the PLO sympathizers "evil associates of our enemies."

The statement continued:

"...their depiction in the local and international media in religious garb and prayer shawls marching arm-in-arm with Palestinian Jew-haters has besmirched the reputations of hundreds of thousands of decent Orthodox, hareidi and Hassidic Jews worldwide. Unfortunately this despicable minuscule group, who were ejected decades ago from our synagogues and communities for similar activities, do not accept or listen to the rulings of the leaders of our communities... They should under no circumstances,Heaven forbid, be associated with any recognized hareidi or Hassidi community... We hope and pray that these individuals will speedily realize the enormous damage they have caused to our communities and to the Jewish people at large with their evil undertakings, creating a major desecration of G-d's name on such a massive and unprecedented scale and repent for this terrible sin. Until that time they will continue to be unwelcome amongst Torah-observant Jews - who faithfully follow the teachings of their Rabbis - in all aspects of the private and communal lives."

Umbrella Group of Orthodox Condemn Hareidi PLO-Sympathizers: Condemnation of Hareidi PLO Sympathizers :: Jewish Media Resources
Amazing, isn't this a restriction of Democracy, and freedom of expression?

The very things Israel / Jews have called Poland as doing?

It seems Jews over, and over again just think they have impunity, and that we the Goyim have a different set of rights than they do.

New Israeli Travel Ban Is a Major Blow to Democracy, Empowers BDS Movement

January 8, 2018

With the announcement that members of twenty organizations will be banned from entering Israel because of their support for the BDS Movement, the Netanyahu government has struck another significant blow to the foundations of Israeli democracy.

Implementing legislation passed by the Knesset in March, this new ban is the work of a government that is increasingly obsessed with silencing criticism, dissent and non-violent political activism. The important question about the ban is not whether Israel has the sovereign right to implement this ban — it does. What matters is the damaging impact the move will have on the country’s future and core values.

J Street strongly opposes the Global BDS Movement. And we firmly believe that the only way for Israel to effectively confront and defeat it is by pursuing and reaching a two-state peace agreement that resolves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and brings an end to over fifty years of occupation. Banning BDS supporters from entering Israel will not counter their arguments or stem the global tide of concern over occupation and the treatment of Palestinians. On the contrary, the decision helps to empower the BDS Movement and validate some of its criticisms by making Israel less open, tolerant and democratic.

In the past several years, we have seen Israeli leaders pursue and embrace legislation and public campaigns designed to stigmatize and silence many of the most prominent critics and chroniclers of the occupation. Targets have included civil and human rights activists, former Israeli soldiers and some of the country’s leading writers and artists. Moving forward, no critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians — Israeli or foreign, Jewish or non-Jewish — can be certain that this government will not act to limit their engagement with Israeli society, or even to ban them from entering the country.

Shared democratic values have long been central to the US-Israel relationship — and they are increasingly under threat. American Jewish, pro-Israel leaders must not look away from what is happening. Instead of validating an approach to BDS defined by censorship and fear, they should recognize that the movement is a by-product of a much larger crisis that threatens Israel’s basic security, character and future.

It does nothing to empower angry, self-loathing people like you.

So, does Israel support freedom, and democracy, or not?
Do you need to do one of these threads every minute of every day?

You know very well the pals could have shared. They chose not to and repeatedly waged war. Their platform still requires the destruction of Israel.

If they were ever actually interested in peace they would have it.

But until then you might concern yourself more with the dozen Muslim countries

And we can always chat about Poland working with the nazis slog with the grand mufti of Jerusalem who also worked with the nazis.

I mean why let people who don't like you into your house?

We should adopt some similar policies here.

Some Hasidim Jews are for boycotting Israel, how come?

You mean the "evil associates of our enemies"?

Umbrella Group of Orthodox Condemn Hareidi PLO-Sympathizers
Condemnation of Hareidi PLO Sympathizers
April 28, 2002

"It is with shame, sadness and outrage that we publicly condemn the irresponsible and dangerous actions of a small group of individuals [known generally as Neturei Karta] who have taken upon themselves to endanger the interests of the Jewish Nation, and especially our brethren in Zion, by their reprehensible actions in joining the enemies of our people at the rally held last Saturday in Washington." So begins a statement issued last week by an umbrella organization of mostly-hareidi groups in condemnation of several hareidi-appearing individuals who recently demonstrated together with Arabs against Israel.

