Is your party going to far?


Oct 20, 2004
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Seattle, Wa
As far as parties go I have seen the Democrats go farther and farther left. The Republicans doing the opposite going farther and farther right. My curiosity is wondering when is this third party going to kick in? I used to think the Democrats were the party for me, now I'm worried if their going to start tie-dieing their shirts. As far as Republicans go, the stick is stuck up so far it's going to take some surgeons to get it out. Now I'm wondering for the people who do have party affiliations. Would to follow your party even if you felt it was going in the wrong direction, or going to far? Also are you feeling ousted by your party because your not as devout as them?

One question to think about is with nearly everyone having all kinds of different views why only 2 parties? Why even have parties, why not people? Peoples views can change party lines are a little trickier.
wolvie20m said:
As far as parties go I have seen the Democrats go farther and farther left. The Republicans doing the opposite going farther and farther right.

Wolvie - you must be a youngster. Otherwise you would know that BOTH parties have undergone a leftward migration.

If you doubt my conclusion, research the policies and statements of the Kennedy administration. You'll note that JFK had philosophies that would make today's Democrats faint in horror. The Republican party has drifted left until they are about the same, philosophically speaking, as Kennedy was back in the '60's.

In my view, BOTH parties are liberals. We no longer have a viable conservative party.

We need to get one.
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