Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

Bobby, you would be a lot more credible if you would stop calling Israel "schitzreal."

Why would I care if I appear credible to you or not?
You're right. Why should I assume anything about you since you appear to be a raving lunatic.

Since you're not about to stop trolling; why should I stop referring to the schitzrealis as Izzies or anything else I feel like?

Let me paint you a picture. A man is stabbed but manages to shoot his revolver and it kills the assailant. Fair, if tragic, you may say.

Another. A man is stabbed, but manages to shoot his revolver and kills the assailant. The bullet proceeds to ricochet through the town, killing several hundred people, including wiping a few nurseries off the face of the earth, before giving lead poisoning to thousands of people who had nothing to do with the situation at all, lived in different towns and different countries, but now will eventually die a slow and horrible death. The victim of the stabbing is still dead.

Nuclear terrorism. It ain't pretty.
1st post
No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

Nope, is that why you hate Iran? Iranians banging your ex?

Check out the link I posted above.

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

Here is transcript of this Historic Keynote Address by Gordon Duff at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremist Conference held in Damascus, Syria first week of December, 2014. Gaps are where his speech was translated to listeners.

Gordon Duff: Too many people have died for people to continue speaking in terms that are unclear and just not speaking the truth.

It’s time we simply said what we know, whether it’s classified information or not.
All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying.

What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you’ve been able to bring out…

Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities.

We don’t guess. We know what we’re talking about here. Their motivation is largely economic.

They’re a criminal organization but they are part of a worldwide criminal organization.

And they’re here in your territory, taking your things – your factories, your lives, your people – for the enrichment of a specific group of people who need to be held to account.

It’s almost as though it’s a police problem.

This is crime.

This terrorism you’re suffering is worldwide crime on a scale we have never seen before.
There has never been anything like this.

But, here you are along with your fellow 94 IQ ZioShills DEFENDING "poor" Israel.

Oh well, a 94 IQ means you're probably not very bright. Smart enough to know how to lie. Not smart enough for anything else.

Nope, is that why you hate Iran?

Not Iran, just the terror loving mullahs.
String 'em up, before they continue their evil.

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers? Nice to know what your priorities are.

Diplomacy is a slow process but it's the only way to reduce global nuclear arsenals.

Diplomacy requires that Israel's fears of genocidal destruction by its neighbors if it gives up its nuclear weapons be taken into account. However, there is no reason that such fears should prevent Israel from accepting IAEA inspections and a complete public accounting of the history of its nuclear weapons program. The first step in any general agreement on Middle East nuclear weapons must be IAEA inspections of the Israeli nuclear arsenal, and Israel has nothing to fear from this. Such a step would actually improve Israel's global image. Many people agree with this view:

The lion that roared Israel and the Iran deal Brookings Institution

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

It has been shown that Iran is not the main supporters of Hezbollah and SA has been supporting Hamas since the 2000's. Iran a world wide supporter of terrorism is propaganda by Israel, SA and the US. Brookings is a Zionist and neocon institute.

It has been shown that Iran is not the main supporters of Hezbollah

Oh, they're only secondary supporters of Hezbollah. I guess the mullahs don't deserve to hang then. LOL!
It has been shown that Iran is not the main supporters of Hezbollah and SA has been supporting Hamas since the 2000's. Iran a world wide supporter of terrorism is propaganda by Israel, SA and the US. Brookings is a Zionist and neocon institute.

I've been trying to figure out if the people posting in this thread other than yourself are 94 IQ Izzies or 80 IQ Judeo-Christian Zionists. One thing is clear. They all worship their god named ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP and adore it's propaganda.

I was fixing to bust apart the Cecil the Lion threads. It has now been exposed Palmer and his wife are jewish ( I called that on the night the first Cecil thread popped up)...but now that info is going VIRAL. Everywhere except here. Apparently.

You reckon the PC thought cops will continue to post when they learn Palmer is one of the self Chosen Ones?
Strawman argument, much? Please stick to the topic...hard as that is for you to do.

Back on topic.

