Insane Double Standards in Politically Correct America


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This sort of thing happens all too often, only the liberal media doesn't get too upset and the left doesn't raise hell and condemn the racism on the part of minorities.

The victim was white. A mother apparently was not allowed to sit on a park bench with her baby because she was the wrong color. The thugs of the world think they own territories and entering 'their' territory if you are the wrong color makes them feel justified in beating you - or worse.

The woman was attacked. One of them grabbed her by the hair and pulled, causing the woman to drop her baby on the ground. They continued to beat the woman while others watched.

This is no different than the knock out game and many have instantly regretted walking down the wrong street when approached by gangs or thugs.

No one should put up with this. It's wrong no matter what the color of the perp or the victim. I am so tired of some acting like whites all have this coming because of the actions of people who lived long before us or the bad people here now. There are assholes in all colors and I am sick of all of them.

It's sad that many in the liberal media will bypass this news because it's black on white crime and that doesn't rile the base. If it had been the other way around, all of America would be painted as racist. Hell, they do that now.

Is THIS Racism Black Teens Brutally Beat White Mom Making Her Drop Baby On Its Head Top Right News
The RWNJ butthurt over Charleston continues unabated. Now, every single case of any form of black on white violence will go through the biggest lens of all time, because, well, Benghazi.

Mind you, these are the same fucked up Righties who still show absolutely no feelings for the 9 victims of Charleston. Why do they have no real feelings for those victims? Well, because those victims were black.

Hell, even a fucked up, good-for-nothing troll Rightie like Stephanie, our word-salad girl, who herself claims to be black, took two or three days to show even the slightest bit of empathy for the victims of Charleston.

Righties are soooo missing the big picture on this.

That being said, the two incidents mentioned in this thread are acts of vicious violence and I hope that the perps are caught and brought to justice. Because, unlike the RWNJ fucked-up nutbirds of USMB, I am consistent in my condemnation of all violence and my empathy for victims doesn't depend on their skin color. This is one of the advantages of real Liberalism: respect for all, malice toward none. This is something that fucked up Righties will never learn. They are far too primitive, far too regressive, to ever get it.

Were Righties such as these Righties not such unbelievably ugly creatures, I could almost have empathy for their pathetic state. Fortunately, not all Righties are like them. About 2% are not. Hope abounds.
They can't use them to dance on their graves for their dirty political agenda.

plus they don't care about who dies. Only that they get some USE out them
Which park is that?

Does it matter? All that violence and all you care about is which park as if that makes any damn difference.

It would be nice to at least know what country its in.

On a school playground in Rowlett, Texas.
Police Hunting for Black Girl Who Brutally Assaulted White Girl and Baby Top Right News

Now that you know that, are you willing to comment? I know the stupid questions are always about diversion and avoiding giving an honest opinion.
Which park is that?

Does it matter? All that violence and all you care about is which park as if that makes any damn difference.

It would be nice to at least know what country its in.

On a school playground in Rowlett, Texas.
Police Hunting for Black Girl Who Brutally Assaulted White Girl and Baby Top Right News

Now that you know that, are you willing to comment? I know the stupid questions are always about diversion and avoiding giving an honest opinion.

Not to far from Jasper where the negro international drag race took place.
Which park is that?

and that matters....why?

It doesn't really matter. It's the usual tactic of asking questions or criticizing the source in order to avoid the awkward task of actually commenting on this. It was a school playground in Rowlett, Texas. A link I posted above has pictures.

Of course, the left will ignore or try to blame other people for causing this.

There is no excuse for attacking a young mother and injuring that baby. No one can cause others to commit random acts of violence. It's the fault of people who are full of hate and have no regard for human life. Whether it's a lunatic shooting up a church or thugs on the street attacking people because of color, it's no one else's fault but their own. It's what is lacking in these people that is the root of the problem, whether it's sanity or compassion for others.

Not a gun control issue. It's a matter of people either being certifiably insane or just never being taught to care about people. Good, decent people do not get pushed into becoming cold-blooded killers or vicious animals. Their parents are often partly to blame for teaching them hate instead of love.

That baby could easily have been killed by landing on her head. What would the left suggest we ban? If they can't blame the heartless actions of people on guns, they are at a loss for words. Why can't they discuss the real problem, which is a mindset that is dangerous and getting out of control? Instead of addressing it, we just get more inflammatory language that ultimately places blame where it doesn't belong.
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