I always smile when I hear things like these coming from Israel’s supporters:
“Israel has the means to defend itself so it does not need US help anymore.”
Jesus Christ!
Mankind wonders if there is intelligent life outside our planet but I’m still wondering if there is intelligent life inside the head of a super patriotic american clown.
Defend itself against whom? From the native arab population of Palestine who just want their civil rights respected?? What a joke!!!
The way the western media can distort and misrepresent reality in order to portray a supremacist state as a “victim” in need of protection and the discriminated ethnic group as the “aggressor” never ceases to amaze me.
The only demmand made by the arab population of Palestine is:
Give us the right to live anywhere we want in Palestine.
Give us the same amount of water allocated to the jewish population (a very important issue when you live in a desert).
Give us our civil rights.
Treat us as equals in our homeland.
The armed struggle just exists because the jewish supremacist state deny them these basic rights.
The day these rights are granted is the day the armed struggle stops.
I know what most palestinian arabs think, I know how uncommon "throw the Jews into the sea" mindset is.
I can only laugh when Israel's supporters tell me that Israel is a “functional democracy”.
A “democracy” that denies the right of the native arab population of Palestine to move freely in their own homeland due to the simple fact that they belong to the “wrong” ethnicity is anything but functional.
A “democracy” that is in an eternal state of war with the native arab population of Palestine in order to keep an artificial jewish majority in western Palestine is anything but functional.
A “democracy” that (through its racism) causes two american skyscrapers to collapse killing thousands of innocent american workers in the process is anything but functional.
Israel is not, by any stretch of the imagination, “a functional democracy”, not even a dysfunctional one for that matter.
Israel is an absolutely dysfunctional supremacist state.
The dysfunctionality of the jewish supremacist state has simply become unbearable.
Mankind simply cannot tolerate the existence of a supremacist state that plunges the world into a deep international crisis like the one we are living through now.
Israel’s supporters can puke their pro israeli slogans all they wish:
“Israel has won the military war.” (It did, but it has lost a much more important one: the ideological war).
“Israel is here to stay”. etc etc etc
It makes no difference.
All their racist blah, blah, blah won’t change the course of history.
We are living now in the last phase of Zionism.
In the 22th century, all the bigots, racist jews and super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board will be in their graves, Israel will have also bitten the dust and a new democratic, secular and bi-national state will arise in Palestine.
“Israel has the means to defend itself so it does not need US help anymore.”
Jesus Christ!
Mankind wonders if there is intelligent life outside our planet but I’m still wondering if there is intelligent life inside the head of a super patriotic american clown.
Defend itself against whom? From the native arab population of Palestine who just want their civil rights respected?? What a joke!!!
The way the western media can distort and misrepresent reality in order to portray a supremacist state as a “victim” in need of protection and the discriminated ethnic group as the “aggressor” never ceases to amaze me.
The only demmand made by the arab population of Palestine is:
Give us the right to live anywhere we want in Palestine.
Give us the same amount of water allocated to the jewish population (a very important issue when you live in a desert).
Give us our civil rights.
Treat us as equals in our homeland.
The armed struggle just exists because the jewish supremacist state deny them these basic rights.
The day these rights are granted is the day the armed struggle stops.
I know what most palestinian arabs think, I know how uncommon "throw the Jews into the sea" mindset is.
I can only laugh when Israel's supporters tell me that Israel is a “functional democracy”.
A “democracy” that denies the right of the native arab population of Palestine to move freely in their own homeland due to the simple fact that they belong to the “wrong” ethnicity is anything but functional.
A “democracy” that is in an eternal state of war with the native arab population of Palestine in order to keep an artificial jewish majority in western Palestine is anything but functional.
A “democracy” that (through its racism) causes two american skyscrapers to collapse killing thousands of innocent american workers in the process is anything but functional.
Israel is not, by any stretch of the imagination, “a functional democracy”, not even a dysfunctional one for that matter.
Israel is an absolutely dysfunctional supremacist state.
The dysfunctionality of the jewish supremacist state has simply become unbearable.
Mankind simply cannot tolerate the existence of a supremacist state that plunges the world into a deep international crisis like the one we are living through now.
Israel’s supporters can puke their pro israeli slogans all they wish:
“Israel has won the military war.” (It did, but it has lost a much more important one: the ideological war).
“Israel is here to stay”. etc etc etc
It makes no difference.
All their racist blah, blah, blah won’t change the course of history.
We are living now in the last phase of Zionism.
In the 22th century, all the bigots, racist jews and super patriotic american clowns of the US Message Board will be in their graves, Israel will have also bitten the dust and a new democratic, secular and bi-national state will arise in Palestine.