Israel had a serious launch dilemma

Israel is in a unique predicament. It's small land mass and hostile neighborhood have made developing a space program and ballistic missile defense system all but impossible.

Geography matters. Most nations are privileged to have vast tracts of land suitible for space launches, or friendly neighbors who will permit the use of their airspace during a space launch. Israel is not one of them.

If a rocket is to be put to its most practical use, it must launch toward the rising sun to make use of earth's rotational velocity and add it to the speed of the rocket. If a rocket is launched towards the setting sun, it must first accelerate to the speed of the earth's rotation, and then an additional 1,000 mph just to get to where zero would have been with an eastward launch. Though it can be done, it wastes fuel and after launch another problem then presents itself - your payload will be traveling opposite to all the many thousands of other satellites and space debris in orbit and an eventual catastrophic collision is virtually assured. This has made westward launches both taboo and difficult. Westward launches are considered unacceptable, though Israel has done it.


Israel has been stifled in space of because of these difficulties. The prime Eastward launch direction will violate both Jordani and Saudi airspace, because a rocket has to reach an altitude of 60 miles to be formally above, and not trespassing on a nation. Though a straight up launch which then turns East after an acceptable altitude is reached is possible, it will waste so much fuel and require such a large rocket that it will be too impractical to be considered an option. This has spelled doom for a land based ballistic missile defense system in Israel because only a small east to west launch corridor is available over the mediterannean. So while the Israelis have launched satellites into orbit through this window, a ballistic defense system which needs a full 360 degree launch direction to be fully effective is not possible. Israel was forced to both explore and implement other methods of delivering an effective nuclear deterrent.

Sadly, their only affordable option allowed them to screw the world

What if Israel came up with a way to smuggle nuclear weapons into the most sensitive areas of all the developed nations - areas where if anything big goes BOOM all is lost? Could there be a clandestine reason for the supposed shortage of Helium 3, which is needed in the type of radiation detectors required to detect a nuclear weapon? You can block protons, but neutrons are difficult to shield entirely, and you can forget about neutrinos - you can't hide a nuke from the right detector, one which uses helium 3 in it's detector element. Why did America and all other nations somehow run out of Helium 3 a few years ago, which simultaneously left their borders open to nuclear weapons smuggling? Coincidence? I think not. The picture to the left appears to be a legitimate camera in a body that could also hold a nuke. It does not appear to actually be a nuke. HOWEVER...

Strawman argument, much?

Showing a conventional alternative to your nuclear nutbaggery is a strawman argument? LOL!

And it was a pretty lame strawman argument too. lol

You need to look up strawman, it's another of the many things you don't understand.

Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Nope, is that why you hate Iran? Iranians banging your ex?

Check out the link I posted above.

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

Here is transcript of this Historic Keynote Address by Gordon Duff at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremist Conference held in Damascus, Syria first week of December, 2014. Gaps are where his speech was translated to listeners.

Gordon Duff: Too many people have died for people to continue speaking in terms that are unclear and just not speaking the truth.

It’s time we simply said what we know, whether it’s classified information or not.
All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying.

What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you’ve been able to bring out…

Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities.

We don’t guess. We know what we’re talking about here. Their motivation is largely economic.

They’re a criminal organization but they are part of a worldwide criminal organization.

And they’re here in your territory, taking your things – your factories, your lives, your people – for the enrichment of a specific group of people who need to be held to account.

It’s almost as though it’s a police problem.

This is crime.

This terrorism you’re suffering is worldwide crime on a scale we have never seen before.
There has never been anything like this.

But, here you are along with your fellow 94 IQ ZioShills DEFENDING "poor" Israel.

Oh well, a 94 IQ means you're probably not very bright. Smart enough to know how to lie. Not smart enough for anything else.

Nope, is that why you hate Iran?

Not Iran, just the terror loving mullahs.
String 'em up, before they continue their evil.

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers? Nice to know what your priorities are.

Diplomacy is a slow process but it's the only way to reduce global nuclear arsenals.