The umbrella group, comprised of Satmar, Bobov, Belz, Vizhnitz, Munkacz, Kiryas Joel, Monroe, and other communities - many of them openly and sharply critical of Zionism - termed the PLO sympathizers "evil associates of our enemies."

The statement continued:

"...their depiction in the local and international media in religious garb and prayer shawls marching arm-in-arm with Palestinian Jew-haters has besmirched the reputations of hundreds of thousands of decent Orthodox, hareidi and Hassidic Jews worldwide. Unfortunately this despicable minuscule group, who were ejected decades ago from our synagogues and communities for similar activities, do not accept or listen to the rulings of the leaders of our communities... They should under no circumstances,Heaven forbid, be associated with any recognized hareidi or Hassidi community... We hope and pray that these individuals will speedily realize the enormous damage they have caused to our communities and to the Jewish people at large with their evil undertakings, creating a major desecration of G-d's name on such a massive and unprecedented scale and repent for this terrible sin. Until that time they will continue to be unwelcome amongst Torah-observant Jews - who faithfully follow the teachings of their Rabbis - in all aspects of the private and communal lives."

Umbrella Group of Orthodox Condemn Hareidi PLO-Sympathizers: Condemnation of Hareidi PLO Sympathizers :: Jewish Media Resources

So now Orthodox Jews are also the enemy of Jews?
Hahaha, okay good one.

I mean why let people who don't like you into your house?

We should adopt some similar policies here.

Some Hasidim Jews are for boycotting Israel, how come?

You mean the "evil associates of our enemies"?

Umbrella Group of Orthodox Condemn Hareidi PLO-Sympathizers
Condemnation of Hareidi PLO Sympathizers
April 28, 2002

"It is with shame, sadness and outrage that we publicly condemn the irresponsible and dangerous actions of a small group of individuals [known generally as Neturei Karta] who have taken upon themselves to endanger the interests of the Jewish Nation, and especially our brethren in Zion, by their reprehensible actions in joining the enemies of our people at the rally held last Saturday in Washington." So begins a statement issued last week by an umbrella organization of mostly-hareidi groups in condemnation of several hareidi-appearing individuals who recently demonstrated together with Arabs against Israel.

The umbrella group, comprised of Satmar, Bobov, Belz, Vizhnitz, Munkacz, Kiryas Joel, Monroe, and other communities - many of them openly and sharply critical of Zionism - termed the PLO sympathizers "evil associates of our enemies."

The statement continued:

"...their depiction in the local and international media in religious garb and prayer shawls marching arm-in-arm with Palestinian Jew-haters has besmirched the reputations of hundreds of thousands of decent Orthodox, hareidi and Hassidic Jews worldwide. Unfortunately this despicable minuscule group, who were ejected decades ago from our synagogues and communities for similar activities, do not accept or listen to the rulings of the leaders of our communities... They should under no circumstances,Heaven forbid, be associated with any recognized hareidi or Hassidi community... We hope and pray that these individuals will speedily realize the enormous damage they have caused to our communities and to the Jewish people at large with their evil undertakings, creating a major desecration of G-d's name on such a massive and unprecedented scale and repent for this terrible sin. Until that time they will continue to be unwelcome amongst Torah-observant Jews - who faithfully follow the teachings of their Rabbis - in all aspects of the private and communal lives."

Umbrella Group of Orthodox Condemn Hareidi PLO-Sympathizers: Condemnation of Hareidi PLO Sympathizers :: Jewish Media Resources

So now Orthodox Jews are also the enemy of Jews?
Hahaha, okay good one.

Just those siding with this, until they understand they stand by the blood of their brothers :

Amazing, isn't this a restriction of Democracy, and freedom of expression?

The very things Israel / Jews have called Poland as doing?

It seems Jews over, and over again just think they have impunity, and that we the Goyim have a different set of rights than they do.

New Israeli Travel Ban Is a Major Blow to Democracy, Empowers BDS Movement

January 8, 2018

With the announcement that members of twenty organizations will be banned from entering Israel because of their support for the BDS Movement, the Netanyahu government has struck another significant blow to the foundations of Israeli democracy.

