Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

Are you limited to one liner, 25 words or less, troll posts?

Iran Will Destroy Israeli Nuke Facilities If Attacked

I bet you regard that as a "terrorist" statement made by a "terrorist", right Mr. 80IQ?

You never did explain how nukes can cause a tsunami.

I have posted several links already. Try reading them.

Oh WAIT ! Would you understand what you were reading? Hmm ...doubtful.

The delivery of American and Israeli micro nukes is always by swimmer to maximize security. You can watch the official American Special Atomic Demolition Munition training film via your Real Media Player by clicking the left link.


You think a "micro nuke" can cause a tsunami?
Your ignorance of physics comes as no surprise.

I'm amazed you can even spell physics correctly. Are you prohibited by your handler to post more than 25 words?

An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Trouble with you ZioShils is that you can make the claim (which is always empty); but you NEVER...EVER...EVER back up the claims you trolls mkae.

Yet you expect people to believe your hot air & flapping of your lips.


An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Do you know how much energy there is in a tidal wave? LOL!
It's not like when you used to splash water out of your tub.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

It's one thing to make the's another thing to prove your claim, huh?

Mossad Black Ops and False Flags

A Brief history of Mossad Black Ops and False Flags, Mossad: a shell organization for Jewish/Israeli terrorism all over the world. False Flags: Committing an atrocious act, and blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for you.

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.

Kristallnacht When government officials were away, Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews

Bromberg massacre An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik Jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one 'Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.

The King David Massacre July 22, 1946 Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians.

Lavon affair In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring

RFK Assassination June 1968 Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too 'Hollywood'.
You never did explain how nukes can cause a tsunami.

I have posted several links already. Try reading them.

Oh WAIT ! Would you understand what you were reading? Hmm ...doubtful.

The delivery of American and Israeli micro nukes is always by swimmer to maximize security. You can watch the official American Special Atomic Demolition Munition training film via your Real Media Player by clicking the left link.


You think a "micro nuke" can cause a tsunami?
Your ignorance of physics comes as no surprise.

I'm amazed you can even spell physics correctly. Are you prohibited by your handler to post more than 25 words?

An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Trouble with you ZioShils is that you can make the claim (which is always empty); but you NEVER...EVER...EVER back up the claims you trolls mkae.

Yet you expect people to believe your hot air & flapping of your lips.


An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Do you know how much energy there is in a tidal wave? LOL!
It's not like when you used to splash water out of your tub.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

It's one thing to make the's another thing to prove your claim, huh?

Mossad Black Ops and False Flags

A Brief history of Mossad Black Ops and False Flags, Mossad: a shell organization for Jewish/Israeli terrorism all over the world. False Flags: Committing an atrocious act, and blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for you.

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.

Kristallnacht When government officials were away, Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews

Bromberg massacre An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik Jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one 'Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.

The King David Massacre July 22, 1946 Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians.

Lavon affair In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring

RFK Assassination June 1968 Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too 'Hollywood'.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

You claimed Israeli nukes did it, so show me.
I have posted several links already. Try reading them.

Oh WAIT ! Would you understand what you were reading? Hmm ...doubtful.

The delivery of American and Israeli micro nukes is always by swimmer to maximize security. You can watch the official American Special Atomic Demolition Munition training film via your Real Media Player by clicking the left link.


You think a "micro nuke" can cause a tsunami?
Your ignorance of physics comes as no surprise.

I'm amazed you can even spell physics correctly. Are you prohibited by your handler to post more than 25 words?

An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Trouble with you ZioShils is that you can make the claim (which is always empty); but you NEVER...EVER...EVER back up the claims you trolls mkae.

Yet you expect people to believe your hot air & flapping of your lips.


An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Do you know how much energy there is in a tidal wave? LOL!
It's not like when you used to splash water out of your tub.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

It's one thing to make the's another thing to prove your claim, huh?

Mossad Black Ops and False Flags

A Brief history of Mossad Black Ops and False Flags, Mossad: a shell organization for Jewish/Israeli terrorism all over the world. False Flags: Committing an atrocious act, and blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for you.

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.

Kristallnacht When government officials were away, Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews

Bromberg massacre An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik Jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one 'Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.

The King David Massacre July 22, 1946 Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians.

Lavon affair In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring

RFK Assassination June 1968 Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too 'Hollywood'.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

You claimed Israeli nukes did it, so show me.

I already did...several times with the links I posted.

Let me guess? You didn't understand what you were reading? It was too complicated for you because it was more than 25 words?

Back on topic.

USS Liberty ....June 6th, 1967 Six fighters, three torpedo boats and two assault helicopters attacked the USS Liberty. There were 24 dead and 177 maimed. F-4 phantoms were enroute when President Johnson stopped the rescue. Israel's plan was to blame Egypt, and have the US retaliate against Egypt.

Black September 5, 1972 Eight Palestinian "Black September" terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. In the rescue attempt by West German authorities, nine of the hostages, and five terrorists were killed. Israel, and it's Jews, are once again the victim, and the Palestinians are demons.

1976 ... Entebbe Israel faked a hijacking to Kenya (Idi Imin was an Israeli puppet), and then pulled a rescue, portraying themselves as elite commandos. Arabs looked like monsters and the Israelis, having suffered countless persecutions, have decided to fight back.