Diplomacy requires that Israel's fears of genocidal destruction by its neighbors if it gives up its nuclear weapons be taken into account. However, there is no reason that such fears should prevent Israel from accepting IAEA inspections and a complete public accounting of the history of its nuclear weapons program. The first step in any general agreement on Middle East nuclear weapons must be IAEA inspections of the Israeli nuclear arsenal, and Israel has nothing to fear from this. Such a step would actually improve Israel's global image. Many people agree with this view:

The lion that roared Israel and the Iran deal Brookings Institution

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.
Strawman argument, much?

Showing a conventional alternative to your nuclear nutbaggery is a strawman argument? LOL!

And it was a pretty lame strawman argument too. lol

You need to look up strawman, it's another of the many things you don't understand.

Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Nope, is that why you hate Iran?

Not Iran, just the terror loving mullahs.
String 'em up, before they continue their evil.

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers? Nice to know what your priorities are.

Diplomacy is a slow process but it's the only way to reduce global nuclear arsenals.

Diplomacy requires that Israel's fears of genocidal destruction by its neighbors if it gives up its nuclear weapons be taken into account. However, there is no reason that such fears should prevent Israel from accepting IAEA inspections and a complete public accounting of the history of its nuclear weapons program. The first step in any general agreement on Middle East nuclear weapons must be IAEA inspections of the Israeli nuclear arsenal, and Israel has nothing to fear from this. Such a step would actually improve Israel's global image. Many people agree with this view:

The lion that roared Israel and the Iran deal Brookings Institution

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?
Nope, is that why you hate Iran? Iranians banging your ex?

Check out the link I posted above.

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World

Here is transcript of this Historic Keynote Address by Gordon Duff at the International Conference on Combating Terrorism and Religious Extremist Conference held in Damascus, Syria first week of December, 2014. Gaps are where his speech was translated to listeners.

Gordon Duff: Too many people have died for people to continue speaking in terms that are unclear and just not speaking the truth.

It’s time we simply said what we know, whether it’s classified information or not.
All of you have seen the results of what we’re saying.

What we’re saying will fit what has happened here and what facts you’ve been able to bring out…

Our hypothesis is based on solid information, solid research on the ground, using human signals intelligence from our extensive capabilities.

We don’t guess. We know what we’re talking about here. Their motivation is largely economic.

They’re a criminal organization but they are part of a worldwide criminal organization.

And they’re here in your territory, taking your things – your factories, your lives, your people – for the enrichment of a specific group of people who need to be held to account.

It’s almost as though it’s a police problem.

This is crime.

This terrorism you’re suffering is worldwide crime on a scale we have never seen before.
There has never been anything like this.

But, here you are along with your fellow 94 IQ ZioShills DEFENDING "poor" Israel.

Oh well, a 94 IQ means you're probably not very bright. Smart enough to know how to lie. Not smart enough for anything else.

Nope, is that why you hate Iran?

Not Iran, just the terror loving mullahs.
String 'em up, before they continue their evil.

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers? Nice to know what your priorities are.

Diplomacy is a slow process but it's the only way to reduce global nuclear arsenals.

Diplomacy requires that Israel's fears of genocidal destruction by its neighbors if it gives up its nuclear weapons be taken into account. However, there is no reason that such fears should prevent Israel from accepting IAEA inspections and a complete public accounting of the history of its nuclear weapons program. The first step in any general agreement on Middle East nuclear weapons must be IAEA inspections of the Israeli nuclear arsenal, and Israel has nothing to fear from this. Such a step would actually improve Israel's global image. Many people agree with this view:

The lion that roared Israel and the Iran deal Brookings Institution

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

It has been shown that Iran is not the main supporters of Hezbollah and SA has been supporting Hamas since the 2000's. Iran a world wide supporter of terrorism is propaganda by Israel, SA and the US. Brookings is a Zionist and neocon institute.

It has been shown that Iran is not the main supporters of Hezbollah

Oh, they're only secondary supporters of Hezbollah. I guess the mullahs don't deserve to hang then. LOL!

