Subject: Iraq Builds More Affordable Housing Than Canada
A public service announcement from Homes not Bombs...
Why is the government of Iraq constructing affordable housing while Canada remains committed to doing nothing as an increasing number of its citizens freeze to death on the streets of our cities with millions more in substandard housing, at risk of homelessness?
Despite having lost over a million of its citizens to devastating
Canadian/U.S./U.K.-enforced sanctions and daily bombings of its people by U.S./U.K. fighter jets, the governmnent of Iraq has still found the resources to construct 6,000 affordable housing units (Their goal of 30,000 is currently unattainable due to sanctions, but the very fact of a poor nation like Iraq making such a commitment shames a rich nation like Canada, whose stated federal commitment to new affordable housing construction
still stands at 0 units. While there are relatively small amounts of money finally coming through for a number of projects, the Canadian government has set no targets or goals as part of a national strategy). (Source: Secretary General's 90-Day Report on Phase X of "Oil for Food", esp. Section #75, see below)
If dictator Saddam Hussein can find it in his heart to provide affordable housing in such conditions, perhaps we can shame the "friendly" dictator of Canada to at least match or maybe even double or more Canada's commitment to getting back into the construction of affordable housing for the 250,000 estimated homeless in this country and over 5 million forced to struggle in
A public service announcement from Homes not Bombs...
Why is the government of Iraq constructing affordable housing while Canada remains committed to doing nothing as an increasing number of its citizens freeze to death on the streets of our cities with millions more in substandard housing, at risk of homelessness?
Despite having lost over a million of its citizens to devastating
Canadian/U.S./U.K.-enforced sanctions and daily bombings of its people by U.S./U.K. fighter jets, the governmnent of Iraq has still found the resources to construct 6,000 affordable housing units (Their goal of 30,000 is currently unattainable due to sanctions, but the very fact of a poor nation like Iraq making such a commitment shames a rich nation like Canada, whose stated federal commitment to new affordable housing construction
still stands at 0 units. While there are relatively small amounts of money finally coming through for a number of projects, the Canadian government has set no targets or goals as part of a national strategy). (Source: Secretary General's 90-Day Report on Phase X of "Oil for Food", esp. Section #75, see below)
If dictator Saddam Hussein can find it in his heart to provide affordable housing in such conditions, perhaps we can shame the "friendly" dictator of Canada to at least match or maybe even double or more Canada's commitment to getting back into the construction of affordable housing for the 250,000 estimated homeless in this country and over 5 million forced to struggle in