1982 Abu Nidal, who was an Israeli Black Ops agent, attacked the Jewish Goldenberg's delicatessen in Paris. 6 were killed, and 20 were wounded, of which 2 were Jewish.

Pan Am flight 73 A 747 was enroute from Karachi, to Frankfurt, to its final destination of New York. Four hijackers took control of the airplane, and for the next 16 hours, they held 379 passengers at gunpoint, while the pilots escaped. The plane was stormed and 20 died.

Beirut Marine barracks ...October 23,1983 241 Marines died when a truck packed with explosives blew up a Marine barracks at Beirut International Airport

Achille Lauro ...1985 Abu Abbas, and 15 Arabs, took over a cruise ship and threw a Leon Klinghoffer overboard. After two days of negotiations, the seajackers abandoned the ship. In this False Flag, the Israelis turned world opinion against the Arabs, while once again portraying themselves as victims.

English policewoman shot....1984 In 1984, Zionist Jews staged a protest outside the Libyan embassy in London. Approximately 25 English Bobbies were used for crowd control. During the middle of the demonstration, a shot rang out and a female Bobby named Yvonne Fletcher was hit and killed. The shot came from a building used by the Mossad to spy on the Libyan embassy, but the newspapers overlooked that and blamed Libya. Israel used this false flag murder of Policewoman Fletcher, to turn world opinion against Libya.

Alia airliner...1985 Nidal's Black September group hit a jet with an SAM as it took off from Athens airport. Although the rocket did not explode, it left a hole in the fuselage.
You think a "micro nuke" can cause a tsunami?
Your ignorance of physics comes as no surprise.

I'm amazed you can even spell physics correctly. Are you prohibited by your handler to post more than 25 words?

An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Trouble with you ZioShils is that you can make the claim (which is always empty); but you NEVER...EVER...EVER back up the claims you trolls mkae.

Yet you expect people to believe your hot air & flapping of your lips.


An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Do you know how much energy there is in a tidal wave? LOL!
It's not like when you used to splash water out of your tub.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

It's one thing to make the's another thing to prove your claim, huh?

Mossad Black Ops and False Flags

A Brief history of Mossad Black Ops and False Flags, Mossad: a shell organization for Jewish/Israeli terrorism all over the world. False Flags: Committing an atrocious act, and blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for you.

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.

Kristallnacht When government officials were away, Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews

Bromberg massacre An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik Jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one 'Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.

The King David Massacre July 22, 1946 Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians.

Lavon affair In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring

RFK Assassination June 1968 Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too 'Hollywood'.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

You claimed Israeli nukes did it, so show me.

I already did...several times with the links I posted.

Let me guess? You didn't understand what you were reading? It was too complicated for you because it was more than 25 words?

Back on topic.

USS Liberty ....June 6th, 1967 Six fighters, three torpedo boats and two assault helicopters attacked the USS Liberty. There were 24 dead and 177 maimed. F-4 phantoms were enroute when President Johnson stopped the rescue. Israel's plan was to blame Egypt, and have the US retaliate against Egypt.

Black September 5, 1972 Eight Palestinian "Black September" terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. In the rescue attempt by West German authorities, nine of the hostages, and five terrorists were killed. Israel, and it's Jews, are once again the victim, and the Palestinians are demons.

1976 ... Entebbe Israel faked a hijacking to Kenya (Idi Imin was an Israeli puppet), and then pulled a rescue, portraying themselves as elite commandos. Arabs looked like monsters and the Israelis, having suffered countless persecutions, have decided to fight back.

1982 Abu Nidal, who was an Israeli Black Ops agent, attacked the Jewish Goldenberg's delicatessen in Paris. 6 were killed, and 20 were wounded, of which 2 were Jewish.

Pan Am flight 73 A 747 was enroute from Karachi, to Frankfurt, to its final destination of New York. Four hijackers took control of the airplane, and for the next 16 hours, they held 379 passengers at gunpoint, while the pilots escaped. The plane was stormed and 20 died.

Beirut Marine barracks ...October 23,1983 241 Marines died when a truck packed with explosives blew up a Marine barracks at Beirut International Airport

Achille Lauro ...1985 Abu Abbas, and 15 Arabs, took over a cruise ship and threw a Leon Klinghoffer overboard. After two days of negotiations, the seajackers abandoned the ship. In this False Flag, the Israelis turned world opinion against the Arabs, while once again portraying themselves as victims.

English policewoman shot....1984 In 1984, Zionist Jews staged a protest outside the Libyan embassy in London. Approximately 25 English Bobbies were used for crowd control. During the middle of the demonstration, a shot rang out and a female Bobby named Yvonne Fletcher was hit and killed. The shot came from a building used by the Mossad to spy on the Libyan embassy, but the newspapers overlooked that and blamed Libya. Israel used this false flag murder of Policewoman Fletcher, to turn world opinion against Libya.

Alia airliner...1985 Nidal's Black September group hit a jet with an SAM as it took off from Athens airport. Although the rocket did not explode, it left a hole in the fuselage.

I already did...several times with the links I posted.

No, your links didn't show nukes could do it. Try again?
I'm amazed you can even spell physics correctly. Are you prohibited by your handler to post more than 25 words?