S. America, Africa and Lebanon is the main supporters of Hezbollah.
5th post
Strawman argument, much?

Showing a conventional alternative to your nuclear nutbaggery is a strawman argument? LOL!

And it was a pretty lame strawman argument too. lol

You need to look up strawman, it's another of the many things you don't understand.

Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Nope, is that why you hate Iran?

Not Iran, just the terror loving mullahs.
String 'em up, before they continue their evil.

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers? Nice to know what your priorities are.

Diplomacy is a slow process but it's the only way to reduce global nuclear arsenals.

Diplomacy requires that Israel's fears of genocidal destruction by its neighbors if it gives up its nuclear weapons be taken into account. However, there is no reason that such fears should prevent Israel from accepting IAEA inspections and a complete public accounting of the history of its nuclear weapons program. The first step in any general agreement on Middle East nuclear weapons must be IAEA inspections of the Israeli nuclear arsenal, and Israel has nothing to fear from this. Such a step would actually improve Israel's global image. Many people agree with this view:

The lion that roared Israel and the Iran deal Brookings Institution

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

Vigilante was whining the other the 1979 Iranian embassy crisis was "proof" of the Iranian government "attacking" America. What a moron. That was done by Iranian college students and the Iranian government had no connection to them.

Haters like vig apparently manufacture their own reality.
And it was a pretty lame strawman argument too. lol

You need to look up strawman, it's another of the many things you don't understand.

Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Why? Because they hang gays and bankers? Nice to know what your priorities are.

Diplomacy is a slow process but it's the only way to reduce global nuclear arsenals.

Diplomacy requires that Israel's fears of genocidal destruction by its neighbors if it gives up its nuclear weapons be taken into account. However, there is no reason that such fears should prevent Israel from accepting IAEA inspections and a complete public accounting of the history of its nuclear weapons program. The first step in any general agreement on Middle East nuclear weapons must be IAEA inspections of the Israeli nuclear arsenal, and Israel has nothing to fear from this. Such a step would actually improve Israel's global image. Many people agree with this view:

The lion that roared Israel and the Iran deal Brookings Institution

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?

And it was a pretty lame strawman argument too. lol

You need to look up strawman, it's another of the many things you don't understand.

Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Why? Because they hang gays and bankers? Nice to know what your priorities are.

Diplomacy is a slow process but it's the only way to reduce global nuclear arsenals.

Diplomacy requires that Israel's fears of genocidal destruction by its neighbors if it gives up its nuclear weapons be taken into account. However, there is no reason that such fears should prevent Israel from accepting IAEA inspections and a complete public accounting of the history of its nuclear weapons program. The first step in any general agreement on Middle East nuclear weapons must be IAEA inspections of the Israeli nuclear arsenal, and Israel has nothing to fear from this. Such a step would actually improve Israel's global image. Many people agree with this view:

The lion that roared Israel and the Iran deal Brookings Institution

Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?
Yes I believe that. And building 7 was wired for demolition , as Silverstein said so I gave the order to "Pull It".
You need to look up strawman, it's another of the many things you don't understand.

Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?


No, your idiocy is not a surprise.
You need to look up strawman, it's another of the many things you don't understand.

Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Why? Because they hang gays and bankers?

Iran hangs gays and bankers?
I'm more concerned about their world-wide support for terrorism.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?
Yes I believe that. And building 7 was wired for demolition , as Silverstein said so I gave the order to "Pull It".

Did you give the syphilis to Bobby, or did he give it to you?
Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?


No, your idiocy is not a surprise.

And here you have been defending Izzieland since September 11, 2001, huh? Always thinking it was muzzie who flew planes into the towers, eh? I guess Izzieland regards you as a REALLY useful idiot to them.

Mossad Micro-Nuke Blast in Bali

To suggest that "Al Qaeda" [or any Muslim group] would deliberately attack the citizens of countries where it has strong public support, is as absurd as claiming that "Al Qaeda" has access to strictly regulated micro-nuclear weapons of the kind detonated in Kuta Beach....

Last edited:
Project all you want to while you continue to use the marxist 25 Rules of Disinformation all trolls / shills use, like #4, for example.

