'Israel should beware, we are enemies'


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Jibril Rajoub, a Fatah Central Committee member who recently visited Lebanon, said in an interview with the Hezbollah affiliated television network Al Mayadeen, "We the Palestinians are the enemies of Israel."

In the interview, which took place earlier this month, Rajoub emphasized that Fatah now supports popular resistance, but has not abandoned the idea of armed resistance. "As the people of the Fatah movement, we keep resistance on the agenda in all its forms," he said.

"At present, we are satisfied by the popular resistance," Rajoub added, but explained, "We the Palestinians are a source of concern for Israel. We are in this country, and this country is ours. They are our enemy and our battle is against them."

The interviewer of Al Mayadeen, a network associated with Iran and with the Assad regime in Syria, criticized the policy of the Palestinian Authority, and in response, to which Rajoub responded "Our war is against the Israeli occupation. Our main enemy, not just as Palestinians, but Arabs and Muslims, is Israel and the Israeli occupation," he added.

Rajoub: Israel should beware, we are enemies - Israel News, Ynetnews
Why should anyone be surprised a man sees his occupier as his enemy? They shall never forget your slaughter of 1500 of their children since 2000. And the war against Occupation is not just an Arab war it is a war against Occupation waged internationally by people of conscience all over this world. The Israeli Occupation is the enemy of all of us, the enemy of each one of us people of conscience all over this world.
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Why should anyone be surprised a man sees his occupier as his enemy? They shall never forget your slaughter of 1500 of their children since 2000. And the war against Occupation is not just an Arab war it is a war against Occupation waged internationally by people of conscience all over this world. The Israeli Occupation is the enemy of all of us, the enemy of each one of us people of conscience all over this world.
I keep telling her, "It's the occupation, stupid!", but she's just too pussy to deal with it.
Why should anyone be surprised a man sees his occupier as his enemy? They shall never forget your slaughter of 1500 of their children since 2000. And the war against Occupation is not just an Arab war it is a war against Occupation waged internationally by people of conscience all over this world. The Israeli Occupation is the enemy of all of us, the enemy of each one of us people of conscience all over this world.

There is lots to remember----like the slaughter of hundreds of millions
in the name of the lump of excrement ----your "god" ISAHUAKBAAAAR
Nothing new really...
Why should anyone be surprised a man sees his occupier as his enemy? They shall never forget your slaughter of 1500 of their children since 2000. And the war against Occupation is not just an Arab war it is a war against Occupation waged internationally by people of conscience all over this world. The Israeli Occupation is the enemy of all of us, the enemy of each one of us people of conscience all over this world.

We don't forget our dead as well, and it shows nothing but the fact that there is no one to talk to, Hamas and Fatah are the same.

This homeland is ours. we will all die protecting it.
Why should anyone be surprised a man sees his occupier as his enemy? They shall never forget your slaughter of 1500 of their children since 2000. And the war against Occupation is not just an Arab war it is a war against Occupation waged internationally by people of conscience all over this world. The Israeli Occupation is the enemy of all of us, the enemy of each one of us people of conscience all over this world.
I keep telling her, "It's the occupation, stupid!", but she's just too pussy to deal with it.

Here his own words? "We can't say we want Israel destroyed to the world, we say it just to ourselves".....

It's not the occupation, stupid!

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