An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Trouble with you ZioShils is that you can make the claim (which is always empty); but you NEVER...EVER...EVER back up the claims you trolls mkae.

Yet you expect people to believe your hot air & flapping of your lips.


An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Do you know how much energy there is in a tidal wave? LOL!
It's not like when you used to splash water out of your tub.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

It's one thing to make the's another thing to prove your claim, huh?

Mossad Black Ops and False Flags

A Brief history of Mossad Black Ops and False Flags, Mossad: a shell organization for Jewish/Israeli terrorism all over the world. False Flags: Committing an atrocious act, and blaming another party or nation for it. The point is to turn public opinion against an entity, and have someone else fight your battles for you.

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.

Kristallnacht When government officials were away, Jewish-paid thugs went on a rampage in Berlin and some border towns. Nazis were blamed, and world opinion favored Jews

Bromberg massacre An estimated 58,000 German civilians lost their lives in the massacres carried out prior to the 1939 invasion. A website on the atrocity at Bromberg explains how Polish Bolshevik Jews massacred 5,500 Germans, on one 'Bloody Sunday, in 1939. This was the flashpoint for the Polish invasion.

The King David Massacre July 22, 1946 Jewish terrorists blew up a hotel, and killed 91 British soldiers, and blamed the atrocity on Arabs. When later caught, they said the British had a list of their Arab spies and were going to turn them over to the Palestinians. The goal of the False Flag was to pit the British against the Palestinians.

Lavon affair In 1954, Israeli agents working in Egypt planted bombs in several buildings, including a United States diplomatic facility, and left evidence behind implicating Arabs as the culprits. The ruse would have worked, had not one of the bombs detonated prematurely, allowing the Egyptians to capture and identify one of the bombers, which in turn led to the round up of an Israeli spy ring

RFK Assassination June 1968 Robert Kennedy is shot by a PLO bus-boy named Sirhan Sirhan. Kennedy was running for President, and would have sought revenge over the Israeli killing of his brother. The use of a Palestinian was a little too 'Hollywood'.

Why won't you say how much energy there is in a tidal wave?

You claimed Israeli nukes did it, so show me.

I already did...several times with the links I posted.

Let me guess? You didn't understand what you were reading? It was too complicated for you because it was more than 25 words?

Back on topic.

USS Liberty ....June 6th, 1967 Six fighters, three torpedo boats and two assault helicopters attacked the USS Liberty. There were 24 dead and 177 maimed. F-4 phantoms were enroute when President Johnson stopped the rescue. Israel's plan was to blame Egypt, and have the US retaliate against Egypt.

Black September 5, 1972 Eight Palestinian "Black September" terrorists seized 11 Israeli athletes in the Olympic Village in Munich, West Germany. In the rescue attempt by West German authorities, nine of the hostages, and five terrorists were killed. Israel, and it's Jews, are once again the victim, and the Palestinians are demons.

1976 ... Entebbe Israel faked a hijacking to Kenya (Idi Imin was an Israeli puppet), and then pulled a rescue, portraying themselves as elite commandos. Arabs looked like monsters and the Israelis, having suffered countless persecutions, have decided to fight back.

1982 Abu Nidal, who was an Israeli Black Ops agent, attacked the Jewish Goldenberg's delicatessen in Paris. 6 were killed, and 20 were wounded, of which 2 were Jewish.

Pan Am flight 73 A 747 was enroute from Karachi, to Frankfurt, to its final destination of New York. Four hijackers took control of the airplane, and for the next 16 hours, they held 379 passengers at gunpoint, while the pilots escaped. The plane was stormed and 20 died.

Beirut Marine barracks ...October 23,1983 241 Marines died when a truck packed with explosives blew up a Marine barracks at Beirut International Airport

Achille Lauro ...1985 Abu Abbas, and 15 Arabs, took over a cruise ship and threw a Leon Klinghoffer overboard. After two days of negotiations, the seajackers abandoned the ship. In this False Flag, the Israelis turned world opinion against the Arabs, while once again portraying themselves as victims.

English policewoman shot....1984 In 1984, Zionist Jews staged a protest outside the Libyan embassy in London. Approximately 25 English Bobbies were used for crowd control. During the middle of the demonstration, a shot rang out and a female Bobby named Yvonne Fletcher was hit and killed. The shot came from a building used by the Mossad to spy on the Libyan embassy, but the newspapers overlooked that and blamed Libya. Israel used this false flag murder of Policewoman Fletcher, to turn world opinion against Libya.

Alia airliner...1985 Nidal's Black September group hit a jet with an SAM as it took off from Athens airport. Although the rocket did not explode, it left a hole in the fuselage.

I already did...several times with the links I posted.

No, your links didn't show nukes could do it. Try again?

Thanks for demonstrating you haven't actually read any of them. I knew you hadn't.

Lockerbie ....Dec 1988 Mossad blew up Pan AM 103 and blamed it on Libya. Unfortunately, the plane was late and blew up overland, and all the evidence pointed towards Israel. Israel's goal was to demonize the Muslims, and lay the groundwork for 9/11.

AMIA ....1992 Mossad blew up AMIA and the Israeli Embassy in Argentina. Over 100 killed, and practically all of them were Argentineans.