4. Use a straw man. Find or create a seeming element of your opponent’s argument which you can easily knock down to make yourself look good and the opponent to look bad. Either make up an issue you may safely imply exists based on your interpretation of the opponent/opponent arguments/situation, or select the weakest aspect of the weakest charges. Amplify their significance and destroy them in a way which appears to debunk all the charges, real and fabricated alike, while actually avoiding discussion of the real issues.

No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Example: Iran is in Iraq right now killing ISIS.

Here's an idea? Presume I don't believe zio propaganda and especially not lame zio propaganda. Then make your posts keeping im mind that simple cfriteria. Can you handle that, Moshe?

Nuclear weapons are not a right that states possess, no matter their opposition. Their use is not a targeted military strike, their use is an indiscriminate massacre of civilians and military personnel alike. Their use is, and always will be, a war crime.

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran). Another 24 hours later and another 6,000,000 (wider metropolitan area of tehran) are dying of radiation sickness, or at the least, incredibly messed up.

A huge pile of irradiated matter is distributed into the atmosphere, to fall downwind of Tehran. Now, given prevailing wind direction, the majority of that material falls on Damascus, Amman, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. The plume causes deaths, birth defects and severe illness all the way down to Cairo and irradiates a good chunk of the Mediterranean.

Of course, in a MAD scenario, the Iranians just launched their (non-existent) missiles at Israel as well. Probably not targeting al-Quds, they hit major urban conglomerations all around the promised land, reducing it, and the majority of it's densely populated people, into radioactive ash, and the desert into glass.

Luckily for you, Israel has somewhere between 200-400 nuclear weapons with advanced second strike capability. They retaliate. The world ends.

Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?
Yes I believe that. And building 7 was wired for demolition , as Silverstein said so I gave the order to "Pull It".

Did you give the syphilis to Bobby, or did he give it to you?

Are you limited to one liner, 25 words or less, troll posts?

Iran Will Destroy Israeli Nuke Facilities If Attacked

I bet you regard that as a "terrorist" statement made by a "terrorist", right Mr. 80IQ?
Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

If the Vienna deal is to mean anything, the whole of the Middle East must rid itself of weapons of mass destruction


We – Iran and its interlocutors in the group of nations known as the P5+1 – have finally achieved the shared objective of turning the Iranian nuclear programme from an unnecessary crisis into a platform for cooperation on nuclear non-proliferation and beyond. The nuclear deal reached in Vienna this month is not a ceiling but a solid foundation on which we must build. The joint comprehensive plan of action, as the accord is officially known, cements Iran’s status as a zone free of nuclear weapons. Now it is high time that we expand that zone to encompass the entire Middle East.

Iran’s push for a ban on weapons of mass destruction in its regional neighbourhood has been consistent. The fact that it precedes Saddam Hussein’s systematic use of WMDs against Iran (never reciprocated in kind) is evidence of the depth of my country’s commitment to this noble cause. And while Iran has received the support of some of its Arab friends in this endeavour, Israel – home to the Middle East’s only nuclear weapons programme – has been the holdout. In the light of the historic nuclear deal, we must address this challenge head on.

One of the many ironies of history is that non-nuclear-weapon states, like Iran, have actually done far more for the cause of non-proliferation in practice than nuclear-weapon states have done on paper. Iran and other nuclear have-nots have genuinely “walked the walk” in seeking to consolidate the non-proliferation regime. Meanwhile, states actually possessing these destructive weapons have hardly even “talked the talk”, while completely brushing off their disarmament obligations under the non-proliferation treaty (NPT) and customary international law.

That is to say nothing of countries outside the NPT, or Israel, with an undeclared nuclear arsenal and a declared disdain towards non-proliferation, notwithstanding its absurd and alarmist campaign against the Iranian nuclear deal.

Today, in light of the Vienna deal, it is high time that the nuclear “haves” remedied the gap by adopting serious disarmament measures and reinforcing the non-proliferation regime.

