In 1 day 1 News Org Offered 15 different Excuses for Trumps "Women" story


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
First, the distraction and bad memory defense

15. No one ever wrote an article about the nasty things people said about Sarah Palin.


“Where was that New York Times front page above the fold piece outrage about all the boorish things said about another woman, Governor Sarah Palin? No place. Because she doesn’t count. Because it’s not a woman the Times cares about. They care about their agenda.” — Greta Van Sunstren

Then a bit of "Oh, this story comes from fear" to ignore the facts

14. The New York Times is freaking out because Donald Trump is going to be president.


“The New York Times has got this terrible dilemma. The New York Times is a genuinely deeply liberal, in fact, ultra left wing publication. It has moved steadily to the left now for about 40 years and so I think they are faced with this terrible quandary because at the rate things are going now, Donald Trump’s going to be president and that will be a nightmare for The New York Times.” — Newt Gingrich

Joe McCarthy is creaming his pants right now. Newt was also quoted as saying "Hey, At least he didnt leave his wife while she was fighting Cancer....or his second wife while fighting MS. Now THAT is top level, he cant do it like me"

The Its Ok because its not a secret defense

13. Trump also treats women badly in public.


“This is supposed to be behind the scenes, the real hidden secret Trump, how he deals with women. What do you get from it? He treats some well. He treats some boorishly. How is that different from how Trump, a public man, has in public treated women?” — Charles Krauthhammer

Thats AFTER Trump made fun of Krauthhammer being a cripple. Way to sell your soul Chuck!

12. Everyone already knows Trump is an immature jerk toward women.


“Even if you assume all of it is correct, is it really news that Donald Trump acted adolescent and boorish toward women?” — Brit Hume

The Nobodies Perfect Defense

11. You can find negative things to say about anyone.


“We can find people to say negative things about any public person. We know we can make any story come out a certain way
 We do know that [Trump] is a flamboyant entertainer and provocateur who lives lavishly.” — Bill O’Reilly

SO because anyone can say anything about anyone that means everyone is lying about Trump because...BECAUSE!!

Its Ok, because what he does to women doesnt matter when it comes to being President. Now let me tell you about Bill Clinton

10. It doesn’t matter because women are voting for him for president, not for husband.


“Look, obviously there is a lot of evidence that Donald Trump has said and perhaps done things that aren’t great for women. It kind of cuts both ways. A lot of women are saying, ‘I’m not voting for him for husband. I wouldn’t marry him. I’m voting for him for president.’” — Melissa Francis

9. It wasn’t “egregious”.


“I think the New York Times piece fell flat for just the reasons you heard here before. I just didn’t think it was compelling that ‘oh this is egregious behavior.'” — Juan Williams

The "Thats in the past" defense with a strange twist

8. This was a long time ago and Trump has done worse things to women recently.


“I don’t think this article is going to move the needle. When you read the article it was actually pretty nuanced. There was nothing in there that Donald Trump did that to me rose to the level of calling Megyn Kelly a bimbo or all the other horrible things he’s said just recently
 If this was an article that meant to expose him as a horrible predator to women, I don’t think it succeeded.” — Mara Liasson

Reference #10

7. Bill Clinton!

“Does anything in this article even come close to what Bill Clinton did?
The New York Times is going to do what they are going to do but if the Clintons want to use this ‘war on women’ thing with Donald Trump they better be careful because there is so much material that Trump can use against Bill Clinton.” — Eric Bolling

ITS A DISTRACTION FROM *"REAL ISSUES" (Real issues are things anyone brings up at any given time)

6. It’s all a ploy to distract people from the Obama/Clinton economy.


“All of the news that’s fit to recycle. I think we go back to the fact that the Obama/Clinton economy has failed the people. The New York Times throws their little stink bomb out there. We’ll see other similar things I’m sure.” — Laura Ingraham

The "I dont Care, so that means something" defense
5. No one cares about Trump’s personal life.


“I think it was a hit piece. I think when you run for president, your life is on display. I think the American voters care a little less about every aspect of someone’s personal life
 Donald Trump is running for president. He’s not on trial. Those of us who want to vote for him and do support him, we are not his character witnesses.” — Matt Schlapp

4. Trump just loves women.


“I think this is helpful because you are looking at a general exoneration about the nature of his character. He loves women.” — Tammy Bruce

3. When he was doing this stuff, he didn’t think he would run for president. :badgrin:


“The other thing that he has said that I think is somewhat, I think, defensible. He talked about past degradation of women in this way: ‘I never anticipated running for public office or being a politician.’ 
He basically talks about being entertaining and it was not necessarily meant to be degrading.” — Dana Perino

Compare this one to the others...

2. Obama went to Bill Ayers’ house.


“It reminds me of an article [the New York Times] didn’t do in 2007 abut a candidate who actually had a fundraiser with a terrorist. I ask everyone to do the Bill Ayers test and look at whatever is in that article. Does anything in that article come, even close to meeting with Bill Ayers, a terrorist who tried to kill Americans.” — Greg Gutfeld

The NY Times didnt do a ton of articles soo....


1. It’s old news because everyone knows Trump treats women badly.


“What’s the news? That Trump uses boorish words? Who didn’t know that? Trump had a spat with Rosie O’Donnell years ago that got plastered coast-to-coast. Everyone knows that.” — Greta Van Sunstren

First, the distraction and bad memory defense
Stay Tuned, word on the street is that they're going to do a 22 part series on the Queen of Corruption and why none of the egregious misdeeds she's committed throughout her sorted "career" really matters which dovetails nicely with the Trump the Clown excuses & apologies tour.