Luxor, Egypt ... 1992 An attack on Luxor, by militants, in which 58 foreigners, most of them Swiss, were killed (71 Killed in total). Arabs blamed the Mossad. six gunmen disguised as police emerged from nearby cliffs and fired randomly at tourists visiting Luxor's Temple of Hatshepsut, the Egyptian Information Ministry said. The Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya group ( "Vanguards of Conquest" according to CNN) is a revival of the Jihad organization (Headed by Ayman Al Zawahiry) which killed president Anwar Sadat in 1981. Israel destroyed Egyptian tourism, and turned world opinion against Muslims.

Khobar Towers ...1996 Khobar Towers was bombed. It housed an F-15 unit. Israel said it was done by Hezbollah, but US military investigators linked it to Mossad.

Karin-A...... 2000 Israel intercepted a ship, the Karin-A, in the Red Sea. The ship contained massive weapons, which Israel claimed were destined for the PLO. A Jewish arms dealer set it all up. As a result, world opinion turned on the PLO, and Israel's slaughter of rock throwing Arab children wasn't questioned.

Two airports attacked .....1985 Terrorists of Abu Nidal's Black Sept. struck at the Rome and Vienna airports. Nineteen were killed at Schwechat Airport and three at the Rome airport.

LaBelle Disco ......1986 As part of a Libya False flag, the Mossad sent a series of false messages out of Tripoli, talking of an impending attack. The Mossad then bombed a German Disco, the Labelle Club, killing three and wounding 230. President Reagan was convinced it was a Libyan attack, and retaliated by bombing Libya World opinion turned against Libya.

OKC Murrah Building ...1993 One of the Mossad's American arms, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was concerned about the growth of Patriot movements such as Militias, so an attack was staged using a Timothy McVeigh patsy, who was out of Elohim City (Jewish-sponsored terror Mecca). The real brains behind the OKC bombing were Andreas Strassmeir and Daniel Spiegelman, who were/are both Jewish. The Zionists destroyed the Militia movement's credibility, and brought the FBI down on them.

Flight 840 TWA's Flight 840, a Boeing 727 flying from Rome to Athens with 115 passengers and seven crew members aboard, had already begun its descent toward the Athens international airport. Twenty minutes before landing, as it flew at 15,000 ft. over Argos, a town near the ancient site of Mycenae, an explosion shook the aircraft. Four were killed but 111 lived. Once again, Israel planted the seed of "Arab" terrorism.
HISTORIC they tell us. and we all freaking no better. Billy Clinton signed HISTORIC with North Korea and the next week they were giving him the finger.

screw HISTORIC ain't nothing historic with this idiot President.

You notice how the Democrats suck up to the commies and our enemy's?....

as soon as Clinton left office we had 9/11 nine months later. get prepared folks
3/11 was Japan's 9/11. It's all documented folks!
(make sure you expand them to see them clearly, and post them and everything else EVERYWHERE)

I'll just post the links...the actual images are WAYYY too large for the page...

Fukushima from the front


Fukushima from above

This is Japan's 911, and it's all based on official records and evidence which cannot be silenced. What is here is every bit as damning as building 7 on 9/11, while being far more important, and the fact that a large portion of even the truth movement has shunned this report will show you just how deep the conspiracy goes. It is essential for people to link, re-post and mirror this report, because e-mails related to it will be censored and people will not find their way here from an e-mail. It will also get deleted from sites like Above Top Secret and Godlike productions, and therefore failure to spread the word through other means will give the elite an ability to create a similar disaster elsewhere, possibly near you. This site is public domain, use anything here on your own site but mention my name and link back to here so people can find the source. - The new root of truth.
HISTORIC they tell us. and we all freaking no better. Billy Clinton signed HISTORIC with North Korea and the next week they were giving him the finger.

screw HISTORIC ain't nothing historic with this idiot President.

You notice how the Democrats suck up to the commies and our enemy's?....

as soon as Clinton left office we had 9/11 nine months later. get prepared folks

Sure. When Pollard gets released in November and then lands in Tel Aviv 12 hours later, just watch Netanyahu give 0bama the finger and every Israeli over the world will be LAUGHING at the gullibility of America's President for thinking an Israeli could be trusted after making a deal.

Israel will attack America again just like it did before. It's media will blame the Muslims like they did the last time and the well trained sheeple will buy it just like they did before.
3/11 was Japan's 9/11. It's all documented folks!
(make sure you expand them to see them clearly, and post them and everything else EVERYWHERE)

I'll just post the links...the actual images are WAYYY too large for the page...

Fukushima from the front


Fukushima from above

This is Japan's 911, and it's all based on official records and evidence which cannot be silenced. What is here is every bit as damning as building 7 on 9/11, while being far more important, and the fact that a large portion of even the truth movement has shunned this report will show you just how deep the conspiracy goes. It is essential for people to link, re-post and mirror this report, because e-mails related to it will be censored and people will not find their way here from an e-mail. It will also get deleted from sites like Above Top Secret and Godlike productions, and therefore failure to spread the word through other means will give the elite an ability to create a similar disaster elsewhere, possibly near you. This site is public domain, use anything here on your own site but mention my name and link back to here so people can find the source. - The new root of truth.