It is time for the “haves” to finally come to terms with a crucial reality; we live in a globalised security environment. The cold war era asymmetry between states that possess nuclear weapons and those that don’t is no longer remotely tolerable.

For too long, it has been assumed that the insane concept of mutually assured destruction would sustain stability and non-proliferation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The prevalence of this deterrence doctrine in international relations has been the primary driving force behind the temptation by some countries to acquire nuclear weapons, and by others to engage in expanding and beefing up the strength of their nuclear arsenals. All this in blatant violation of the disarmament objectives set by the international community.

It is imperative that we change this dangerous and erroneous security paradigm and move toward a better, safer and fairer arrangement. I sincerely believe that the nuclear agreement between my country – a non-nuclear-weapon state – and the P5+1 (which control almost all nuclear warheads on Earth) is symbolically significant enough to kickstart this paradigm shift and mark the beginning of a new era for the non-proliferation regime.

One step in the right direction would be to start negotiations for a weapons elimination treaty, backed by a robust monitoring and compliance-verification mechanism.

This could, in an initial phase, occasion the de-alerting of nuclear arsenals (removing warheads from delivery vehicles to reduce the risk of use) and subsequently engender the progressive disarmament by all countries possessing such WMDs. It is certainly a feasible goal to start this global project with a robust, universal and really genuine push to establish a WMD-free zone in the Middle East, if the relevant powers finally come to deem it not just a noble cause but a strategic imperative.

Such a new treaty would revive and complement the NPT for nuclear “haves”. It would codify disarmament obligations for nuclear-armed regimes that are not party to the NPT – but that are nonetheless bound – politically, by the international non-proliferation regime and, legally, by preemptory norms of customary international law to disarm.

Iran, in its national capacity and as current chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, is prepared to work with the international community to achieve these goals, knowing full well that, along the way, it will probably run into many hurdles raised by the sceptics of peace and diplomacy. But we must endeavour to convince and persist, as we did in Vienna.

Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal now it s Israel s turn Javad Zarif Comment is free The Guardian
Boy, you sure do think about jews a lot.
No strawman needed to take down the idiotic claims that Israel caused tsunamis and nuked multiple targets and the media, Jewish owned, no doubt, covered it up.

What's wrong, Jewish guy banging your ex?

So they just nuked the WTC's
Iran doesn't support terrorism. Iran kills terrorists.

Do you have mad cow? Or is the tertiary syphilis finally getting to you?

Let's take a hypothetical. Israel, afraid of the always-nonexistent nuclear threat coming from tehran, launches a pre-emptive strike on an iranian nuclear physics conference in Tehran. A legitimate military target, you might think. Take out some silos, decapitate the government, maybe bag the supreme leader, and teach those naughty iranians not to threaten israel again.

Within about 24 hours 8,000,000 Iranian civilians die (population of tehran).

Why would a conventional strike kill 8 million in a day?

Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?
Yes I believe that. And building 7 was wired for demolition , as Silverstein said so I gave the order to "Pull It".

Did you give the syphilis to Bobby, or did he give it to you?

Are you limited to one liner, 25 words or less, troll posts?

Iran Will Destroy Israeli Nuke Facilities If Attacked

I bet you regard that as a "terrorist" statement made by a "terrorist", right Mr. 80IQ?

You never did explain how nukes can cause a tsunami.
Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

If the Vienna deal is to mean anything, the whole of the Middle East must rid itself of weapons of mass destruction


We – Iran and its interlocutors in the group of nations known as the P5+1 – have finally achieved the shared objective of turning the Iranian nuclear programme from an unnecessary crisis into a platform for cooperation on nuclear non-proliferation and beyond. The nuclear deal reached in Vienna this month is not a ceiling but a solid foundation on which we must build. The joint comprehensive plan of action, as the accord is officially known, cements Iran’s status as a zone free of nuclear weapons. Now it is high time that we expand that zone to encompass the entire Middle East.

