The Middle East must be reformed.
If it is not, millions of people will inevitably die.
Years ago, the technology to create a computer was difficult to find. It seems amazing, but believe it or not, the whole world was not privy to that sort of technological know how.
ThatÂ’s the way technology works however, the never-ending march of progress makes technology simpler to understand, and easier to access.
This march is no different for nuclear weapons.
Eventually, the technology to produce these weapons will be with in the grasp of any organized well-funded country.
Countries in the Middle East, like Libya, Syria and Iran have already tried to develop nuclear programs.
If a theocratic dictatorship, or any dictatorship for that manner, in the Middle East, gets its hand on nuclear weapons, it will be impossible to remove. Its people will be destined to face perpetual oppression.
Even worse, this dictatorship could give weapons to terrorists, who would attack us here in the west. Any nuclear attack in North America would kill millions.
Equally devastating, they could attack Israel. In fact, an attack on Israel is a more likely sinereo. Any attack on Israel will result in Israel launching its Nukes. Millions of innocent Arabs, people who have no say in what their dictatorships do, will be obliterated.
Iraq is the first domino.
For all our sakes, lets hope it falls.
The Brilliant Canadian
If it is not, millions of people will inevitably die.
Years ago, the technology to create a computer was difficult to find. It seems amazing, but believe it or not, the whole world was not privy to that sort of technological know how.
ThatÂ’s the way technology works however, the never-ending march of progress makes technology simpler to understand, and easier to access.
This march is no different for nuclear weapons.
Eventually, the technology to produce these weapons will be with in the grasp of any organized well-funded country.
Countries in the Middle East, like Libya, Syria and Iran have already tried to develop nuclear programs.
If a theocratic dictatorship, or any dictatorship for that manner, in the Middle East, gets its hand on nuclear weapons, it will be impossible to remove. Its people will be destined to face perpetual oppression.
Even worse, this dictatorship could give weapons to terrorists, who would attack us here in the west. Any nuclear attack in North America would kill millions.
Equally devastating, they could attack Israel. In fact, an attack on Israel is a more likely sinereo. Any attack on Israel will result in Israel launching its Nukes. Millions of innocent Arabs, people who have no say in what their dictatorships do, will be obliterated.
Iraq is the first domino.
For all our sakes, lets hope it falls.
The Brilliant Canadian