Thanks. That guy's funny.
Let me know if you ever find proof for your idiotic claims.
Did the Dimona Dozen murder the Fukushima 50?

Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist, published on May 21 2011 Updated Saturday, April 21, 2012

This is a massive and technical report. If you have troubles understanding it, just look at THIS classified picture of the vanished reactor, THIS classified picture of the destroyed facility and THIS picture of Magna BSP's camera. Then scroll down to the photos which prove there was no actual quake damage to Japan and the original Japanese seismic charts which prove there was no 9.0. The linked public records prove that thevery real tsunami which destroyed everything in it's path could not have been natural. The fact that what happened in Japan did not occur naturally has been very well documented by a skilled investigator, who spent hundreds of hours getting to the bottom of this story.

NEW INFO: Japan offered to enrich uranium for IRAN!


Report Japan offers to enrich uranium for Iran - Israel News Ynetnews

Japan makes uranium offer to Iran Inside Japan Tours

Japan Offers to Enrich Uranium for Iran

Japan ready to supply enriched uranium to Iran - paper Sputnik International

Latest news on India World Sports Bollywood from Hindustan Times India s most trusted news brand


I thought bombing the Lusitania and Pear Harbor brought us into those wars. Were there Jews operating German U Boats and flying the Imperial Japanese
Air Force planes by any chance?
I thought bombing the Lusitania and Pear Harbor brought us into those wars. Were there Jews operating German U Boats and flying the Imperial Japanese
Air Force planes by any chance?

Thank you for showing us once again your serious reading / comprehension disability. I didn't post anything in regard to Pearl Harbor and as for the other...

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.

Back on topic.

This report includes classified photos and the schematics for Fukushima, as well as the ORIGINAL seismic records to support it's claims.

They are,

1. Reactor 3 is completely missing, which means the press and anyone who has claimed anything about pressures, temperatures, containment, ect at reactor 3 after March 14 is lying and people need to pay attention to it, because failure of the public to realize the massive extent of the lies about what is going on there will leave the door open to a repeat event.

2. Reactor 4 is Building 7, demolished by explosives. Reactor 4 had been defueled and was undergoing replacement of it's internal stainless steel shroud, yet blew it's containment anyway. That is the FINAL smoking gun, an empty reactor is inert, and cannot produce an explosion, yet one happened at 4 that was so powerful it destroyed the structure leaving it in danger of falling over. Overheated open fuel pools cannot produce hydrogen because in an open fuel pool the water boils off at 100 Celsius, and won't be present in pressurized form at 2,000 degrees Celsius to liberate it's hydrogen by losing it's oxygen to the zircon cladding in the fuel rods. The rods will prefer the free oxygen in the air and burn long before attempting to claim the oxygen in whatever humidity there might be. Fuel rods only contain 20 percent fissionable material, and therefore could not have produced the "prompt criticality" in the fuel pools Arnie Gundersen, "The most qualified nuclear engineer in the world" has spoken of. This report includes a background investigation of Arnie Gundersen which proves he is a fraud who is hiding how big the disaster at Fukushima is. He is making statements which defy the laws of physics, and hide what really happened at Fukushima because if it became widely known serious questions would be asked. When have you heard Gundersen talk about a totally missing reactor? SOMETHING had to cause #3 to vanish. It weighed over a million pounds, where did it go?

Reactor 4's dome was removed for defueling. Drone photos prove it. This dispels the rumors surrounding unit 4's explosion. Some people have said that this reactor was secretly in operation to enrich plutonium. This photo proves it was disassembled for shroud replacement as stated. Tepco is going out of it's way trying to explain the explosions, especially at reactor 4 because they did indeed occur, so an explanation is needed. As a result they are giving reasons that cannot happen just to say something. They need to see this post and get the Arava perspective(Arava is a district surrounding Dimona).

I thought bombing the Lusitania and Pear Harbor brought us into those wars. Were there Jews operating German U Boats and flying the Imperial Japanese
Air Force planes by any chance?

Thank you for showing us once again your serious reading / comprehension disability. I didn't post anything in regard to Pearl Harbor and as for the other...

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.
It looks like you've even frightened yourself with your craziness and removed the claim that the Jews (The Jews, Jews, Jews) got us involved in WW1 and 2 and I merely pointed out there were no Jews piloting German submarines or Japanese Imperial dive bombers to blame.

The bit about Churchill and the Lusitania is, of course, unverified speculation
and even the news that Churchill was half Jewish is an unproven bit of bull crap given that, even if Churchill's mother was partially Jewish (she was not and no can prove otherwise Gene Expression Churchill s Jewish Ancestry - Not ) that would make Winston at best, only 1/4 Jewish and even at that provides no motivation whatsoever to drag the US into the first World War. What absolute garbage!
3. That the destruction of the facility is so severe it could only have been accomplished with nuclear weapons. Hydrogen gas produces a non-ideal subsonic explosion. It cannot turn concrete into dust. It can produce high pressures if sealed off, but the metal roof on all the reactor containments should have provided the relief and been the only thing destroyed. It takes a high intensity explosive to strip concrete off rebar, a blast wave many times faster than supersonic. This means that whatever happened at Fukushima did not have blast characteristics that fit the "official" story. If you missed it in the high resolution photo of the destroyed facility, I took a car that was laying around in the remains and placed it on top of one of the blown away walls at reactor 3, which clearly gives the reference that the walls had support columns at least 15 feet thick. Fukushima was built with the Mark 1 containment design, but beyond Mark 1 standards which was a common upgrade(reference is the included photos, it is obvious). It is true that gas explosions can be very destructive, but only in facilities that were not designed to handle them. Even the basic mark 1 containment was many times beyond capable of withstanding the worst hydrogen blast.