Iran’s push for a ban on weapons of mass destruction in its regional neighbourhood has been consistent. The fact that it precedes Saddam Hussein’s systematic use of WMDs against Iran (never reciprocated in kind) is evidence of the depth of my country’s commitment to this noble cause. And while Iran has received the support of some of its Arab friends in this endeavour, Israel – home to the Middle East’s only nuclear weapons programme – has been the holdout. In the light of the historic nuclear deal, we must address this challenge head on.

One of the many ironies of history is that non-nuclear-weapon states, like Iran, have actually done far more for the cause of non-proliferation in practice than nuclear-weapon states have done on paper. Iran and other nuclear have-nots have genuinely “walked the walk” in seeking to consolidate the non-proliferation regime. Meanwhile, states actually possessing these destructive weapons have hardly even “talked the talk”, while completely brushing off their disarmament obligations under the non-proliferation treaty (NPT) and customary international law.

That is to say nothing of countries outside the NPT, or Israel, with an undeclared nuclear arsenal and a declared disdain towards non-proliferation, notwithstanding its absurd and alarmist campaign against the Iranian nuclear deal.

Today, in light of the Vienna deal, it is high time that the nuclear “haves” remedied the gap by adopting serious disarmament measures and reinforcing the non-proliferation regime.

It is time for the “haves” to finally come to terms with a crucial reality; we live in a globalised security environment. The cold war era asymmetry between states that possess nuclear weapons and those that don’t is no longer remotely tolerable.

For too long, it has been assumed that the insane concept of mutually assured destruction would sustain stability and non-proliferation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The prevalence of this deterrence doctrine in international relations has been the primary driving force behind the temptation by some countries to acquire nuclear weapons, and by others to engage in expanding and beefing up the strength of their nuclear arsenals. All this in blatant violation of the disarmament objectives set by the international community.

It is imperative that we change this dangerous and erroneous security paradigm and move toward a better, safer and fairer arrangement. I sincerely believe that the nuclear agreement between my country – a non-nuclear-weapon state – and the P5+1 (which control almost all nuclear warheads on Earth) is symbolically significant enough to kickstart this paradigm shift and mark the beginning of a new era for the non-proliferation regime.

One step in the right direction would be to start negotiations for a weapons elimination treaty, backed by a robust monitoring and compliance-verification mechanism.

This could, in an initial phase, occasion the de-alerting of nuclear arsenals (removing warheads from delivery vehicles to reduce the risk of use) and subsequently engender the progressive disarmament by all countries possessing such WMDs. It is certainly a feasible goal to start this global project with a robust, universal and really genuine push to establish a WMD-free zone in the Middle East, if the relevant powers finally come to deem it not just a noble cause but a strategic imperative.

Such a new treaty would revive and complement the NPT for nuclear “haves”. It would codify disarmament obligations for nuclear-armed regimes that are not party to the NPT – but that are nonetheless bound – politically, by the international non-proliferation regime and, legally, by preemptory norms of customary international law to disarm.

Iran, in its national capacity and as current chairman of the Non-Aligned Movement, is prepared to work with the international community to achieve these goals, knowing full well that, along the way, it will probably run into many hurdles raised by the sceptics of peace and diplomacy. But we must endeavour to convince and persist, as we did in Vienna.

Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal now it s Israel s turn Javad Zarif Comment is free The Guardian
Boy, you sure do think about jews a lot.

Funny thing how I whenever I refer to the Blights as Israel or Israelis and then somebody like you comes along trying to provoke an emotive response by using the "J" word.

Oh WAIT ! Do you do that because it's easier to spell? I know you blight fans aren't very bright.

Back on topic.
Zionist Nuclear Attack on Bali Officially “Buried” by Western Media
15th post
So they just nuked the WTC's
Oh I can see Israel doing that. Israel has no right, they made a mistake bombing Iraq in 83ish. There were no nuclear weapons or was there anything that would of led to making nuclear weapons.

Yes we all hate that Muslim have capital punishment for adulterers, homosexuals , blasphemy, but that is none of our concern, they do not tell us how to live do they. Its up to the people to protest. Also Iran is fighting ISIS, they are not the terrorists, but they are allies of Syria and Lebanon, and believe in defending their land and people as well and they have every right to that same as the US, and Isarel. As far as I am aware, Iran has never done a preemptive strike.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?
Yes I believe that. And building 7 was wired for demolition , as Silverstein said so I gave the order to "Pull It".

