Is Kyrsten Sinema Nuts or a Genius? She is to blame for Biden & The Dems Getting Nothing Meaningful Done! New Poll shows she'll get crushed in 2024

That's typical of Dems. If she and Manchin wanted to, they could effing WRECK the Dems in '23 by flipping to the Republican party. The only negative impact would be to put the Turtle in charge but that'd at least alienate enough to stop any disastrous legislation from being passed.
but that'd at least alienate enough to stop any disastrous legislation from being passed.
McConnell and the usual crop of RINO traitors just hurried up and passed a $1.7 trillion budget BEFORE the House GOP majority could do anything about it. Giving up ALL the leverage the GOP had. Why? Because they are RINO's hello, Republicans IN NAME ONLY.
McConnell and the usual crop of RINO traitors just hurried up and passed a $1.7 trillion budget BEFORE the House GOP majority could do anything about it. Giving up ALL the leverage the GOP had. Why? Because they are RINO's hello, Republicans IN NAME ONLY.
The GOP leaders talk a good game but they all love them some pork. Lindsey Graham and 17 other Repubs signed off on the 1.7 TRILLION DOLLAR PORKZILLA BILL. Incidentally, there isn't SQUAT for our border protection, but lots of money for feel good crap like the Michelle Obama trail. This is what happens when 20 something staffers write all the sections of the bill and NOBODY REVIEWS WHAT THEY WRITE. This is an absolute DISGRACE.
There’s a very early poll showing Sinema is so unpopular that she might become a virtually irrelevant factor in the 2024 Senate contest in Arizona

There’s a very early poll showing Sinema is so unpopular that she might become a virtually irrelevant factor in the 2024 Senate contest in Arizona

Yeah, she's done. You're either for us, or your against us.

Hope she got plenty of right wing billionaire money to be a traitor.
The GOP leaders talk a good game but they all love them some pork. Lindsey Graham and 17 other Repubs signed off on the 1.7 TRILLION DOLLAR PORKZILLA BILL. Incidentally, there isn't SQUAT for our border protection, but lots of money for feel good crap like the Michelle Obama trail. This is what happens when 20 something staffers write all the sections of the bill and NOBODY REVIEWS WHAT THEY WRITE. This is an absolute DISGRACE.
"Michelle Obama trail" WTF??
she had to stand by her principals and wouldn’t put the demafasict agenda a head of her country…she’s a brave person

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