4. That nuclear weapon(s) were placed inside of the reactor containment(s) disguised as security cameras installed under contract this year by Arava based security firm Magna BSP (Arava is a district around Dimona, not a city.) Their "security cameras" weighed over 1,000 pounds and were the size and shape of gun type nuclear weapons.The reason Magna BSP gave for the odd shape, enormous weight, and giant proportions of their cameras was that they were stereoscopic. A stereoscopic camera could be plausible at an airstrip, where the camera would need depth perception out miles, but not indoors where focal lengths are short. Depth perception going out miles could also be accomplished with two separately mounted cameras weighing only a few pounds; the giant thousand pounder is a dead giveaway. Why this giant thing, when smaller nukes are possible? Nuclear weapons always produce a certain amount of heat, and if a small design was used it would be obvious the "camera" was warm, even when turned off and sitting on the shelf. This would cause questions to be asked, especially in a nuclear power facility. The enormous size and weight helped conceal the decay heat.

. . . . . . . . . .9/11, 4/11, 3/11? see a pattern? Let's not see another X/11. Your time and effort in spreading the word may really make a difference.
I thought bombing the Lusitania and Pear Harbor brought us into those wars. Were there Jews operating German U Boats and flying the Imperial Japanese
Air Force planes by any chance?

Thank you for showing us once again your serious reading / comprehension disability. I didn't post anything in regard to Pearl Harbor and as for the other...

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.
It looks like you've even frightened yourself with your craziness and removed the claim that the Jews (The Jews, Jews, Jews) got us involved in WW1 and 2 and I merely pointed out there were no Jews piloting German submarines or Japanese Imperial dive bombers to blame.

The bit about Churchill and the Lusitania is, of course, unverified speculation
and even the news that Churchill was half Jewish is an unproven bit of bull crap given that, even if Churchill's mother was partially Jewish (she was not and no can prove otherwise Gene Expression Churchill s Jewish Ancestry - Not ) that would make Winston at best, only 1/4 Jewish and even at that provides no motivation whatsoever to drag the US into the first World War. What absolute garbage!

I can appreciate why you tell that lie (and all your other lies too). Very soon I'm going to post a thread on the Talmudic Law of Moserim to show everyone how and why you and your tribe are forbidden on informing on each other to Gentiles.

Back on topic.

The quake was not what we were told.

In fact, the quake was a bold faced lie, packing a political agenda. The proof goes beyond the linked Japanese chart. Please note - the date listed at the top is the date of compilation, Japan has thousands of seismic stations run by numerous organizations, and they take time to merge into one final report. That is the date listed at the top of this compilation (March 15), and there is a shill out there who can't figure this out, a fact which should be obvious because the main seismograph in this report is dated and timed to the quake, and is a match for the lower resolution seismograms in this large compilation.This original seismic data is the smoking gun, however, I have something better. I analyzed the falsified charts put out by the USGS, and from them wrote this sad, sad story about how it had to be according to those charts, not what you will see in the newsroom video I have linked farther down the page which documents what really happened. Keep in mind that precise top speeds of flying debris cannot be determined with complete accuracy, but this story will at least be close to the numbers put out by the USGS.

The people in the newsroom did not die, this story is what would have happened if the USGS charts were true.

Meet Atsuo, Airi, and Akiyoshi. They were all the best and most dedicated people at the NHK newsroom, in Sendai Japan. Akiyoshi loved Airi, and Atsuo was the one who introduced them. Unfortunately, all 3 died in the quake.Akiyoshi got a severe cut and bled to death when he hit a display screen behind him at 44 miles an hour, and was then thrown out through a hole in a collapsed wall. Airi followed pretty much the same path, and died beside him in the rubble. Atsuo flew through the open door behind him, then crashed through a window and was crushed when he landed in a massive seismic crack in the road, which closed in on him. Others in the newsroom died also, but I never thought up names for them. At least, according to the official USGS charts. The laser printer was never found, but the table it was on ended up on top of the rubble, smashed to pieces, where one of the few survivors used a piece of the metal frame to splint his broken leg.

The chart is from station MYG012, which is less than 1/2 mile from the NHK newsroom. THIS PROVES THE USGS LIED. THERE WAS NO 9.0


The USGS charts are phony folks, that's all there is to it! Scroll down to the video of the quake represented in the above chart, which represents a 9.0 and was reportedly from a seismic station only one half mile away from where the video was shot.

The implications of this run deep. The seismic chart, in conjunction with the following video, proves that the US government is also involved in the lie about the quake at some level. The video proves the USGS falsified records.


6th grade IQ posting a 6th grade level cartoon.

Back on topic.


