Is there ANY reason to vote for Biden (other than TDS)?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Other than the fact that he is not President Trump, is there any rational reason to vote for Joe Biden? Does anyone think he is fully capable of grasping foreign or domestic policy issues? Does it make any sense to put the fate of the nation in the trembling hands of a soon-to-be octogenarian? Was Kamala Harris ever seriously considered to be Presidential material?

The first three years of the Trump presidency brought great prosperity and foreign policy successes to our country, despite the treasonous efforts of his opponents. Are voters really willing to throw all that away for the rantings of these radical demagogues?
Of course

Biden is a moderate with a long record of bipartisanship. Unlike Trump, he is respected around the world and can restore our sullied reputation.

After years of Trump drama, tantrums and inept decisions....Biden offers a return to normalcy
It'll be fun - he's senile. We can mess with him every day. He'll get real upset very easily.
He might not understand what is going on, and completely refer to other things - it will be hilarious!
He will probably continue to wave at empty fields when he get's off the plane.
The foreign people will never know either, because they don't understand English.
Drool will probably come out of his mouth when he makes a speech.
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Of course

Biden is a moderate with a long record of bipartisanship. Unlike Trump, he is respected around the world and can restore our sullied reputation.

Biden offers a return to normalcy

For how long?

I predict Biden will 'bow out' within 6-12 months, if not earlier.

You're basically voting to put the first woman of color in the Oval Office.

and, I'm not sure even the run of the mill Democrats want her in charge.
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I agree with Biden on more of the issues. In Normal World, that would be enough.

But unfortunately, in addition, Donald Trump is an insult to the country, the office, and my senses.

But mostly, the issues. Anyone who claims not understand that is being obtuse, at best.

Biden: America is the nation of immigrants, not of Americans.

Only a fake American can agree with this.
Other than the fact that he is not President Trump, is there any rational reason to vote for Joe Biden? Does anyone think he is fully capable of grasping foreign or domestic policy issues? Does it make any sense to put the fate of the nation in the trembling hands of a soon-to-be octogenarian? Was Kamala Harris ever seriously considered to be Presidential material?

The first three years of the Trump presidency brought great prosperity and foreign policy successes to our country, despite the treasonous efforts of his opponents. Are voters really willing to throw all that away for the rantings of these radical demagogues?

No there is not. And TDS is not a good reason to vote Biden, it's a good reason to get treatment.

Creepy Joe is 50 years of failure.
Of course

Biden is a moderate with a long record of bipartisanship. Unlike Trump, he is respected around the world and can restore our sullied reputation.

After years of Trump drama, tantrums and inept decisions....Biden offers a return to normalcy
yeah and a return to normalcy means believing in critical race theory, jews and arabs hating each other to the point of having no relations, of propping up Iran for some reason and of more war.......yep that's your republicrat establishment......nice record
Unlike our current President, Joe Biden is not that smart

He is not smarter than the Scientists
He is not smarter than the Generals
He is not smarter than the Medical Professionals
He cannot predict Hurricanes better than the Weathermen
He does not use a Sharpie.

Joe Biden will use the advice of experts to make decisions rather than gut feelings and internet hoaxes
We can at least attempt to bring half the country back to some semblance of reality where we can discuss issues and policy rather than arguing about fundamental facts.
Unlike our current President, Joe Biden is not that smart

He is not smarter than the Scientists
He is not smarter than the Generals
He is not smarter than the Medical Professionals
He cannot predict Hurricanes better than the Weathermen
He does not use a Sharpie.

Joe Biden will use the advice of experts to make decisions rather than gut feelings and internet hoaxes
"Experts" you mean the ones that said you couldn't deal with Arabs on the Israel question without dealing with Palestinians?
Scientists? Are we talking real science or the made up bullshit you call science?
We can at least attempt to bring half the country back to some semblance of reality where we can discuss issues and policy rather than arguing about fundamental facts.
When did that ever happen?
The left tries to tell us there are more than 2 genders......they use psychobabble.....that's a fundamental fact: You have a dick or a vagina (and the very RARE case you have both)
Other than the fact that he is not President Trump, is there any rational reason to vote for Joe Biden? Does anyone think he is fully capable of grasping foreign or domestic policy issues? Does it make any sense to put the fate of the nation in the trembling hands of a soon-to-be octogenarian? Was Kamala Harris ever seriously considered to be Presidential material?

The first three years of the Trump presidency brought great prosperity and foreign policy successes to our country, despite the treasonous efforts of his opponents. Are voters really willing to throw all that away for the rantings of these radical demagogues?

When the current President is the worst President in the history of the nation, the fact that Biden is a capable and experienced manager, with a history of honesty, and decency in office, is the first step in ending the chaos, mismanagement, and destruction of the Trump presidency, is reason enough to elect him.

Twice now, Democrats have cleaned up after Republicans crashed the economy, and Biden is the guy who handled the technical end of restarting the economy after W crashed it, so he has actual hands on experience doing it. Yet another very good reason for electing him.
Of course

Biden is a moderate with a long record of bipartisanship. Unlike Trump, he is respected around the world and can restore our sullied reputation.

After years of Trump drama, tantrums and inept decisions....Biden offers a return to normalcy
if he is such a moderate why did he not pick someone who is a moderate for VP?....

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