Israel jails suspected Jewish militant without trial

even your own national newspapers agree "thereā€™s no dispute in Israel that the July 31 arson attack on the Dawabsheh family in Duma was a terror attack"

By the way, Morrito, false disinformation, Is known as The truth, so you carry on with your disinformation, and I'll carry on with the false disinformation,

Israel is going by the law as it is stated right now. They can't automatically pay the family that is not Israeli. The family have to apply for an exemption. It was an attack on palestinians not in Israel but the WB.
Palestinians don't pay Israelis in Israel for terror attacks by hamas or who ever. Now Israel is autometically exected to go againt the law and pay palestinians in the WB?
Israelis and others that are victims of palestinian terror have to go to court to receive payment for injuries and suffering.
The article headline makes it sound like Israel has to pay, NOW, without application or exemption being issued for this situation.
Palestinians could claim everything is settler attacks even if staged by pal factions just to get money. Paletinians pay the family of terrorists that attack Israelis in jail or that die in suicide attacks and they expect Israel to pay for terror attacks by settlers. It is a matter of following the law, not denying there was an attack.

The family is not Israeli and does not automatically get payment as Israelis do for palestinians terror attacks.

but hamas does not pay palestinians except famly of terrorists.

Let it go through legal channels and not 'demand' now as if they are Israelis.

Palestinians are not Israeli, that is why money is not hand to them yesterday
Palestinian Arson Victims Not Eligible Under Israeli Compensation Law
Though thereā€™s no dispute in Israel that the July 31 arson attack on the Dawabsheh family in Duma was a terror attack, the family wonā€™t be entitled to the government compensation granted Israeli victims of terror.

read more: Palestinian Arson Victims Not Eligible Under Israeli Compensation Law Israel News Haaretz

That law is ment to protect Israelis from terror.

The Dawabshe family has no blue-ids, they're under the judgement of the PA, they'll compensate them.
even your own national newspapers agree "thereā€™s no dispute in Israel that the July 31 arson attack on the Dawabsheh family in Duma was a terror attack"

Probable chance it was, yet it's not surprising Ha'aretz says "there's no shadow of doubt".... Didn't you all know Ha'aretz hold the best detectives in Israel? They know things before even the police does...
Israeli police on Sunday arrested several people in connection with the deadly arson attack on July 31 which killed an 18-month-old baby and his father and severely wounded his mother and brother in the West Bank neighborhood of Duma.

Among those taken into custody were two well-known ā€œultranationalists,ā€ Meir Ettinger and Eviatar Slonim, who were arrested last week but on Sunday placed in ā€œadministrative detention,ā€ which allows suspects to be held without trial for up to six months. The controversial practice is often used against Palestinian detainees, but rarely against Israelis. Another suspected extremist, Mordechai Meyer, was placed in administrative detention last week.

An additional seven suspects were arrested Sunday after police raided settlements outposts in the West Bank.

The arrests follow growing pressure on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his cabinet to crack down on growing far-right extremism in Israel. The firebombing and subsequent deaths of Saad Dawabsheh and 18-month-old Ali drew widespread condemnation around the worldā€”and within Israel itself, a rare response by authorities to attacks on Palestinians
Israel Makes Arrests Following Arson Attack in West Bank Wake Up From Your Slumber

Have they been charged with the murders, or where they just being questioned ?

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