Did you give the syphilis to Bobby, or did he give it to you?

Are you limited to one liner, 25 words or less, troll posts?

Iran Will Destroy Israeli Nuke Facilities If Attacked

I bet you regard that as a "terrorist" statement made by a "terrorist", right Mr. 80IQ?

You never did explain how nukes can cause a tsunami.

I have posted several links already. Try reading them.

Oh WAIT ! Would you understand what you were reading? Hmm ...doubtful.

The delivery of American and Israeli micro nukes is always by swimmer to maximize security. You can watch the official American Special Atomic Demolition Munition training film via your Real Media Player by clicking the left link.

So they just nuked the WTC's

Israel nuked the WTC?
Yes I believe that. And building 7 was wired for demolition , as Silverstein said so I gave the order to "Pull It".

Did you give the syphilis to Bobby, or did he give it to you?

Are you limited to one liner, 25 words or less, troll posts?

Iran Will Destroy Israeli Nuke Facilities If Attacked

I bet you regard that as a "terrorist" statement made by a "terrorist", right Mr. 80IQ?

You never did explain how nukes can cause a tsunami.

I have posted several links already. Try reading them.

Oh WAIT ! Would you understand what you were reading? Hmm ...doubtful.

The delivery of American and Israeli micro nukes is always by swimmer to maximize security. You can watch the official American Special Atomic Demolition Munition training film via your Real Media Player by clicking the left link.


You think a "micro nuke" can cause a tsunami?
Your ignorance of physics comes as no surprise.
Yes I believe that. And building 7 was wired for demolition , as Silverstein said so I gave the order to "Pull It".

Did you give the syphilis to Bobby, or did he give it to you?

Are you limited to one liner, 25 words or less, troll posts?

Iran Will Destroy Israeli Nuke Facilities If Attacked

I bet you regard that as a "terrorist" statement made by a "terrorist", right Mr. 80IQ?

You never did explain how nukes can cause a tsunami.

I have posted several links already. Try reading them.

Oh WAIT ! Would you understand what you were reading? Hmm ...doubtful.

The delivery of American and Israeli micro nukes is always by swimmer to maximize security. You can watch the official American Special Atomic Demolition Munition training film via your Real Media Player by clicking the left link.


You think a "micro nuke" can cause a tsunami?
Your ignorance of physics comes as no surprise.

I'm amazed you can even spell physics correctly. Are you prohibited by your handler to post more than 25 words?

An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Trouble with you ZioShils is that you can make the claim (which is always empty); but you NEVER...EVER...EVER back up the claims you trolls mkae.

Yet you expect people to believe your hot air & flapping of your lips.

Did you give the syphilis to Bobby, or did he give it to you?

Are you limited to one liner, 25 words or less, troll posts?

Iran Will Destroy Israeli Nuke Facilities If Attacked

I bet you regard that as a "terrorist" statement made by a "terrorist", right Mr. 80IQ?

You never did explain how nukes can cause a tsunami.

I have posted several links already. Try reading them.

Oh WAIT ! Would you understand what you were reading? Hmm ...doubtful.

The delivery of American and Israeli micro nukes is always by swimmer to maximize security. You can watch the official American Special Atomic Demolition Munition training film via your Real Media Player by clicking the left link.


You think a "micro nuke" can cause a tsunami?
Your ignorance of physics comes as no surprise.

I'm amazed you can even spell physics correctly. Are you prohibited by your handler to post more than 25 words?

An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Trouble with you ZioShils is that you can make the claim (which is always empty); but you NEVER...EVER...EVER back up the claims you trolls mkae.

Yet you expect people to believe your hot air & flapping of your lips.


An honest person would show WHY a micro nuke is unable to cause a tsunami.

Do you know how much energy there is in a tidal wave? LOL!
It's not like when you used to splash water out of your tub.

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