Is Obama Getting Enough Credit For Overseeing The Most Corrupt Administration In History

Yes....he will go doin in history as the POTUS who beat carter.....:lol:
Reagan's administration was much more corrupt and this was well before the 24 hour news cycle had solidified.

"How Corrupt Was It?"

It was so corrupt that Caspar Weinberger (his SecDef) received a pardon as part of the Iran Contra scandal which was just one of a great many scandals that plagued Ronnie's term in office.

Still a great President though.
Republicans are easily led and easily fooled, thus their congressional people who pad their pockets while their base is hypnotized with BS. It would be funny and is, except we now have a useless congress and a mostly corporate sponsored SCOTUS. See link at bottom for their tactics.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.

One of the great ones.

And our economy improved too. Research shows Democrats are better for the economy — so why do voters trust Republicans more?

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself. It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine
Reagan's administration was much more corrupt and this was well before the 24 hour news cycle had solidified.

"How Corrupt Was It?"

It was so corrupt that Caspar Weinberger (his SecDef) received a pardon as part of the Iran Contra scandal which was just one of a great many scandals that plagued Ronnie's term in office.

Still a great President though.
Any president that would be dumb enough to appoint a clinton to a position has to be retarded.
Everybody and their dog know's the Clintons are trouble....except obama.
whadda tard.
Republicans are easily led and easily fooled, thus their congressional people who pad their pockets while their base is hypnotized with BS. It would be funny and is, except we now have a useless congress and a mostly corporate sponsored SCOTUS. See link at bottom for their tactics.

President Barack Obama will go down as one our very best presidents, there is no doubt of that. Will the conservatives and others disagree, of course, but any review of the past eight years and his accomplishments will prove them wrong.

One of the great ones. Obama Is One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time. Here’s Why

And our economy improved too. Research shows Democrats are better for the economy — so why do voters trust Republicans more?

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself. It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine
Poor godfather obama. The Clintons keep dragging him in.
Reagan's administration was much more corrupt and this was well before the 24 hour news cycle had solidified.

"How Corrupt Was It?"

It was so corrupt that Caspar Weinberger (his SecDef) received a pardon as part of the Iran Contra scandal which was just one of a great many scandals that plagued Ronnie's term in office.

Still a great President though.
The wheels of justice is just the wheel of justice. And that one wheel has republican written on it.
Only republicans are prosecuted.
Dems are snow white.
Right wingers declaring Obama the worst President in history will count for nothing in the history books. The criteria for making such a statement needs objective data and facts. Reagan had more corruption convictions and pardons needed than any other President. His administrations had more members convicted in court than any other President in history. That is fact, not opinion based on partisan opinion, Nixon follows closely behind.
Did Barry actually not know what was really going on in Washington for the past 8 years? Why is Barry getting a pass from criticism and accountability?
because to mention his corruption would be racist.
if he was white the media and everyone else would be all over him like flies on poop.
Right wingers declaring Obama the worst President in history will count for nothing in the history books. The criteria for making such a statement needs objective data and facts. Reagan had more corruption convictions and pardons needed than any other President. His administrations had more members convicted in court than any other President in history. That is fact, not opinion based on partisan opinion, Nixon follows closely behind.
That's cuz the system is rigged.
I see it more every day.
Reagan had more corruption convictions and pardons needed than any other President.

But did Reagan control the FBI and Dept. of Justice and MSM?
Reagan's administration was much more corrupt and this was well before the 24 hour news cycle had solidified.

"How Corrupt Was It?"

It was so corrupt that Caspar Weinberger (his SecDef) received a pardon as part of the Iran Contra scandal which was just one of a great many scandals that plagued Ronnie's term in office.

Still a great President though.

Weinberger's indictments (2) were both thrown out of court. Isn't it rather amazing that the Reagan Justice Department indicted and prosecuted members of his administration and the Obama Justice Department doesn't.
Reagan's administration was much more corrupt and this was well before the 24 hour news cycle had solidified.

"How Corrupt Was It?"

It was so corrupt that Caspar Weinberger (his SecDef) received a pardon as part of the Iran Contra scandal which was just one of a great many scandals that plagued Ronnie's term in office.

Still a great President though.

Weinberger's indictments (2) were both thrown out of court. Isn't it rather amazing that the Reagan Justice Department indicted and prosecuted members of his administration and the Obama Justice Department doesn't.
Weinberger got a pardon, didn't he? Pretty sure he did.
Did Barry actually not know what was really going on in Washington for the past 8 years? Why is Barry getting a pass from criticism and accountability?

Most corrupt? List the corruption convictions to come out of the Obama administration.
1) Even the Clintons have repudiated Obamacare:

And with good reason: Obamacare Insurance Premiums to Jump by up to 51%

2) Thoughtful observers have noticed his many foreign policy blunders:
Marc Thiessen: Obama’s weakness emboldens Putin

3) Under Obama the rich have gotten richer and the poor poorer: Income Inequality Grew Faster Under Obama, According To One Measure | Huffington Post

4) Economic weakness:

The Disappearing Recovery

Tavis Smiley: In The Era of Obama Blacks Have Lost Ground In Every Major Economic Category

5) Obama has been no friend of liberty: Obama's Hypocrisy on Religious Freedom

6) And let's not forget his atrocities:

Obama's legacy = failure.

Obama managed to disappoint a whole generation.
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Did Barry actually not know what was really going on in Washington for the past 8 years? Why is Barry getting a pass from criticism and accountability?
How many convictions compared to Nixon's Administration....Reagan's Administration...Bush's Administration?
'Is Obama Getting Enough Credit For Overseeing The Most Corrupt Administration In History'

Did Barry actually not know what was really going on in Washington for the past 8 years? Why is Barry getting a pass from criticism and accountability?
How many convictions compared to Nixon's Administration....Reagan's Administration...Bush's Administration?
'Convictions' have little to do with 'corruption', 'Crime', and 'Justice' in Washington DC.

Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel - The man is a member of congress, resides/resided on the Committee responsible for WRITING the US Tax Code, was caught, nabbed, BUSTED...REPEATEDLY, not just once - engaged in tax evasion, tax fraud, and refusing to pay his taxes. The man should be in jail right now...He was NEVER indicted, NEVER charged, NEVER convicted, NEVER forced to pay a fine, NEVER made to pay interest on the money he owed...he was just allowed to resubmit an amended LEGAL tax form and pay what he owed.

No non-federal politician in this country would have been treated like that.
It should be clear to everyone now, the Obama zombies were dupes.


Obama promised hope and change, but instead he served the corrupt Washington establishment.
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