Israeli's have suffered. No doubt about it. say it again, Israeli's have suffered. For all of that suffereing there seems to be a collective wave of thought that has emerged from the isreali people. Its seems to be that because of that suffering they have a right to go about the world and settle scores how they see fit, And to make sure that they can position there people in seats of power around the globe ensuring that international foreign policy is set in a matter that has no regard for anyone except Isreal. Here is a quote that seems to be common.
"In 2003 a young Israeli officer was interviewed on British television and asked about the damage to Palestinian children. The ratio of Palestinians to Israeli injuries was so out of balance. Was this right? "The young officer, a third generation from the time of the Holocaust, said, 'the only authority to what we are doing is the gas chambers.'"
I personally feel for the jews in isreal , and certainly they are entitled to peace for their children. It just seems that too many times they try and take two wrongs to make a right. I also personally believe as do many others , that Isreali intelligence has cultivated many of our politicians and thier own citizens who have become U.S. politicians ( as is evident by how many top ranking U.S. officials hold dual U.S./Isreali citizenship and the power AIPAC seems to hold over our government) To set all their policy to the best interests of Isreal not the United States. While i firmly believe we should look out for the bests interests of our allies, i feel this is a big part of what is leading to the destruction of the United States of America today. I also believe that Palestinian Children As well as any children in the world deserve life and a childhood. I am not solely blaming Isreal for the problems in thier region, I just wish they would err more on the side of life and not make the mistakes of old that saw their own people suffer.
"In 2003 a young Israeli officer was interviewed on British television and asked about the damage to Palestinian children. The ratio of Palestinians to Israeli injuries was so out of balance. Was this right? "The young officer, a third generation from the time of the Holocaust, said, 'the only authority to what we are doing is the gas chambers.'"
I personally feel for the jews in isreal , and certainly they are entitled to peace for their children. It just seems that too many times they try and take two wrongs to make a right. I also personally believe as do many others , that Isreali intelligence has cultivated many of our politicians and thier own citizens who have become U.S. politicians ( as is evident by how many top ranking U.S. officials hold dual U.S./Isreali citizenship and the power AIPAC seems to hold over our government) To set all their policy to the best interests of Isreal not the United States. While i firmly believe we should look out for the bests interests of our allies, i feel this is a big part of what is leading to the destruction of the United States of America today. I also believe that Palestinian Children As well as any children in the world deserve life and a childhood. I am not solely blaming Isreal for the problems in thier region, I just wish they would err more on the side of life and not make the mistakes of old that saw their own people suffer.