Intermariums Clear evidence of Polish Belarusian synchronization in final Demolition of Khan Juchi project ("russia") in very same day Poland cut "rus


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Belarus starts importing oil from United States

Terrible news for Pugabe and his gas-station . LOL)

Intermarium´s Clear evidence, Polish Belarusian synchronization in final Demolition of Khan Juchi project ("russia"). Belarus starts importing oil from United States
in very same day Poland cut "russian" gas transit ... Poland, Russia to cut decades-old gas transit ties

question for how long Pugabe´s gas-station can survive ?

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Intermarium is very interesting project, but unlikely realized in practice. And of course it won't mean end of Russia.
Intermarium is very interesting project, but unlikely realized in practice. And of course it won't mean end of Russia.
what do you think about these 2 news, ps read this
Giedroyc Doctrine - Wikipedia › wiki › Giedroyc_Doctrine

The Giedroyc doctrine or Giedroyc–Mieroszewski doctrine was a political doctrine that urged ... Giedroyc developed the doctrine in the 1970s in the journal Kultura with Juliusz Mieroszewski (the ... and Ukraine (hence another name for the doctrine: the "ULB doctrine", where "ULB" stands for "Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus").
its already official in Poland
Intermarium is very interesting project, but unlikely realized in practice. And of course it won't mean end of Russia.
what do you think about these 2 news, ps read this
Giedroyc Doctrine - Wikipedia › wiki › Giedroyc_Doctrine

The Giedroyc doctrine or Giedroyc–Mieroszewski doctrine was a political doctrine that urged ... Giedroyc developed the doctrine in the 1970s in the journal Kultura with Juliusz Mieroszewski (the ... and Ukraine (hence another name for the doctrine: the "ULB doctrine", where "ULB" stands for "Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus").
its already official in Poland
The idea of uniting Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania in some economical and political bloc has some good reasonings.

But, in order to get this union as a strong and effective body being capable to counter its adversaries, these countries must develop themselves into self-sufficient and economically strong states with well organized and high tech armed forces maintaining by themselves.

The obvious leader of this union, Poland, must become a political and economical stronghold able to counter Germany and Russia. Get rid of financial dependence from the EU and be ready to even leave this union if needed without severe consequences for its economy and social sphere. I don't think it is possible.

Needless to say about the other countries of this possible union.

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