ISIS Video: America’s Air Dropped Weapons Now in Our Hands


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
We should know what territory is controlled by ISIS. And we dropped weapons right into their hands, according to a new video. How in the hell was such a mistake made, if it was a mistake? I really don't believe that Obama has it in him to go against any Muslims - ever. Obama stated initially that none of our military would make a move without his okay. Did he give the okay for them to drop weapons to ISIS? I'm sure the left will blame our military for the huge mistake, but our military people are better than that. They take orders without question and the military can be so precise that it's mind boggling. No way intel wasn't there regarding the fact that the area where the weapons were dropped was under ISIS control.

At least one bundle of U.S. weapons airdropped in Syria appears to have fallen into the hands of ISIS, a dangerous misfire in the American mission to speed aid to Kurdish forces making their stand in Kobani.
What bullshit. We are supporting Kurds in close contact with ISIS. Real hard to make sure all the drops hit there target. However, the drops and airstrikes are finally having the desired effect.
We should know what territory is controlled by ISIS. And we dropped weapons right into their hands, according to a new video. How in the hell was such a mistake made, if it was a mistake? I really don't believe that Obama has it in him to go against any Muslims - ever. Obama stated initially that none of our military would make a move without his okay. Did he give the okay for them to drop weapons to ISIS? I'm sure the left will blame our military for the huge mistake, but our military people are better than that. They take orders without question and the military can be so precise that it's mind boggling. No way intel wasn't there regarding the fact that the area where the weapons were dropped was under ISIS control.

At least one bundle of U.S. weapons airdropped in Syria appears to have fallen into the hands of ISIS, a dangerous misfire in the American mission to speed aid to Kurdish forces making their stand in Kobani.
The ineptitude of the US Government is becoming very obvious. If we cannot even perform a simple airdrop to the right people are we even sure we are bombing the right people?
Who the hell was responsible? If it were not so sad it would be freaking hilarious.
Evidently you people have mistaken the US military as a God that never has a SNAFU, FUBAR,..
But I love they way that the OP never wants blame on those that did the dead, only Oblama.. Like he was involved in the action...derps
Shit happens, Obamahad nothing to with this.

Do you guys TRY and look like dean and the rest of the whack job Lefty's here?
I really don't believe that Obama has it in him to go against any Muslims - ever. Obama stated initially that none of our military would make a move without his okay. Did he give the okay for them to drop weapons to ISIS?
Wow! You saw right through that one didn't you? Ain't no fooling you.
The ineptitude of the US Government is becoming very obvious. If we cannot even perform a simple airdrop to the right people are we even sure we are bombing the right people?
Who the hell was responsible? If it were not so sad it would be freaking hilarious.

That's just it. Who is getting bombed, the Kurds or ISIS? Our military isn't going in blind and there should be plenty of intel to keep them aware of who is who and where people are located. They know where ISIS idiots are and could drop weapons to Kurds who are a safe distance from them. The Kurds are barely hanging in there as it is and making them try to beat ISIS to the weapons isn't smart. The drop targets should be safely away from ISIS or we run the risk of them getting to the weapons first, like in this instance.

Some here have no idea of what our military is capable of and they do not just shoot or drop and hope for the best. It's far more calculated than that. They are following orders, whether they agree with them or not, and someone ordered them to drop in that location. Whoever gave that order needs to be called on the carpet now. Obama stated before that our military would not make a move without his instruction. Did he mean that and is he directing this now? Or is Valerie Jarrett calling the shots? Someone did this and it was either fucking stupid or a favor to ISIS.

The left always says shit happens when it's a Dem. I don't trust Obama, who can't even say the words 'radical Muslim' or 'Islamist terrorists.' He has a real problem saying anything negative about them. It's not normal for a true American to be so courteous to blood thirty animals.
One of 27 pallets was pushed out 5 or 10 seconds early or late over a small drop zone or a slight wind picked up and caused the package to drift or be drifted outside the zone. It happens. It can also be caused if exact speed and altitude is off be even a fraction, and remember, the drops are being made over hostile territory making the aircraft extremely vulnerable to enemy fire. So instead of thanking the brave US Airmen and women who risked their lives making these drops the idiot USA bashers here disparage them. They did a great job. The loss of one pallet out of 27 in that small drop zone under combat conditions is commendable
What everyone is missing here is that ISIS just got another PR victory they can and will play this like they got this stuff in an major fight and that we can't do the simplest things right. Sadly they will probably succeed with that line as they have waged a much better propaganda war than we have.

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