Is Zika Virus a liberal depopulation agenda?Bio weapon?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Is Zika Virus be a liberal agenda for depopulation, a bio weapon? Rockefeller foundation has patented the Zika virus few years ago and genetically modified male mosquitos have been released in Brazil allegedly to suppress dengue fiver. It is something wrong here. Obama will order marshal law and run country for ever.And the Earth depopulated ( liberals would be happy )
Is Zika Virus be a liberal agenda for depopulation, a bio weapon? Rockefeller foundation has patented the Zika virus few years ago and genetically modified male mosquitos have been released in Brazil allegedly to suppress dengue fiver. It is something wrong here. Obama will order marshal law and run country for ever.And the Earth depopulated ( liberals would be happy )

I always enjoy an outrage of liberals.

But can someone explain suddenly increase of dead outbreaks. Every year a new one. Failed experiments?

Moreover:Who are behind GM experiments?

Only crazy liberals:

This seems like a case to me where mankind's arrogance may have backfired on us.
Here is Oxitec back in 2015 proudly announcing that their GM mosquito has decimated the local mosquito population in a field trial:

Press release: Oxitec mosquito works to control Aedes aegypti in dengue hotspot | Oxitec
Releases of the genetically engineered Oxitec mosquito, commonly known as ‘Friendly Aedes aegypti’, reduced the dengue mosquito population in an area of Juazeiro, Brazil by 95%, well below the modelled threshold for epidemic disease transmission.
Here is a map showing where Juazeiro is located.
Here is a map showing where all the deformed babies are being born.
Zika was first confirmed in Brazil in may of 2015, but had been seen in other nations before. Question: Why didn't it cause an epidemic of birth defects in any other countries? How exactly would you miss a tenfold increase in children born with most of their brain missing? Zika in Brazil does not seem to behave like the Zika we were familiar with before.
How could the Zika catastrophe be linked to genetically modified mosquitoes?
The OX513A strain of male mosquitoes released in Juazeiro creates larvae that normally die in the absence of antibiotics, which is supposed to help decimate wild mosquito populations when these males are released in the wild. Problem here being of course, that "life, uh, finds a way". An estimated 3-4% of the larvae survive to adulthood in the absence of the tetracycline antibiotic. These larvae should then be free to go on and reproduce and pass on their genes. In fact, they may be the only ones that are passing on their genes in places that have their wild mosquito population decimated by these experiments.
What is the effect on these mosquitoes that grow up with a mutilated genome? It is thought that this should introduce a fitness cost, that is, they should have greater difficulty surviving. What do we know about these mosquitoes? Has adequate research ever been done on how a genetically mutilated mosquito copes with viral infections? Could the mosquito be more susceptible to certain pathogens, that it then passes on to humans? If a pathogen like the Zika virus can thrive in the mosquito without restraint, it could evolve into something far more dangerous than its original incarnation, pulling the lever on the slot machine with every replication until it hits the genetic jackpot.
Is it too much to ask for a moratorium on these type of genetic experiments?

Genetically modified mosquitoes released in Brazil in 2015 linked to the current Zika epidemic? • /r/conspiracy
Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released in 2015

(ANTIMEDIA) United States — The World Health Organization announced it will convene an Emergency Committee under International Health Regulations on Monday, February 1, concerning the Zika virus ‘explosive’ spread throughout the Americas. The virus reportedly has the potential to reach pandemic proportions — possibly around the globe. But understandingwhy this outbreak happened is vital to curbing it. As the WHO statement said:
Zika Outbreak Epicenter in Same Area Where GM Mosquitoes Were Released in 2015
Crazy liberal scientists at the behest of liberal governments desire to kill 99 % of mankind.

Why Central American savages ejaculate into each other is strange since they cannot afford to raise a fucking dog without US taxpayer aid.
virus was identified around 70 yrs ago in africa.
Mosquitoes carry many deadly or serious diseases and viruses
"Never let a crisis go to waste".

The L8berals can only survive in perpetual crisis. I call a, 'cavalry complex", because they want to be the heroes that rise in to save the day.
Is Zika Virus be a liberal agenda for depopulation, a bio weapon? .............................. the Earth depopulated ( liberals would be happy )

Too many issues so ........................ & left the one needing, imho, addressing.

Decreasing the earths population is vital. So, a method appears to be available. What's wrong with that?
Is Zika Virus be a liberal agenda for depopulation, a bio weapon? .............................. the Earth depopulated ( liberals would be happy )

Too many issues so ........................ & left the one needing, imho, addressing.

Decreasing the earths population is vital. So, a method appears to be available. What's wrong with that?

zika has been around for decades that we know of

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