Apologists for politicians are all the same, on top of being pathetic they're all full of shit but at least the apologists in the media get paid for it, the REAL MORONS are the ones that debase themselves for free.
Pretending that the media has ignored Hilary is the perfect example of cognitive dissonance.
Pretending that the media has ignored Hilary is the perfect example of cognitive dissonance.
Uh-Huh, Cool Story Bro.

... Meanwhile back on Earth, politicians and their boot licking apparatchiks in the media continue to befuddle the obedient partisan lemmings with rivers of spin, nonsense and outright falsehoods.

"Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves." -- Henry David Thoreau

The NY Slimes should retract and apologize to Trump. The woman herself said the story was an embarrasing work of fiction. This is an opportunity for a Dinosaur Media Outlet to finally do something right. Retract and apologize. Will it happen? I'm not optimistic.
The NY Slimes should retract and apologize to Trump. The woman herself said the story was an embarrasing work of fiction. This is an opportunity for a Dinosaur Media Outlet to finally do something right. Retract and apologize. Will it happen? I'm not optimistic.

She didnt say that and I heard her interview on Hannity. Every objection she had began with "They made it seem like...." but didnt say anything was not factual.,
Uh-Huh, Cool Story Bro.

... Meanwhile back on Earth,

What are you doing here? Are you disagreeing or just throwing feces for no reason?
Laughing at the hypocrisy of blind partisan lemmings and apparently managing to confound at least one of them in the process. :rock:

"Partisanship is our great curse. We too readily assume that everything has two sides and that it is our duty to be on one or the other." -- James Harvey Robinson
The NY Slimes should retract and apologize to Trump. The woman herself said the story was an embarrasing work of fiction. This is an opportunity for a Dinosaur Media Outlet to finally do something right. Retract and apologize. Will it happen? I'm not optimistic.

She didnt say that and I heard her interview on Hannity. Every objection she had began with "They made it seem like...." but didnt say anything was not factual.,

Story was Bullshite. The NY Slimes lied again. I can't believe anyone still reads it. But on the bright side, old corrupt Dinosaur Media Outlets like the Slimes, are on their death beds. Good riddance.
Uh-Huh, Cool Story Bro.

... Meanwhile back on Earth,

What are you doing here? Are you disagreeing or just throwing feces for no reason?
Laughing at the hypocrisy of blind partisan lemmings and apparently managing to confound at least one of them in the process. :rock:

"Partisanship is our great curse. We too readily assume that everything has two sides and that it is our duty to be on one or the other." -- James Harvey Robinson

So you're just talking to yourself about stuff somewhere
The NY Slimes should retract and apologize to Trump. The woman herself said the story was an embarrasing work of fiction. This is an opportunity for a Dinosaur Media Outlet to finally do something right. Retract and apologize. Will it happen? I'm not optimistic.

She didnt say that and I heard her interview on Hannity. Every objection she had began with "They made it seem like...." but didnt say anything was not factual.,

Story was Bullshite. The NY Slimes lied again. I can't believe anyone still reads it. But on the bright side, old corrupt Dinosaur Media Outlets like the Slimes, are on their death beds. Good riddance.

Good, then point out the lie that she and you forgot to mention twice now
The NY Slimes should retract and apologize to Trump. The woman herself said the story was an embarrasing work of fiction. This is an opportunity for a Dinosaur Media Outlet to finally do something right. Retract and apologize. Will it happen? I'm not optimistic.

She didnt say that and I heard her interview on Hannity. Every objection she had began with "They made it seem like...." but didnt say anything was not factual.,

Story was Bullshite. The NY Slimes lied again. I can't believe anyone still reads it. But on the bright side, old corrupt Dinosaur Media Outlets like the Slimes, are on their death beds. Good riddance.

Good, then point out the lie that she and you forgot to mention twice now

A despicable partisan work of fiction. Fuck the NY Times.
The NY Slimes should retract and apologize to Trump. The woman herself said the story was an embarrasing work of fiction. This is an opportunity for a Dinosaur Media Outlet to finally do something right. Retract and apologize. Will it happen? I'm not optimistic.

She didnt say that and I heard her interview on Hannity. Every objection she had began with "They made it seem like...." but didnt say anything was not factual.,

Story was Bullshite. The NY Slimes lied again. I can't believe anyone still reads it. But on the bright side, old corrupt Dinosaur Media Outlets like the Slimes, are on their death beds. Good riddance.

Good, then point out the lie that she and you forgot to mention twice now

A despicable partisan work of fiction. Fuck the NY Times.

Thats the 3rd time. I think you proved my point.
The NY Slimes should retract and apologize to Trump. The woman herself said the story was an embarrasing work of fiction. This is an opportunity for a Dinosaur Media Outlet to finally do something right. Retract and apologize. Will it happen? I'm not optimistic.

She didnt say that and I heard her interview on Hannity. Every objection she had began with "They made it seem like...." but didnt say anything was not factual.,

Story was Bullshite. The NY Slimes lied again. I can't believe anyone still reads it. But on the bright side, old corrupt Dinosaur Media Outlets like the Slimes, are on their death beds. Good riddance.

Good, then point out the lie that she and you forgot to mention twice now

A despicable partisan work of fiction. Fuck the NY Times.

Thats the 3rd time. I think you proved my point.

If you say so.
She didnt say that and I heard her interview on Hannity. Every objection she had began with "They made it seem like...." but didnt say anything was not factual.,

Story was Bullshite. The NY Slimes lied again. I can't believe anyone still reads it. But on the bright side, old corrupt Dinosaur Media Outlets like the Slimes, are on their death beds. Good riddance.

Good, then point out the lie that she and you forgot to mention twice now

A despicable partisan work of fiction. Fuck the NY Times.

Thats the 3rd time. I think you proved my point.

If you say so.

You have the power to prove me wrong at anytime by posting the lie. Its not since I say so, its because you present nothing to show its false.

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