This particular one in the above picture appears to be a bona fide nuke camera. Note the differences - At the top of the gun barrel, there is a reinforced area to survive the ignition of the projectile propellant. The "cameras" look superficial and appear to be mounted to the surface of the barrel with very little intruding depth. Think about the webcam in your laptop or the camera in your Iphone - Nowadays that's all the depth a very good camera needs if price is no object, so it is easy to build convincing and deceptive functionality into the unit to justify it's enormous size.

Israel's main strategy has been to smuggle nuclear weapons into sensitive areas of nations under the disguise of security contracts. These security contracts use "proprietary" equipment that is maintained only by Israelis. In this particular case, the proprietary equipment is stated to be "biscopic" cameras, which are put in place by security companies operating as front companies on behalf of the Israeli Defense Forces. Magna BSP, the company which provided"security" at the Fukushima nuclear facility in Japan is one of them. During my investigation of the Fukushima mission, I studied Magna BSP and discovered that in addition to Japan, they also got security contracts in Brazil, Germany, and the United States. All 4 of these countries have provided massive financial "bailouts" to zionist bankers, and though I have not proven that all of these countries were blackmailed with the threat of a nuclear armageddon, the coincidence is very suspicious and given what happened in Japan, even a little more than suspicious. In the fukushima report the reason given was that Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran. But shortly thereafter, Japan damaged it's economy by surrendering 1.7 trillion USD to Jewish bankers even though no prior debt was owed.

To be continued.

Wow, talk about a batshit crazy loony toon. Someone needs to be checked into a mental institution quickly.
Obama and Kerry. Traitors to us and our country. they should be hung. not the lion hunter.


It looks as if the president and his secretary of state are on a mission to praise, protect and defend their enemies, to despise and punish their allies, and to diminish America
Blind, stubborn ideology, gross incompetence caused capitulation to Iranian totalitarian theocracy

By Dr. Isaac Yetiv -- Bio and Archives July 31, 2015

Almost two years of “negotiations,“the final “deal"appears as a total surrender of the Obama government to all the demands of the Ayatollahs who boasted that all their red lines have been met. The deal will put them on the path to become a nuclear power, not as a pariah but legitimized by the US and Europe;they will continue to enrich uranium and to develop their ICBM program; the lifting of the sanctions will give them 150 billion dollars to improve their economy and their military capabilities which include, of course, strengthening Hizbollah, Hamas, and other purveyors of terror in the troubled Middle-East.

The bazaar merchants have trounced the feeble and naïve negotiators led by the team Obama-Kerry. You would think they have defeated America militarily and are now dictating their terms, as the allies in Versailles with Germany or McArthur in Japan. Years ago, Obama asked the Iranian mullahs to “unclench their fists ” and normalize relations with America. They didn’t but he did; he opened his hands, he raised his hands and said “Don’t shoot ! We give you what you want.”

The flaws in the preliminaries:
Some observers think that the original sin was not to limit the negotiators to US vs Iran but to include what is called P5+1 with Russia and China a sort of fifth column siding with Iran.

This was, indeed, a flaw, but a deliberate one, not a mistake.I think the Obama team knew in advance that they wanted a deal at any price, and intentionally enlarged the forum so that they could use the “other partners” as excuses for the multiple concessions they knew they had to make . How many times we heard Kerry say, apologetically, that “we are not alone;we had no choice if we wanted to keep our partners…”

Another flaw was pointed out by James Jeffrey , former ambassador to Iraq, who said after the “Interim agreement:” Those who studied the art of negotiating found two big mistakes that should be avoided :never show that you are desperate to obtain a deal and never take off the table a credible threat of use of military force if the talks collapse.” The shrewd Iranians knew that Obama was desperate for a deal and swore off the use of force, and they ratched up their demands.

ALL of it here:
Blind stubborn ideology gross incompetence caused capitulation to Iranian totalitarian theocracy
I thought bombing the Lusitania and Pear Harbor brought us into those wars. Were there Jews operating German U Boats and flying the Imperial Japanese
Air Force planes by any chance?

Thank you for showing us once again your serious reading / comprehension disability. I didn't post anything in regard to Pearl Harbor and as for the other...

Lusitania Churchill, who was 1/2 Jewish, leaked intelligence to Germany that Lusitania carried munitions, and then it was sent it in a U-boat infested area. The ship was supposedly torpedoed, and a massive bomb exploded, killing 1200. This set the stage for Wilson to bring the USA into WW2, at a later date.
It looks like you've even frightened yourself with your craziness and removed the claim that the Jews (The Jews, Jews, Jews) got us involved in WW1 and 2 and I merely pointed out there were no Jews piloting German submarines or Japanese Imperial dive bombers to blame.

The bit about Churchill and the Lusitania is, of course, unverified speculation
and even the news that Churchill was half Jewish is an unproven bit of bull crap given that, even if Churchill's mother was partially Jewish (she was not and no can prove otherwise Gene Expression Churchill s Jewish Ancestry - Not ) that would make Winston at best, only 1/4 Jewish and even at that provides no motivation whatsoever to drag the US into the first World War. What absolute garbage!

I can appreciate why you tell that lie (and all your other lies too). Very soon I'm going to post a thread on the Talmudic Law of Moserim to show everyone how and why you and your tribe are forbidden on informing on each other to Gentiles.