Implementing legislation passed by the Knesset in March, this new ban is the work of a government that is increasingly obsessed with silencing criticism, dissent and non-violent political activism. The important question about the ban is not whether Israel has the sovereign right to implement this ban — it does. What matters is the damaging impact the move will have on the country’s future and core values.

J Street strongly opposes the Global BDS Movement. And we firmly believe that the only way for Israel to effectively confront and defeat it is by pursuing and reaching a two-state peace agreement that resolves the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and brings an end to over fifty years of occupation. Banning BDS supporters from entering Israel will not counter their arguments or stem the global tide of concern over occupation and the treatment of Palestinians. On the contrary, the decision helps to empower the BDS Movement and validate some of its criticisms by making Israel less open, tolerant and democratic.

In the past several years, we have seen Israeli leaders pursue and embrace legislation and public campaigns designed to stigmatize and silence many of the most prominent critics and chroniclers of the occupation. Targets have included civil and human rights activists, former Israeli soldiers and some of the country’s leading writers and artists. Moving forward, no critic of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians — Israeli or foreign, Jewish or non-Jewish — can be certain that this government will not act to limit their engagement with Israeli society, or even to ban them from entering the country.

Shared democratic values have long been central to the US-Israel relationship — and they are increasingly under threat. American Jewish, pro-Israel leaders must not look away from what is happening. Instead of validating an approach to BDS defined by censorship and fear, they should recognize that the movement is a by-product of a much larger crisis that threatens Israel’s basic security, character and future.

It does nothing to empower angry, self-loathing people like you.

So, does Israel support freedom, and democracy, or not?
Do you need to do one of these threads every minute of every day?

You know very well the pals could have shared. They chose not to and repeatedly waged war. Their platform still requires the destruction of Israel.

If they were ever actually interested in peace they would have it.

But until then you might concern yourself more with the dozen Muslim countries

And we can always chat about Poland working with the nazis slog with the grand mufti of Jerusalem who also worked with the nazis.

Isn't stealing another people's land, an act of war?
That's exactly what Jews did to Palestinians, how can a nation built on top of another people's land, be considered a peaceful nation, huh?

Jews were probably the biggest Nazi collaborators, the Jewish Ghetto Police delivered 10,000 Jews to the Nazis on a daily basis, for the camps, I don't think no one else except Germans is more responsible for the Holocaust, than the Jews.

Maybe you should point your fingers at Jews, it's no wonder why a lot of people are so anti-Jewish, you are some of the last people who should be pointing fingers at anyone.
Why is Israel that important for americans? I really don't get it. Was it the TV or Schools that pushed a small country, formed by invasion of lands, in your minds?
Stupid antisemitic piece of shit wonders why Israel doesn't welcome stupid antisemitic pieces of shit with open arms.

What a revelation!

I didn't say I supported BDS, or not.

It's just I don't know how Israel can say it's for freedom of expression, freedom of speech, or a true Liberal Democracy by doing such?

But, boy that doesn't stop Jews from going nuts over Trump's travel ban, or going nuts over Poland's law of criminalizing of blaming the Polish state for the Holocaust.

There's major , major, hypocrisy.
Do you really spend all day ranting and raving antisemitic nonsense ?

How many Israeli institutions, and Israeli press made a big deal about Poland's law restricting freedom of speech by criminalizing those who blame the Polish state for the Holocaust?

A ridiculous amount.

Now how many Polish institutions, and Polish press made a big deal about Israel's law restricting freedom of speech by banning those from the BDS movement from entering Israel?

Obviously next to none.

Maybe Jews should take a hint, and shut their stupid hypocritical mouths.
Do you really spend all day ranting and raving antisemitic nonsense ?

How many Israeli institutions, and Israeli press made a big deal about Poland's law restricting freedom of speech by criminalizing those who blame the Polish state for the Holocaust?

A ridiculous amount.

Now how many Polish institutions, and Polish press made a big deal about Israel's law restricting freedom of speech by banning those from the BDS movement from entering Israel?

Obviously next to none.

Maybe Jews should take a hint, and shut their stupid hypocritical mouths.

So the answer is yes ;-)

Something tells me you are some kinda basement dweller in Gaza with nothing better to do that blither on and on about the evil Joooooos

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