

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Should the international community allow Iran to have a nuke?
Should the international community allow Iran to have a nuke?
Yup, should international community have provided Pakistan and Israel with nuclear weapon?
Iran tries to carry out it's own nuclear program. We object to this initiative. But we and the USSR sold a nuke to China, India and North Korea earlier.
We have them. As long as we do....we are in no position to demand that they don't. We are also the only nation to have ever used them. We are an arrogant people.

Iran having them would likely avoid more regional conflict than it creates.
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Should the international community allow Iran to have a nuke?
What Iran does is none of their fucking business.

Should American citizens then be afforded the right to obtain automatic weapons?

Look at that! A section of the logic bridge missing!

If you were to ask the "international community" about your right to obtain automatic weapons, what do you think the response would be?

You might try thinking.
The notion that you take one horrible situation that one person does, and then provide that as a reason everyone else should be able to do the same - is a solid indicator of insanity.
That is just utterly f*cked up logic.

We opened the door for Iran when we invaded Iraq and took out Saddam.

And now we're upset?

As bad as that choice was don't fool yourself. Saddam was not stopping Iran from nuclear ambitions.
Democrat ignorant talking points might put that forth but it's complete nonsense
Ultimately I think Iran is Israel's problem to deal with. Israel has the power to do what needs to be done without using their pitbull (America)
If Iran attacks then we respond

We opened the door for Iran when we invaded Iraq and took out Saddam.

And now we're upset?


Hell, our problems with Iran go back to the early 50s when we deposed their democratically elected president and installed a dictator to due our bidding. We have nobody but ourselves to blame for the current state of Iran.
Maybe we should make a deal with them where they stop their nuke weapons program ..........oh.

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