IRS Employee Unions Want to be Exempt from Obamacare


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Isn't this just peachy. It would be reasonable to assume that the IRS, the ones who will be enforcing Obamacare, would know better than most about what is in the bill. They, like others, couldn't wait till it passed so they could find out what was in it. Now that they have, they want out. Congress wants out.

So many companies will go out of business, many already have, people are getting laid off and many have had their full time positions reduced to part time. More jobs will be lost as we near the deadline for this oppressive bill to take full effect. Those who supported Obamacare now realize what a disaster it is and they'd rather not be forced to participate, yet no concern for the little people who will take the brunt of it.

What does all this tell you? I dare some lefties to come and defend the fact that those who imposed this crap on us and those who will enforce it don't want anything to do with it. Still think it's a good thing?

IRS Employees Union: Keep Us Out Of Exchanges | FreedomWorks
The Teamsters and a few other unions want ObamaCare repealed.

Karma and Nemesis are double teaming Obama's Hubris.

AND remember these are the same people that are suppose to be so math proficient???
Starting with Obama saying there are 46 million "uninsured".....WHEN in reality 10 million are not legal citizens but counted as uninsured!
14 million counted as uninsured ARE actually covered by Medicaid!
And the biggest bogus number are 18 million people THAT CAN AFFORD but don't want to waste money on something they don't need health insurance!
They are under 34. They make over $50,000 and pay out of pocket less then $1,000 a year so it's wasteful to participate with employers' insurance!
Yet Obama/ have counted all these 42 million that aren't citizens, are already covered, and don't want insurance!

These idiots just don't understand how insurance works and a simple solution is do as Obama did with tanning salons taxed them 10% well tax the lawyers
that cause the $850 billion a year in duplicate tests, specialists referrals ALL BECAUSE doctors are fearful of being sued!
So tax lawyers 10% or $20 billion! That $20 billion provides insurance for the truly 4 million uninsured!
Then hospitals WILL NOT be allowed to pad and pass sometimes with 6,000% markups.. to recoup from uninsured services!
Then Medicare/insurance companies won't be paying 6,000% marked up claims and insurance costs go down.

Now tell me how complicated is all that? $20 billion taxed on $200 billion lawyers make off lawsuits!
Hospitals not allowed to pad and pass with the net savings a minimum of $200 billion a year between reduced Defensive medicine and Overcharges by hospitals!
Isn't this just peachy. It would be reasonable to assume that the IRS, the ones who will be enforcing Obamacare, would know better than most about what is in the bill. They, like others, couldn't wait till it passed so they could find out what was in it. Now that they have, they want out. Congress wants out.

So many companies will go out of business, many already have, people are getting laid off and many have had their full time positions reduced to part time. More jobs will be lost as we near the deadline for this oppressive bill to take full effect. Those who supported Obamacare now realize what a disaster it is and they'd rather not be forced to participate, yet no concern for the little people who will take the brunt of it.

What does all this tell you? I dare some lefties to come and defend the fact that those who imposed this crap on us and those who will enforce it don't want anything to do with it. Still think it's a good thing?

IRS Employees Union: Keep Us Out Of Exchanges | FreedomWorks

If Obama Care is so great why are so many running away from it? :eek:
On Al Sharpton's show tonight he stated that because of Obama Care 17 million children with preexisting conditions will now get coverage.That number sounds awfully high.Just like they said
this will cover 58 million people that didn't have any kind of coverage.

I don't believe either of these figures.
They are terrible with numbers, from how much it would cost to how many actually needed it. We now know that only a fraction of what they claimed were uninsured and wanted insurance. We know the cost is sky high and no where near what they claimed. We know we might not be able to keep our current plan and doctor because companies can't afford it.

Those in the know are running like hell. Meanwhile, the rest of us are stuck not only paying for it, but having to live with rationed care and increasing costs. They need to repeal this mess and go back to the drawing board. Expanding Medicare for those in need would have solved the problem of those wanting insurance but not being able to afford it. Then the government needs to allow medical insurance companies to compete across the states. Look at the good deals you can get with auto insurance because competition brings costs down and companies offer more for the money. That is what we needed health insurers to do, but government stopped them.

If the goal of those who drafted this mess was really about people getting health care, it would be totally different. It's obvious that wasn't the goal. It's about government control and a bunch more taxes. Any expert in socialism will tell you that government controlling health care is a must if you want to transform freedom to bondage. We are all nothing but slaves to government and the federal reserve now.
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