Iraq Must Fall

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The Middle East must be reformed.

If it is not, millions of people will inevitably die.

Years ago, the technology to create a computer was difficult to find. It seems amazing, but believe it or not, the whole world was not privy to that sort of technological know how.

ThatÂ’s the way technology works however, the never-ending march of progress makes technology simpler to understand, and easier to access.

This march is no different for nuclear weapons.

Eventually, the technology to produce these weapons will be with in the grasp of any organized well-funded country.

Countries in the Middle East, like Libya, Syria and Iran have already tried to develop nuclear programs.

If a theocratic dictatorship, or any dictatorship for that manner, in the Middle East, gets its hand on nuclear weapons, it will be impossible to remove. Its people will be destined to face perpetual oppression.

Even worse, this dictatorship could give weapons to terrorists, who would attack us here in the west. Any nuclear attack in North America would kill millions.

Equally devastating, they could attack Israel. In fact, an attack on Israel is a more likely sinereo. Any attack on Israel will result in Israel launching its Nukes. Millions of innocent Arabs, people who have no say in what their dictatorships do, will be obliterated.

Iraq is the first domino.

For all our sakes, lets hope it falls.

The Brilliant Canadian
It's too late. Pakistan has the bomb and so does Israel.

Building a bomb is easy. Undergraduates in college can do it. Enriching uranium is the bitch. It requires a ton of energy and is relatively easy to detect. In addition, intercontinental delivery systems are also a problem.

I think your dream of a disarmed Middle East should contain a plan to have Israel give up it's nukes. They have the protection of the US military, why do they need a nuclear deterrent? Why should we expect islamic countries in the Middle East to not pursue nukes/WMD when their hostile neighbor Israel has them?

Good post, Ike.

I agree with you. Iraq was the first to go, and it's imperative that it is set up with a modern democracy to set an example for the rest of the region.

The rest will fall into line if there is a peaceful, free Arab democracy right next door - the people will demand change once they see their brothers in Iraq enjoying the liberty that all of us enjoy & expect.

Hopefully, that will spur them on to take things into their own hands and affect change, rather than waiting for another country to do it for them.

Once you have peaceful governments throughout the area, the prospect of nukes is much less frightening... it's the nutcase dictator with his finger over the button that scares me.
Are we forgetting North Korea? Iraq isn't the first domino, there isn't going to be any nuclear prevention unless we take out every single rogue country before NK can sell a nuke.
lets hope for our sake and the rest of the worlds that these rogue states follow the lead of Lybia. dont you think its about time that all these so called rogue states join the rest of the human race. it would be great if there wasnt any more blood shed but some of the countrys leaders are either pycho or so delusional as to not see what is really going on.
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