Back on topic.

The quake was not what we were told.

In fact, the quake was a bold faced lie, packing a political agenda. The proof goes beyond the linked Japanese chart. Please note - the date listed at the top is the date of compilation, Japan has thousands of seismic stations run by numerous organizations, and they take time to merge into one final report. That is the date listed at the top of this compilation (March 15), and there is a shill out there who can't figure this out, a fact which should be obvious because the main seismograph in this report is dated and timed to the quake, and is a match for the lower resolution seismograms in this large compilation.This original seismic data is the smoking gun, however, I have something better. I analyzed the falsified charts put out by the USGS, and from them wrote this sad, sad story about how it had to be according to those charts, not what you will see in the newsroom video I have linked farther down the page which documents what really happened. Keep in mind that precise top speeds of flying debris cannot be determined with complete accuracy, but this story will at least be close to the numbers put out by the USGS.

The people in the newsroom did not die, this story is what would have happened if the USGS charts were true.

Meet Atsuo, Airi, and Akiyoshi. They were all the best and most dedicated people at the NHK newsroom, in Sendai Japan. Akiyoshi loved Airi, and Atsuo was the one who introduced them. Unfortunately, all 3 died in the quake.Akiyoshi got a severe cut and bled to death when he hit a display screen behind him at 44 miles an hour, and was then thrown out through a hole in a collapsed wall. Airi followed pretty much the same path, and died beside him in the rubble. Atsuo flew through the open door behind him, then crashed through a window and was crushed when he landed in a massive seismic crack in the road, which closed in on him. Others in the newsroom died also, but I never thought up names for them. At least, according to the official USGS charts. The laser printer was never found, but the table it was on ended up on top of the rubble, smashed to pieces, where one of the few survivors used a piece of the metal frame to splint his broken leg.

The chart is from station MYG012, which is less than 1/2 mile from the NHK newsroom. THIS PROVES THE USGS LIED. THERE WAS NO 9.0


The USGS charts are phony folks, that's all there is to it! Scroll down to the video of the quake represented in the above chart, which represents a 9.0 and was reportedly from a seismic station only one half mile away from where the video was shot.

The implications of this run deep. The seismic chart, in conjunction with the following video, proves that the US government is also involved in the lie about the quake at some level. The video proves the USGS falsified records.

Akiyoshi got a severe cut and bled to death when he hit a display screen behind him at 44 miles an hour,

Who came up with the moronic idea that people fly thru the air at 44 MPH during a severe quake? LOL!
Wow, talk about a batshit crazy loony toon. Someone needs to be checked into a mental institution quickly.

You're welcome to disprove his reporting with supported facts of your own, you know.

I'd wager you are unable to comprehend what I posted.

All we have, all the pictures are tsunami damage. Let's see pictures of quake damage. The Kobe quake was a 6.9/7.2 depending on source. That makes this quake, at a 9.0 100X as powerful. Sendai was near the epicenter, where station MYG012 was and would have been devastated if it really happened as stated by the USGS. Look at the earthquake photos of damage from the Kobe quake, and try to find ONE THING SIMILAR in SENDAI. Just try. They do not exist. Outside of the tsunami, the quake which supposedly hit Sendai with many times the power of the one in Kobe, did not destroy a single building there. Sendai was only 48 miles from the epicenter of this "9.0" which would have devastated everything in an area 1,000 miles across if it was real. All of Japan would be toast. Try to find a photo of seismic damage in Sendai. I challenge you. Try to find it in any of the coastal cities, as little as 25 miles from the "epicenter". I looked for 5 hours, and except for some tanks that fell at a brewery not a single one exists. No pictures of collapsed skyscrapers or high rises equals NO 9.0. You will not find a single skyscraper photo where the windows got broken either. You will find no downed power poles, no flipped over cars, no uprooted trees, no derailed trains (except for one the tsunami hit), and the road damage is typical of even a 5.0. You will not find pictures of a single damaged multi story building or even a structurally damaged wood framed house outside the tsunami zone. In Sendai the quake messed up grocery stores and kitchens and that really is about it.

And now, I will say it like I knew it had to be.

I believe the phony 9.0 story was used as seismic cover for a tsunami nuke, which produced the tsunami of a 9.0 when detonated in the Japan trench (where no earthquakes of significance happen) as punishment for Japan offering to enrich uranium for Iran. The rest of the story, the concealment, is black ops. Bet on it. In the tsunami videos, the tsunami rips through pristine and undamaged cities, where business as usual is obvious and the tsunami is an ambush; not 9.0 earthquake ravaged debris. The quake is a paper thin story taped together by the undeserved trust of a gullible public. And the stories? The CIA did not hire a million people last year for nothing. If there is evidence of a 9.0 SHOW ME. A 9.0 will devastate an area over 1,000 miles across. That is how big a 9.0 is. The entire nation should be in ruins, especially judging from the damage the 6.9 Kobe quake did, and no where, no where outside the tsunami zone in the entire country is there a single damaged multi story building, a single collapsed bridge, a single structurally damaged wood framed house, or skyscraper. If a picture exists that can be definitively pinned to this quake, show me. The only collapsed structure in all of Japan was an old welfare shelter near station MYG004, the true epicenter.